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Selcouth: something unfamiliar, unusual and wondrous


'Why do you want to be a detective (y/n), isn't that really dangerous?' Questioned the blond boy that sat next to the young girl
'Maybe but think of all the people I could save' the girl replied a proud smile on her face
'I guess but what if—'
'No what ifs, if you just be brave and smile nothing can hurt you' she said pumping her fists in the air
'Your so optimistic (y/n)... I wish I could be more like you' he whispered staring at the girl in absolute awe as she smiled at the sunset'


Slowly she was being shook awake from the familiar dream, she softly groaned and opened her eyes to Watari telling her their flight had landed.

Walking of the plane sleepily she was escorted outside where an extremely fancy limo had been parked, at first she thought she was seeing things and rubbed at her eyes but she was still standing in front of it, before Watari opened the door motioning for her to enter.

She entered the spacious limo and looked at all the sweets that lined the snack bar inside. "So Watari, where exactly will I be staying?" Said the girl breaking the silence "in our headquarters L has had built for this purpose" he said looking back at her in the mirror as she picked up some sweets

"Alright" she spoke while chewing on a strange kind of candy she never had before.

Sooner than later they pulled up in front of a skyscraper while Hailee sat in her seat with her mouth hanging open while watari opened her door and she stepped out "please follow me" he said before walking through the doors

Inside there were a bunch of tests and someone at the front desk had input her finger print and eye-scans into the system before she was sent up a elevator. 'I wonder what the people here are like and easy they'll be to tease...'

Her thoughts were soo. Cut of by the sound of a ding alerting her she had reached her floor, slowly the doors separated and she stepped out only to be greeted by the cold front of a gun "w-who a-a-are you?" Spoke a shaky voice, it was obviously male

"Let me help ya there love!" She spoke girlishly as she turned to face the gun and took a step forward placing the tip on her forehead

"Matsui lower the gun!" Spoke a slower more strained voice as the person addressed as Matsui lowered his weapon "well that was anticlimactic" spoke the (h/c) haired female pouting

"Everyone this is our newest member, she will be staying here and be helping assist us in the investigation please treat her with respect" spoke a British accent as all eyes landed on her "hiya the names Hailee Sayori!" She exclaimed bouncing onto on leg while bending the other behind her and clasping her hands tight behind her back showing a big grin "I hope we can be really good friends"

Your POV

After my over the top introduction I looked around the room my eyes landing on everyone's figure as they introduced themselves before Matsui bowed before me "I'm extremely sorry miss Sayori please forgive me" I made a bubbly laugh "it's no problem, I've had more than one gun aimed at me In my life... but I do except apologies in hug form" I smiled holding out my arms as he looked at me with a confused flustered face as he slowly spread his arms to hug me.

His body was stiff as he hugged me but soon enough he pulled away his face still beat red as I continued to look about the room before glancing at the other two figures in the room. one of them sat perched up on a chair, with raven black hair, his thumb pressed to his lip as he gazed at me with curiosity in his eyes and another boy who looked to be a fair bit younger than everyone else here his hair a honey brown colour.

I skipped my way over in their direction still smiling landing on both my feet with a jump in front of them before sticking out my hand "it's nice to finally meet you L" I said tilting my head to the side studying him more closely. He had prominent dark eye bags on his pale skin, he wore a white shirt with jeans but had no shoes on.

He stared at my hand before taking his hand from his lip and shaking it "yes, you as well... how curious" he spoke his eyes now staring me up in down as he still had a hold of my hand "I was informed after your capture that you were female, but before that I was almost 58.96% certain you were male" he spoke looking me in the eye and finally letting go of my hand

I smiled at his comment "oh wow!, did I really fool the famous detective L" I spoke a hand over my mouth acting in shock. "Yes I suppose but I would like to ask of you to refer to me as Ryuzaki while we're on this case" he said giving me his alias "will do boss!" I say as I salute him, before turning to the other boy who was still staring at me "take a picture, it'll last longer" I said posing with a peace sign, before I heard his chuckle and I held out my hand for a shake

"My names Light" he spoke as he went to lift his hand which then rattled and I noticed the handcuffs between Ryuzaki and Light as he chuckled shaking my hand with the cuffed one while he rubbed the back of his neck with his other "kinky" I commented looking between the two.

"Think what you will miss Sayori, but this is necessary precautions to keep an eye on light as he is my most important suspect in this case" L countered

"I see, I see so you have some extreme kinks" I said motioning towards L "and you might be extremely evil" I grinned towards light. At this point everyone else had surrounded us.

"Everyone please get back to work and miss Sayori please return Matsui's wallet that you pickpocketed during your hug" L spoke spinning in his chair to face the monitor as Matsui frantically started searching his pockets.

"Fine, fine" I said handing him back his wallet as he seemed shocked. "I suggest everyone keep their belongings close to them, Sayori is quite good at what she does" he added nonchalantly. "At what she does?" Matsui questioned confusion clear in his voice
'Oh yes I'm good at what I do...'

-TheMoonCriesToo 💠

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