The rest of this book was not my idea and the credit goes to
\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/It has been a couple weeks since I got stabbed. Everything has gone back to normal. The gang is running smoother, Blaze and I have gotten closer and everyone has basically accepted that we are in a relationship.
I am currently sitting in the kitchen with everyone eating breakfast when Jace comes through the door almost taking it off it's hinges. "A CAMPING TRIP!!"
Everyone looks up at him.
"A what." Rex says with his mouth full of food so it sounds more like "A waaf"
"We should all go on a camping trip. It will give everyone a time to bond."Char started squealing and saying she really wanted to go and since no one could resist her puppy dog eyes we decided we would leave on Friday which is three days away. We would stay two nights and then come home on Sunday so everyone could go back to work on Monday.
It's now Friday and we packed everything up and just arrived at the campsite. The people sharing a tent are Me and Char, Rico and Rose, Jace and Josh, and then Rex and Nate have their own tents because Rex snores really loud and Nate said he didn't want to share with him because he values his sleep.
Once everything is set up we decide to go down to the lake and swim. BIG MISTAKE. Rex touched seaweed with his foot and you would have thought he got bit my a shark. He screamed like a 15 year old girl and ran back to the tent screaming. You would never guess that he is in a gang.
Anyway after that ...... eventful, swim we head back to the tent and start cooking over the fire. We had hamburgers and then we roasted marshmallows and made s'mores. We sat around and laughing and talking for hours until we decided to call it a night. Crawling into the tent with Char I get into my sleeping bag and try to get some sleep.

Adopted by the Gang Leader (Completed)
Short StoryIvy Black has had a hard life. She has been from foster home to foster home and eventually finds her forever home. But will that life be different then the one she likes, which includes guns, weapons, street fighting, cars, and danger. Or will it be...