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Ataraxia: a state of freedom from emotional disturbance and anxiety; tranquility


The wind blowing in her hair as she leaned against the balcony staring out at the city below bathed in the soft glow of the stars. Her sketch pad in one hand spinning the pencil in the other. The soft sound of pencil on paper and the cars beeping below. She knew they were coming to get her, she watched as the men in blue at the front of the hotel were conversing on how they would approach, sliding her notepad in her small backpack pulling up her hood as six entered the building and four waited at the entrance.

They would send no less, she was well known, not by name not by looks but by her record, she was known world wide as Apate the god of deceit, they knew her as a criminal and she didn't mind, people could say what they wanted when the fact was she was richer, smarter and more capable than most people of her age and most people in general.

Soon hearing a knock on her door. It was soft not the sort you'd expect from the police, but she was certain it was them. she climbed over hanging onto the railing of the balcony before the door was barged open as they began to search the now empty room, she swung herself onto the drainpipe shimmying her way down five floors landing on the ground In front of the other four police as they turned to look towards her.

She smiled and winked at them before taking off in the other direction, she was fast but so were they. she began to jump fences her hands quickly latching and vaulting herself over with speed and agility as the police behind her had to put in more effort to pull their body over with the heavy gear that was clinging to them. Soon they were fairly far behind her but she then felt the air around her sway slightly moving her hair under her hood as she heard the helicopter above her.

A speaker above caught her attention as she headed towards the large bridge at the end of town "stop and put your hands up," she had never been caught and if she were to be, she would not go down without a fight 'if a chase is what they wanted the chase is what they'll receive.'

She was running her legs carrying her at fast spends as the helicopter tried to stay on her tail but soon she was on the bridge but on the other side a bunch of police cars were lined and cops stood behind them their guns pointing her way she went to turn soon noticing once she had entered the bridge more cars crowded and trapped her in and two helicopters hovered over her.

At this point more than 20 guns were being aimed at her and from every angle, she considered jumping into the water over the side but the moment she had moved her body to attempt the action she had been yelled at and people moved closer with their guns.

Cursing profanities in her head she put her hands up and stood still as some officers came and latched on to either of her arms. The women who grabbed her left hand seemed kinda new and was shaking "it's alright sweetheart, I don't plan on hurting you" said criminal spoke to the female cop who looked at her in clear shook, the Criminal took this time to exam her, her skin was a gorgeously milky brown and she had dark brown chocolate hair around shoulder length tied in two pigtails and a little left out at the front with matching eyes, The criminal smiled at her.

Before her arm was tugged by the older male who she had remembered from previous tricks she played, his hair was balding and grey with tried blue eyes. He was treating her in a way she didn't like so she decided to make his job a little difficult or at least the best way she could due the situation "hey sooo..... what are my rights?" Smirking She questioned already knowing them, even tho it wasn't illegal not to tell them their rights, it was if said person asked them to say it, the older sighed obviously sick of having to repeat the same thing years without ending while he walked her to the car giving the speech he was asked.


Once at the station she was walked in with guards swarmed around her, before being lead to a private room where she was sat opposite another man, his blond hair slicked back and blue eyes tracing her figure and looks "hmm who would of thought such a fragile looking girl could be the world famous criminal Apate" he spoke leaning forward on his hands as the girl smiled brightly teeth showing and chuckled
"Yep, yep" she spoke smile never Leaving her face.

"So will I be receiving the name of her?" He questioned looking at the girl a small smile evident on his own lips, she thought a moment "Haliee Sayori, yep I definitely like that name" she spoke with a hand on her chin pretending to ponder, the man sat across laughed eyes closed smiling at the fact she sat there trying to think of her 'name' "nice to meet you Haliee Sayori, I'm officer jack, he regarded kindly she nodded smiling before it completely disappeared from her face "so what made everyone so interested in catching me suddenly, you guys have never done anything so over the top to try and lock me up, I was never violent but still had many guns aimed at me, the states are strange yes? So why did you try so hard to catch me and have never been able to trace me so easily, sick of my shit?" She questioned her quick change in attitude had him taken back a little bit.

"A certain detective has requested your services and had hunted you down and gave us instructions for your capture" he said leaning back against the chair "and what detective might that be mister?" She spoke leaning her elbows, as the offices lips quirked "L"

The name peaked her interest "and what would he need with lil' old me" she spoke pouting and with a sulky voice before the door opened revealing a well dressed man with gray hair and moustache suggesting to be fairly old age wise with glasses sat upon his nose as he bowed at the door "I'm Watari, I have come to convince you to help L in his latest investigation, miss..." he hesitated waiting for a name "Haliee Sayori" she responded "miss Sayori" he finished his previous sentence.

"What could the worlds most secretive and smartest detective want with me? If it involves the Kira case, perhaps bait? I guess I'd be pretty good at that?" She questioned and Watari had let out a small laugh "not exactly miss Sayori, he would like to work together to bring down the killer, he has been set on your case before but you always managed to escape him, so looking in the mind of a criminal that was brave enough continue with her regular activities regardless , yet smart enough to stay out of kira's grasp" he said now standing behind Jack.

"Why should I help save this world?" Haliee questioned lifting one eyebrow at the to men.
"Your salary will be a fairly high rate, and we'll take five years from your sentence" he negotiated to which she laughed loud throwing her head back "I'm a wanted women Mr Watari, with a life sentence in most countries, I want my sentence completely revoked in every country" she countered back and he seemed to consider "if, you are able to bring Kira to justice, I will be sure to revoke every sentence, is that a deal?"

She smiled "I will admit I'm a little jealous that this kiras is stealing my precious spotlight, but just a few other things. where exactly would I be staying and my meals I'll like them accounted for as well" he chuckled at the girl's antics "all will be in the deal, you drive a hard bargain Miss Sayori" he motioned to her with a nod "alrighty then it looks like just gonna have to help you guys out on this one" she said smiling and he nodded then left the room with a bow.


Walking onto the plane that would be taking me to japan with my singular backpack, I never traveled with more than this it would of been to inconvenient for fast getaways. Once on the plane her mind seemed to drift.
'Finally I'll get to meet you... L'

Hey so thanks for visiting, congrats on you got through that poor excuse of a story, my writings kinda trashy but I'm hoping I can improve it so if you got any suggestions feel free to leave them here, Thank you

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