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Heya guys!

Wow it's been a while! Since all of you know from the previous authors note there's the new edited version of this book, well I've decided to take this version down. I just wanted to say a huge, MASSIVE thank you to all of my readers and people who have stuck with this story and carried on reading it through all the bad parts (I know there are quite a few of those).


Seriously, putting all the reads together? I've got 53.8K reads, 757 ★ and 354 comments and at one point it was # no.1 for henrydanger. Absolutely freaking incredible. When I first started writing this book I never even IMAGINED that it'd get that much recognition for it it's absolutely amazing.

I love you guys so much and I'm starting to work on a few other books that I'll start publishing them intermittently about once a week or so. Thank you for sticking with me and go and check out the new and edited version of this book. Has a new cover and all which is at the top! See you soon hopefully!

Lots of love,


Lily Manchester Where stories live. Discover now