McDucks vs. The Wolf Pack

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Jason didn't say a word to anyone, simply stormed away into the cabin. No one said a word to each other as they returned. The tension was high among everyone, but none higher than Jason.

He walked out the back door of the cabin with a mat in hand. He approached a wooden post and tied the mat to the post and stood back. After a few deep breaths, he let loose.

The need for the mat was, even though Jason was angry, he still didn't want to break his hands for feet. The post was still tough, but the mat worked as a buffer.

"Your family doesn't appreciate you. That sucks for them. Because by the time I'm done with you, you'll be showing them exactly what you're worth."

Travis's words replayed in Jason's mind as he put more force into his punches and kicks.

"We're enemies for a day. Wolf Pack for life."

Jason's grunts got louder and louder as he recalled what Hawk told him after a competition he'd won.

"You are not just part of the pack. You are brothers, partners to the end. If one of you fall, you all fall."

His next roundhouse kick was stronger than the rest. He could feel all the anger and frustration coming out as he spun.

But he missed.

He hit the post on the corner. Pain shot through his foot and he bent over and struggled to stand.  


The voice immediately caught his attention. To his disbelief, Webby and Dewey had actually come outside to see him.

"What do you want?" he huffed. "If you're here to tell me how stupid o-or useless I am, save it. I already know."

"Th-That's not why we're here," Dewey corrected.

"Really? Then what is it?" Jason asked irritably. "In case you already forgot, there's gonna be a somewhat uneven death match in a few hours."

Webby walked toward Jason and looked at him. "I... Sam... she told us... about your... family."

Jason groaned. "Is that what this is about? What, you suddenly feel bad for me? Well guess what, I don't care. Now just leave me alone."

As Jason tried to walk away, Dewey stopped him as Webby followed.

"It's okay. We all know how it..." she tried to say before Jason suddenly shoved her against the wall.

"I said leave me alone!" he yelled at her, making her wince. As he went inside, he stopped and glanced back at them. "And... I'm sorry about your friend."

Neither Dewey nor Webby said anything as he left them. Dewey simply shrugged and helped Webby up.

"You alright?"

Webby nodded. "Yeah. I just feel really bad at how badly we treated him."

"Hey, you can't beat yourself up over that, you had no way of knowing," Dewey reminded her, putting a hand on her shoulder.

They looked at each other and simply smiled before walking back inside.

As Jason was going through the fridge, Huey walked into the kitchen as well. He tapped on Jason's shoulder, and when Jason looked at him, he shoved Jason against the cabinet, tugging on Jason's shirt collar.

"This is all your fault!" Huey yelled at him.

Jason simply winced and pushed Huey away. "What are you talking about?"

"W-What am I talking about? Are you kidding me?!" Huey shouted. "If it weren't for you and your stupid plan, Violet wouldn't be who knows where in the hands of those... of those... of those monsters!"

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