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Kopfkino: the act of playing out an entire scenario in your head


'How did you learn that Alex?' the younger female spoke to her blond childhood friend
'Practice I guess?' He spoke back unsure
She was currently 13 and he was 14
They were looking at a little metal  necklace of her favourite animal
'It's so beautiful' she said smiling while examining it closely
He watched her as her eyes sparkled with curiosity
'I made it for you'  he spoke pink evident on his face
'Really?!' The girl spoke, her eyes catching his as he nodded
She then hugged him closely and his face was red from the tips of his ears to the bottom of his neck
'Thank you, your so talented, I love it' she spoke before running to a mirror putting it on
'Not as talented as you' he spoke to no one while smiling at the girl he had become very fond of


Waking up with Stretch and yawn I tiredly waddled over to my bathroom feeling sweaty, throwing a towel on the camera before undressing and climbing into a warm shower that was slowly waking me up

'So I have a break today and I broke the chain to my necklace again so I may as well rob the jewellery shop and get a new chain and maybe some other accessories. First I enter through the front doors and pull my gun on them and hand them a list of things I want, with gloves of course so I don't leave fingerprints and I'll wear a males wig while wearing a body suit under my clothes to make me look more masculine and do makeup and few other stuff to make it seem realistic and I'll wear contacts to avoid my identity being traced on cameras'

Finalising my plan I stepped out of the shower rubbing the water beads from my body with a towel humming a random tune I heard at some shop or something as I dressed before removing the towel from the camera and saw the red dot beeping meaning someone was watching, so I stuck my tongue out.

I grabbed my small men's wallet because 'why the hell they gotta make women's wallets so big and why do some of our pockets not be pockets?!?!' Before walking out the door, I had a hotel down the street booked where I was keeping my disguises and stuff so the Pervy raccoon wouldn't see them on the cameras.

Once I got to the hotel I did my makeup and dressed up stuffing my fake gun in my pocket because apparently 'gun laws are different here' before walking out to the jewellery store with the note balled up in my hand casually as I strolled in not drawing to much attention as I pretended to look at things until most people left, next I walked to the counter and pulled out the gun.

The male cashier stared at me in fear slowly putting his hands up as I slid the note to him, he read it over it and immediately got to it after I had a small bag of bits of gems and silver I took my leave. Going back to the hotel and changing and heading to the ice cream shop we're I actually bought the food this time.

Peacefully eating I was interrupted but a female voice "HAILEE!!!" Squealed the blond model hoping over to the small table I sat at with Matsuda following close behind as her 'manager'

She stopped in front smiling "I just finished a shoot and we came to get ice-cream what a coincidence" she said sitting down with hers food and Matsuda sat down too.

After a while we all headed back to headquarters. I sat on the couch Misa cuddled Lights arm while he grimaced and Matsuda went back to being Matsuda.

Soon enough chief Yagami came storming in phone in hand "this is outrageous, some man robbed a jewellery shop this morning and no traces could be detected, he supposedly stole ¥ 222768.38 (I'm Australian and that roughly translates to $3000 Australian dollars according to money translate)" "hmm how interesting is their Any other information on the case" L spoke

"No just they were male and it happened sometime this morning" the chief spoke.
L then turned to make making eye contact but I keep my surprised persona up "Miss Sayori is there by any chance you may have accidentally" he bunny eared "stolen some things this morning?" L questioned casually.

"But it said they were male?!" Light pointed out "but she's a master in disguise" L countered as we still stared each other down not violently or anything just as a chance to catch any sort of fault that might slip and show in the others eyes

"But she was us this morning" Misa stood up defending me 'this is quite amusing' I thought "and besides I don't have any materials here to play dress up so how could I?" I questioned back as he put his thumb to his lip " and besides with the amount your paying me it would be to much of an effort to steal it instead of buying it?" He stared a little longer before nodding "yes I suppose your right" he said turning back to his desk "anyways that isn't relevant to the Kira investigation" he added "well then chop chop everyone back to work" I said clapping


It was around one in the morning everyone was either at home or sleeping except L and me.

I was making my way down the long hallway towards where L was perched after opening the doors

"Hey hey Suga~" I spoke pointing finger guns at him as he looked at me and raised a brow confused at my statement "did you need something Miss Sayori?" He asked

"Well since I love you so much, I got you a gift" I spoke leaning in closer to his face, he seemed unmoved by how close i was to him but face dot get a tad pinker

"A gift?..." he repeated "yes close your eyes and give me one of your hands" I said standing back up, he sceptically followed the orders I gave him as I clipped a small blue bracelet on his arm with a cake and coffee charm with crystals and different gems on it "ok you can open now" I said as he did and looked at the bracelet "it's a friendship bracelet, see I got a matching one too" I said showing him as he looked between the two as gears started turning in his head.

"When and how did you get these?" He asked "I think you know?" I inquired back "so you did rob the store and fooled me into thinking it wasn't you" he spoke more to himself than me "you are very skilled at that Miss Sayori" he praised "thanks but just call me Hailee cause we're friends now right?" I said leaning forward "I suppose we are" he replied looking at the bracelet

-TheMoonCriesToo 💤

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2020 ⏰

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