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Trouvaille: something lovely discovered by chance


Placing my bag on the floor of my new room, I opened one of the many windows and fell back on my bed before drifting of into a sleep



'Higher, higher' laughed the younger girl as her friend pushed her on the swing
'(Y/n) I can't push you any higher' the blond boy spoke out of breath
'Do you want me to push you now?' She questioned back
'Um n-no it's fine, you look like your having fun and that makes me happy' 
the girl then dragged her feet on the ground to stop herself from moving before jumping off and grabbing the boys shoulder softly and sitting him down
'W-what are you doing?!' The boy spoke out before being shushed by the girls laugh and feeling to hands push him on his back as he started to swing
'So how high do you want me to push you'?' The girl asked as she continued to push him
'This is fine' he stated as he gripped the sides tightly
'Alright then, don't be afraid, I'm right here so nothing bad will happen because I'll save you' she spoke confidently
The boy un-tensed his shoulders and let out a sigh fully trusting her words
'Thank you' he said softly with a smile as the wind drifted his voice away making it unheard by the girls ears.


My eyes started to open slowly as they began to adjust to the light in the room, as I turned to check my phone for the time.

"It's dead" I say to no one in particular rolling onto the floor with a painful thud and whinged while sighing pushing myself of the floor and making my way to the door to the main room for a coffee.

Pushing open the big doors in front of my form which seemed much smaller, I casually strut in making myself known 'for someone who can fit in and not be recognised, I sure like to stand out when I'm bored' "hey hey everyone" I greeted walking into the room, everyone turned to look at me except L who didn't even acknowledged my existence 'rude... panda lookin ass'

"Hey Hailee, Um I heard a bang from upstairs, what happened?" Matsui asked "ahh nothing much just dropped my jacket" I reply "oh ok... wait it sounded louder than that" he asked scratching his hair "I was in the jacket" I answered walking over to the coffee machine while you could practically see the loading bar above Matsui

After I poured my coffee and assured Matsui who I found out was actually Matsuda after hacking into some files the previous night I was fine, I made my way and sat down on one of the sofas around the place.

'So far I figured out that I think Matsudas cool and I haven't had time to figure out anyone else yet' I didn't have anything in particular to think about so my thoughts just kept roaming 'maybe I should plan a heist and see if L will figure out its me' but all my thoughts were cut off when a blond girl came running into the room "Light!!" She squealed giving him a tight hug.

'Misa Amane, model and social influencer, I recognise her from some magazines, so she's suspected of being the second Kira' I looked on watching as L turned his attention towards the couple 'damn somehow Kira has to come into the game and steal my spotlight... light... lol... anyway now I'm just jealous'

I continued pouting in my corner of sorrow before the blond noticed me, her eyes lit up and a smile spread on her lips as she jogged her way over making a unholy screeching sound.

"Finally another girl!!" She said stopping in front of me "I'm Misa Amane" she said smiling
As I stood up quickly giving a shocked face "no way the Misa Amane, it's crazy awesome to meet you, your even prettier than the pictures!" I exclaim as she seemed extremely happy with my attitude "I'm Haliee Sayori" I add.

"It's soooo nice to meet you, it was getting weird here without any other girls!" She said winking at me and giggling as I went along with it, we sat down next to each other as I got to know her better I didn't have to talk much because she carried the conversation talking about her life story and her love for light as I occasionally added the 'oh wow' and the 'damn that's crazy' 'at least she gives me the attention I need'

After she finished she went back over to light and kissed his cheek as he begrudgingly allowed it, it was kinda funny to watch.

After the conversation I went onto my original thought process 'so for the heist what do I want and where do i want to get it from? There's a nice jewellery shop down the road or a art gallery just outside of town or an ice cream shop I could-'

"Miss Sayori" A voice broke me from my thinking as I looked up to see Ryuzaki towering over me hunched "yes Captain" I replied saluting "would you like a slice of cake? It's strawberry cheesecake" he said with a plate in his hand holding the heavenly desert

"Wow, for me?" I said pointing my fingers together shyly, action like a softy, he watched my actions with extreme interest "yes" he replied simply handing me the cake but he still never took his eyes off my figure as I took bite. "Wow this tastes great 10/10 would recommend" I replied making a ok symbol with my hand.

❄️~~~~~Authors POV~~~~~❄️

L watched the girl carefully examining her and the different emotions that crossed her face and how she used her body to portray the message she wanted to get across, he wasn't sure if it was a act but he knew there was something else but she had so many walls and defences built up around her he had no idea what that something was. But he planned to find out.
'What a strange women'


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