𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚟𝚎

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Danger & Thunder part 2

Apparently my Dad, being the brave and stupid being he is, told Phoebe and Henry to leave him to fight all the criminals by himself.

So we hopped into the Man-Copter and started tracking him.

"He's really fast!" Henry yells over the wind.

"Maybe he's in a car!" Charlotte yells back. 

"Nah, he's moving along the Swellview traintrack. You can't drive a car across the train tracks!" Henry yells, stupidly.

I turn to look at Phoebe.

"You take this one." I tell her and she nods.

"Maybe he's on a train!" She says slowly.

"Sorry, I couldn't hear you over the helicopter!" He turns to Schwoz. "Hey Schwoz! He might be on a train!"

Charlotte turns to me and rolls her eyes making me giggle.

"There he is!" Charlotte exclaims, pointing down to the train, where a big block of concrete with arms and a head was sitting.

"I'm going down there!" Henry yells, unplugging.

"I'm coming with you." Phoebe tell him.

"Ok!" Henry Says. "Just make sure you hold on. Really really tight!"

Henry clips himself onto a rope so that he can drop down.

"Wait! We have another rope that Phoebe can use!" Charlotte says, winking at me.

I grin at her, wiggling my eyebrows.

They drop down and surprise The Toddler, Minyak and Van Diel. I pull the ropes back in.

"Uh Oh! More bad guys showed up!" Charlotte exclaims.

"Are you sure they're bad?" Schwoz Asks.

"Well, two of them are trying to break Phoebe's leg and another is trying to eat Henry's arm so they don't seem too nice!" Charlotte yells.

"Schwoz! I need to yelp them!" I yell and he nods.

I unfasten my seatbelt and Schwoz turns to look at me.

"Do you have your gum tube?" He asks and I nod, pulling out my gum tube that I carry everywhere just to be safe.

"I carry it everywhere." I smirk at him while Charlotte looks slightly confused.

"Why do you have gum?" She Asks as I shake my tube and take one out.

"I used to be temporary sidekick." I explain, chewing my gum.

I blow a bubble and transform for the first time in what seems like forever.

My costume was kind of similar to Henry's but my trousers were tighter and slightly higher at the waist. My sleeves were still blue and my waistcoat jacket was black. It looked like it was just one top and it hugged my curves, looking a bit like Black Widows outfit. My mask was red and black.

(A/N : Her costume looks like that but with the different colours that I described)

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(A/N : Her costume looks like that but with the different colours that I described)

"Woah!" Charlotte exclaimed. "You rock that look girl!"

I grin and high five her.

"Now Schwoz, hand me a Man-Grenade." I hold out my hand. "How do I activate it again?"

"All you do is tap the silver dot and aim it at what you vant to explode." Schwoz explains, handing me one.

I nod and put it in one of my most secure pockets.

"If things go wrong I'll throw it at Dad." I explain my plan.

"Are you crazy?!" Charlotte stares at me.

"No! He's indestructible, it won't hurt him!" I explain.

"But your aim is terrible!" Schwoz exclaims.

"And you'll never get away before it explodes!" Charlotte Says.

"I'm indestructible too, remember! I got it from him." I say. "Now gimme a clip!"

I clip myself onto a rope and walk to the edge of the helicopter, preparing to drop.

"Good luck!" Charlotte yells.

"Thanks." I nod at her before dropping down on the rope, landing perfectly behind the bad guys that are attacking Phoebe.

I take hold of one of their arms, pulling her round to face me.

"Peek a boo!" I punch her square in the face.

"Who's that girl!" The Toddler exclaims when he sees me.

I glance at Dad and see him looking at me with shock and slight proudness on his face. I see Max standing next to him looking very surprised. I smirk and run over to Max and Dad. 

"Stand back Max." I warn him, dragging him behind me to protect him from the explosion that's about to happen.

"I have a Man-Grenade. I'm going to throw it at you and it's going to explode, freeing you. Make sure to grab onto the side of the train as tight as you can." I whisper in his ear.

He nods and I take a few steps back, standing directly in front of Max to protect him from the blow.

I throw the grenade as hard as I can and hold Max as close to me as possible. There's a loud bang and some people are thrown off their feet.

I look over to Henry and Phoebe, who are staring at me with the expression that says "how could you?". I'm guessing that they've forgotten that he can't be hurt. I smirk at them and Henry looks kind of betrayed.

"Ha! Looks like Captain Man exploded!" The Toddler exclaims.

I look to the edge of the train and see Dad throw his arms up, hoisting himself up.

"Captain Man!" Henry yells with excitement.

"Sorry Kid, but Captain Man can't hear you now. It's a new day for the people in Swellview." The Toddler starts to drone on and I look over and Henry and see him staring at me, I wink at him.

Dad taps Toddler on the shoulder and he spins around.

"What?" He spits before realising who it was.

"Hey Todd?" Dad Asks.

"Todd-ler!" He yells.

"It's nap time!" Dad Says, before throwing the Toddler off the side of the train despite his protests.

I wince. That gotta hurt.

"There's still seven against four of you!" Dr Minyak exclaims, counting Max as on their side.

Phoebe and I exchange a glance before each of us lift one of the henchmen up with out Telekinesis and drop them off the train.

"And now five to four!" Minyak gulps.

A fight breaks out between us and I use some of the skills that my Dad taught me before I went to Hiddenville. I drop kick Van Diel off the side. I look over to see Henry and Phoebe done. I look to my left and see my Dad kick Minyak off before they meet me in the middle.

"Well done kids. You did really well. And hey, good thinking with the Man-Grenade Lily!" Dad Says, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "Good to see you back in your uniform as well."

"I did miss it." I smile at him.

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