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It's been five years since I found out about my family. Max, Phoebe and I still spend a load of time together. Max has abandoned his villain plans and entered the Z force which is a special congregation for superheroes.

Henry quit being Kid Danger a few years ago and decided to try and fight crime with Charlotte and Jasper in Dystopia where it is crazy dangerous! They helped there for a while before handing the job over so that they could move back to Swellview and try and lead semi normal lives.

Dad was very very upset about Henry quitting but I supported him no matter what. Dad decided to start a school to train four kids who somehow managed to get superpowers and they decided to call themselves Danger Force. We all moved into the Man Nest since the Man Cave was blown up. Schwoz, Dad and I live there now. Dad had a very hard time being away from his beloved Ex-Sidekick but he said that the fact that I stayed with him helped.

As for me? Well, being away from Henry was probably the worst time of my life, even if we got to FaceTime nearly every day. As I said, I stayed in Swellview and helped my Dad and Schwoz train Chapa, Miles, Mike and Bose the kids that got the powers. Henry and I stayed together throughout the time apart, hard as it was I'm just so glad to have him back now.

I think back on all the memories that I've had with the people I love. I look in the mirror and smooth out my white dress, smiling at my reflection. Yes, Henry and I are getting married today. I look in the mirror and think back to the time when we first met, him pointing a blaster at me.

The door to the back opens and Dad walks in.

"You look beautiful. Are you ready to walk down the isle?" Dad asks, and I nod.

We both walk out of the dressing room to the entrance. Bose, Charlotte, Scarlet and Mom are waiting for us. I did ask Phoebe to be my bridesmaid but she said she couldn't because she'd probably burst into tears halfway down the isle. So I ask Scarlet to be my Maid of Honour. I asked Max but Henry had asked both him and Jasper to be his Best Men. Bose was my second choice because (don't tell the others) he's sort of my favourite out of Danger Force and I also didn't want all my entourage to be girls so I asked him.

"You look beautiful sweetie." Mom Says, tearing up slightly.

"Thanks mom." I say, kissing her cheek.

"You ready to get married?" Mom Asks.

"Am I ready to marry the love of my life? Yes, I am." I say, smiling from ear to ear.

The music starts and the doors open, the signal for us to start walking.

The ceremony was perfect. Henry said his vows and they were so sweet I nearly cried. Now it was my turn.

"Henry, I remember the first time I met you. You tried to shoot me with a blaster, but...of course it didn't hurt one bit. I remember the look on your face when it didn't do anything but scorch a hole in my top. When we started dating we were only kids. Yes, I've had my doubts about our relationship especially during the time you spent in Dystopia. But we made it through and here we are. And I really couldn't imagine my life without you."

"The rings?" The vicar Asks.

"You you, Henry Hart take Lily Manchester to be your lawfully wedded wife?" He asks.

Henry looks at me and smiles.

"I do." He slips the ring on my finger.

"Do you, Lily Manchester, take Henry Hart to be your lawfully wedded husband?" He asks again.

I look up at Henry and smile back.

"I do." I slip the ring on Henry's finger.

"Now, by the power invested in me I now pronounce you...husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Henry leans down and kisses me, wrapping his arms around my waist before bringing me into a bone crushing hug.

We walked back down the isle hand in hand, smiling and glancing at eachother all the way.

And that's how we were when we found out that we were going to have our own little baby. And everything that we've been through has been completely worth it. From the fights to the 'I love you's', we'll always hold eachothers hand.

"And out there somewhere in the world, there's someone who will love you just as much as I love your father." I say.

"Just as much? Cause that's a lot." Our four year old son, Lee Asks making me smile.

"Just as much." I say, nodding my head. "Now get some sleep, we're going to visit Grandpa Ray tomorrow."

I stand up and walk toward the door.

"Love you, Lee." I say before walking down the stairs to sit next to Henry on the couch.

"I love it when you tell our story." Henry Says, smiling at me.

"Well, I left a bit off the end." I say, and Henry raises his eyebrows at me.

"Oh yeah? And what's that?" He asks and I take a hold of his hand.

"That in about eight months he's going to have a little sibling to play with." I say, squeezing his hand.

"You're pregnant?" Henry whispers and I nod.

"I'm pregnant." I say, placing a hand on my stomach and Henry places a hand on top of mine.

Henry bends down slightly so that he's closer to my belly.

"Hey little guy. I can't wait to meet you!" Henry Says to my stomach and I giggle.

"Ray's going to be so excited." Henry Says, as I lay my head on his shoulder.

"Schwoz and Max too." I say, yawning slightly.

"Let's get you to bed." Henry Says, lifting me up bridal style.

"I love you Hen." I mumble into his chest as he places me down and gets into bed next to me, wrapping his arms around me.

"I love you too, Lil." Henry Says.

We look at eachother and he presses a quick kiss on my lips before we both fall into a peaceful sleep, our hands intertwined on top of the sheets

No matter what, we'll always be holding hands.

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