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28 August 2020

Hey, guys! I have a feeling you might like this one, even though it has less Alayna and Zayan moments. Enjoy! ;)

"Women's friendships are like a renewable source of power." – Jane Fonda

Alayna's POV

Last chance. Leave Zayan, or I'll make you regret the day you were born.

I receive this text as soon as I enter the hospital on Monday morning. I already had a headache when I woke up this morning, but it gets ten times worse after reading the text. I have absolutely no idea who this person is, who keeps texting and threatening me. I've tried so many times to block the texts, but I'm unable to as the number of the sender isn't showing.

I need to tell Zayan soon, there's no way I can deal with this person myself. At first, I thought it was just someone who's jealous of me, a fangirl of Zayan, perhaps. But I can tell that it's much more than that. This person is threatening me almost everyday now, telling me to leave my husband. As if I'll ever do that.

As I'm walking to the resident's room, I have the craziest feeling that I'm being watched. At every second of my life. I have the feeling that I'm being watched at the hospital, at home, and wherever else I am. Goosebumps form on my arms, and on my whole body.

I try to shake away the fear as I enter the resident's room. Everyone's already there, waiting for me. Including Zayan.

He notices that I'm lost in my thoughts, and he gives me a worried, questioning glance. I force a smile at him, shaking my head. Now's not the time to tell him. My shift is about to begin.

He clears his throat, addressing us. As always, he's clear and precise, on the point. There's no small talk with him when he's at work. 'Dr. Hina, you'll be working in the cardiology unit. Dr. Anum, you're working in rheumatology this week. Dr. Zain, you'll be on the paediatric ward. Dr. Hanna and Dr. Alayna, you'll both be spending your day in the ER, working closely alongside the new head of trauma, Dr. Lina Abdullah. Dr. Lina shifted here from the Royal London Hospital last week.'

We all nod, agreeing silently. He dismisses us soon after, and our shift begins.


Dr. Lina's a very talented, respectable doctor who's great at her job. However, she's very strict. I guess that's a good thing. Me and Hanna work closely with her all day long, and we're kept on our feet throughout the day. The ER's very busy today, there are all sorts of cases coming in ranging from a heart attack, seizures, minor burns and injuries, and falls.

Me, Hanna and Dr. Lina get only a five-minute lunch break as the ER's almost full. During our break, we talk shortly.

'Good work, Dr. Hanna, Dr. Alayna. Dr. Zayan's told me a lot about both of you. We can only expect the afternoon to get busier,' she says, glancing at me.

We nod. And she's right. The afternoon is even busier. Hanna's kept busy with helping to treat a young man who's come in after getting into a motorcycle accident. Dr. Lina works with her on the case, as they run several tests on the young man and admit him to the trauma ward, as he's lost a lot of blood and had a concussion as he drove into the car.

On the other hand, I'm busy especially with two patients that afternoon. The first is a middle-aged woman who's come into the ER with forgetfulness. She's out of place, she doesn't know what's happening. She seems fine, but her husband brought her in with extreme worry, as she seems very lost and confused. As I look into her medical history, I see that although she's only forty-one years old, she suffered a stroke a couple of years ago. I order some tests to be run on her immediately, and a scan.

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