He made you a breakfast in bed pt 2

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A/O/Y/N-abbreviation of your name

Bruce Wayne

When you woke up, you didn't see Bruce next to you. You know that Bruce wakes up earlier than you, so you didn't think twice. You stood up from the bed and went to the kitchen, where you saw Bruce.

- Hello Bruce.- you came to Bruce and saw that he made Y.F.F – Since when you cook?

- Since I've wanted to spoil my girlfriend.- he said with a smirk on his face.

You rolled your eyes, but kissed his cheek.

- Thank you.

Theo Galavan

It was really hard night. You didn't sleep for a half of it (Not what you think!). You were awakened by the smell of fresh coffee. You woke up and went to the kitchen.

-        Hello Y/N.- you heard Theo.

-        Hey Theo, what're you doing?- you asked.

-        Making a breakfast for you. I know that last night was really hard.- he said giving you a plate with Y.F.F.

-        Thank you.- you kissed his cheek.- You really didn't have to.

-        Of course I have to.- he said and kissed your lips.

Tabitha Galavan

She didn't make you breakfast.

Barbara Kean

You were sleeping when you felt someone lying on you.

- Wakey wakey A/O/Y/N, we have a lot to do today.- you heard Barbara.

- Give me 5 minutes.- you mumbled.

Barbara didn't say anything, but you felt that she came off yoy. You thought that she really gave you that 5 minutes, until Barbara pulled off you your coverlet.

-Hey!- you felt cold air on your warm body.

- I made you breakfast.- she smiled.

-Really!- you said exited standing up.

- Really?- Barbara said to herself, seeing that, if she told you about food first you would wake up.

Jerome Valeska

You were sleeping peacefuly, when Jerome came to the bedroom. He put a plate on your bedside table and started to wake you.

- Jerome... please.- you groan.

- It's time to wake up.- he said smiling.

- Do I have to?- you mumbled against the pillow.

- Yes, because your breakfast is going to cool.- he said.

- You made me breakfast?- you asked, sitting on the bed.

He laughed noding.

- Here it is.- he said, giving it to you.

- Thank you.- you said smiling.

- Anything for my princess.

Selina Kyle

She didn't make you breakfast.

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