Not So Great Escape

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**Hey guys, so before we get into this chapter, in case you didn't notice, I published a new story about The Owl House titled 'Letters from the Isles'. If you haven't read that yet, it would mean a real lot to me if you did and told me what you thought about it.

With that out of the way, let's get into this chapter

Jason felt completely stiff and cold. He had been waiting in the same position nearly all day long. 

It was finally time. A few weeks ago, Louis had called in and gave his location and much needed details. Now, Sam and Jason had a plan that, while wasn't flawless, had a pretty good chance of success. Unfortunately for Jason, Louis had mentioned the housekeeper was an ex-spy, so that meant a lot of patience and waiting out in the bushes until the coast was clear.

According to Louis, the housekeeper made and served dinner at the same time everyday, which meant the kitchen, or at least, the kitchen window, would be unattended. Just in case, however, Jason had two syringes of a powerful sedative in case he was caught. After that, the plan was to wait it out in the pantry for half an hour at the least, and then it was a straight line to the housekeeper with one of the sedatives to get the keycard for Louis's ankle monitor. Louis didn't exactly specify which room he was in, so Jason would have to be extremely careful and quiet while looking for him. Once he found him and got rid of the ankle monitor, it was straight out the front door, down the manor's driveway, and into Sam's van so they could make their escape, preferably undetected. In case things got ugly, Jason and Sam wore earpieces to communicate with each other, so Sam would be able to drive up to the manor if she needed to.

A beep of his watch told Jason it was time to put the plan into action. He took a moment to loosen and warm up and snuck up to the kitchen window. Sure enough, said kitchen was empty, so Jason was able to get inside without anyone noticing him...

Until the door opened.

Quickly, Jason ran into the pantry and held his breath. Whoever had entered the kitchen didn't seem to pay any attention to the pantry, as they went straight for the sink. Still, Jason held one of the syringes at the ready.

He very subtly cracked open the pantry door. Who he'd assumed was the housekeeper had her back to him, scrubbing dishes.

'Screw waiting, I'm not passing this chance up,' Jason thought to himself as he slowly opened the door and made a lunge for the housekeeper. Right before he stuck her with the syringe, however, she quickly turned around, blocked him, and kicked him into the fridge.

As Jason quickly hid the syringe away, she pinned his neck against the fridge and asked in a booming, British accent, "Who are you, and how did you get in here?"

"I-I... I'm..." Jason pretended to stutter. As the housekeeper turned her head away from him, probably to call someone to help, he brought the syringe back out and stuck it in her neck, injecting her with the sedative. Just as planned, her eyes immediately rolled back into her head, and her body hit the ground. 

After a few minutes of struggling to hide her in the pantry, he shut the pantry door and tapped on his earpiece. "Sam, you there?"

"I'm here, Jason, what's up?" Sam asked from the other side.

"New development: I already got the keycard," Jason told her. "Should I go now or wait until dark? I've never been good at decision making."

"Go ahead and go now. If the housekeeper slash spy is out of the way, you should be okay," Sam answered. "Just be careful. Gold said most of the family is very well trained in combat. We don't know how many that means, but there's still only one of you."

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