𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

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After the whole train incident I've worked for a week and a half on the machine. It's actually very nearly ready! There's only one more part to add. The only problem is that there's only one left in America...and Schwoz has it. Max has come up with a whole load of plans to steal it, most of which would go disastrously wrong if tried. He's busy giving me a lecture on how many different ways we could do it. So far I haven't been able to suggest the way that would probably work best! Which is me using two of my powers to turn invisible and teleport there and back with the part.

Since I've been so busy working with Max, Henry and I haven't been able to set up a secret date. I promised that we could go on one once the machine is finished. I also told him that he could be there when we test the machine.

I look up at Max to see him still in full flow of evil plans and ideas to get the cog wheel. If I disappeared he probably wouldn't even notice that I'd gone. I rolled my eyes and turned myself invisible, teleporting into Schwoz's science lab. I looked around and spotted the cog almost identical to the one in Max's sketch. I picked it up and teleported back to Max's bed, making myself visible again.

"And then we stick the bag over his head and maybe kick him in the-" I cut Max off before he can finish the sentence.

"I got it." I hold up the cog.

Max turns and stares at me.

"How'd you do that?!" He asks, his voice going a bit squeaky.

"I used my invisibility and teleportation." I say, popping a grape in my mouth from his bedside table.

Max takes the cog and examines it.

"Now, I'm going to bed unless you have any other silly ideas that could get us caught. Or worse...expelled." I quote.

"Mental that one I'm telling ya." Max says, grinning.

"We really should watch that again!" I grin and Max pulls me in for a side hug as we look at the machine.

( A/N : That's a quote from Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone in case you haven't watched it, which you should :) )

"Just think, tomorrow you'll know exactly who your family is." Max says, looking down at me slightly since he's a bit taller.

"I know, crazy right?" I smile. "Thank you for putting so much work into it."

"I couldn't have done it without you."
Max says.

"You wouldn't have to do it without me!" I point out.

"True, but it's fun working with you, Lilyflower." He uses the nickname that he came up with not long after I moved in with them. "Do you remember how I came up with that nickname?"

"Of course!" I scoff. "One time I was sad because someone made fun of me for, I can't even remember why, but I was crying and you literally dragged me down to the lake and picked a lily. You put it in my hair and said, 'Don't cry, little Lilyflower'."

"Yeah, it kind of stuck didn't it?" Max says.

"Remember the time Phoebe tried using it and you sulked and hoisted her in the air?" I giggle at the memory.

We stay silent for a minute, remembering some of the memories we made together. Max and I are like besties but also brother and sister.

"I guess I'd better get going." I say, sighing slightly.

"Yeah, are we testing it tomorrow?" Max Asks.

"Yeah, I'll bring Henry round in the afternoon right? I'm going to have a lie in tomorrow morning, I'm exhausted." I say, stretching my arms.

"Okay, see you tomorrow." Max pecks my forehead and I give him the thumbs up before teleporting into my bedroom.

I hear footsteps approach my door and someone knocks.

"Lily, are you coming to eat supper?" I hear my dad ask.

"I'm coming." I call back.

I walk over and open the door, following my dad into the Man Cave.

I go and sit on the U-couch next to Henry and Charlotte comes and sits on my other side.

"So how was your day? What did you do?" Dad Asks, placing a pizza in the middle of the table.

"It was good thanks. Max and I worked all day on the machine, it's actually nearly finished!" I tell them, taking a bite out of my pizza.

"Vhat does it do?" Schwoz Asks.

I share a quick glance with Henry.

"Just stuff..." I say, looking down at my plate.

"What kinda stuff?" Charlotte Asks.

"Well...it does different things, I guess?" I say but it kind of comes out as a question. "We're testing it tomorrow afternoon."

"Can I come?" Henry Asks, knowing that he already can.

"Yeah sure!" I give him a quick smile.

"Can Schwoz and I come too?" Dad Asks.

"No!" I say too quickly. "I mean, probably not sorry. It's in Max's bedroom and there's not much space." I lie.

"What do you mea-" I give Henry a sharp kick under table.

"It's in Max's bedroom?" Dad Asks, looking sceptical.

"Yes Dad." I say, rolling my eyes at him. "We've been through this a thousand times. Max is like my brother!"

"Okay okay!" He puts his hands up in defence.

The rest of the meal was filled with talk over TV shows and a few crimes that Henry and Dad fought.

I got up in the middle of the discussion wether Freddie was in love with Carly or Sam and went to get a cup of water.

Schwoz followed me.

"Do you want water too?" I ask, but he shook his head.

"I know your secret." Was all he said.

I turned around very slowly, keeping a straight face so as to not draw any suspicious in case he was bluffing.

"What secret?" I ask.

"The one vhere I know that you and Henery like eachother." Schwoz smirks and mentally relax.

"You can not tell dad." I warn him.

"Vhat if I do?" Schwoz Asks innocently.

"Then I'll make your life a living hell." I smile sweetly at him. "Plus, you love me."

Schwoz smiles back.

"True true. I could never betray you." Schwoz Says and I smile at him and pull him into a tight hug.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" I give him a quick peck on the cheek before making my way back to the table where they were still discussing iCarly.

A/N : Hey guys! She will find out her family in the next chapter! I cannot WAIT!!! Hope you guys are enjoying the story, let me know what you think in the comments and ask questions if you want. I'll try and answer most of them ♡︎

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