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"I just don't want Huey messing it up when we get there," Louis complained. "Just doing it myself took hours."

"You look great, Lou," Chloe replied. "And if Huey doesn't think so... Well, it's not his day, is it?"

Louis chuckled until he saw a familiar sight. "Pull over."

Chloe shrugged and complied. When the car stopped, Louis got out and went through the cemetery gates, up to a rather large tombstone surrounded by flowers, cards, and other memorabilia. 

He knelt down at the base and cleared his throat. "H-Hey, Uncle Scrooge. 

"Sorry it's been so long, I've just been so busy with everything. Dewey and Huey would be here too, but Dewey's been busy with adventuring, and Huey's been running your company, so... yeah. Better late than never, I guess.

"I... I know we didn't get along in our last few days together, but I really did learn a lot from you. Money isn't everything, I get that now.

"So... I'm actually kinda running late to something really important, so I gotta get going. I, uh, don't have anything to give you, so... I'll see you around."

Louis stood up and walked back to the car, where Chloe stood waiting for him.

"Ready to go?" she asked.

"Yeah," he replied, nodding.

"Good because we're already behind as it is. Huey put a lot of effort into this, and I don't want him going off in front of Louise," she told him.

Louis laughed and shook his head as he joined Chloe in the car. "She's just lucky she hasn't seen it already."

"Why do you think I only ask you or Della to babysit?" Chloe joked.

"Because Dewey can't be trusted with nice things," Louis answered, making Chloe laugh.

"That too," Chloe replied. "Speaking of which, has he given Webby that gift yet?"

"Believe it or not, yeah. He spent like a year saying he was gonna do it before he actually did," Louis answered. "And now that he has, he's bragging that he was so smooth about it. He really wasn't."

"Those two or more will they won't they than Huey and Violet," Chloe said.

"At least they're not on again off again like Lena and Riggs," Louis pointed out. "What are they on now, their fourth relationship?"

"Something like that," Chloe answered, just as they pulled up to their destination. There were flowers set up along the walls, streamers around the tables, and a long, silk walkway. 

Immediately, Huey rushed up to them. "Where have you been?! Do you have any idea how close we're cutting this?!"

"Relax, Hue, we have plenty of time to spare," Chloe told him. "I gotta go get changed, I'll see you when it's time."

As Chloe walked away, Huey grabbed Louis by the shoulders and lightly shook him. "We gotta get you ready! Sam's been waiting for an hour now!"

"Chill, Sam's not the kind of girl to obsess over a thing like this," Louis replied.

"No, but I am!" Huey retorted.

"You're the type of girl to get obsessed over a thing like this?" Louis teased with a smirk.

"Shut up, and go get ready!" Huey shouted.

Louis simply shook his head and went to the back of the building. On the way to his dressing room, Lena and Jason suddenly came out of a closet.

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