Chapter 1; Five

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     "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" echoed around me as I sat in the Joystick Junior's Pizza Arcade party room. I blew out the candles on the cake. As soon as the flames went out Miko threw her arms around my neck, cheering in my ear "You're finally 18 my man! What's it feel like being an adult now?" I chuckle and shrug "The same? I don't know I've only been 18 for like 3 hours, give me a day or two." Miko let go of me and shrugged, leaving to go talk to Ridley.

     I looked around at all my friends. Mostly work buddies. Okay all work buddies. I would have called Casino to come, but he now lives across the country and wouldn't have been able to make it anyways. Besides him I have only have work friends. It's kind of sad now that I think about it. I shook my head, abandoning the thought. 

    I got up from my seat, as most party goers had already gone to play games or socialize. There were a lot of people at the party, which surprised me. Most of the Bailey Glitch Techs and some of the Dabney Glitch Techs were there. I walked out into the game room of Joystick Junior's and saw Zahra, Haneesh, and Bergy. I approached Zahra first.

     "What's up, Zahra?" I asked, watching her play my favorite game, Chomp Kitty. She spoke back without looking up, "Hey Five, how's the birthday going?" she lost her concentration while talking to me and ended up losing. She huffed and turned, smiling at me. "It's going good, I'm surprised everyone showed up" I smile back at her. We continued to talk for a bit, and everything seemed normal, which I was thankful for. Things were awkward between us for a while after I found out she liked me and I decided I liked her too. We tried dating for like a month, but we mutually decided we were better off friends. 

     I must have zoned out while we were talking because next thing I knew Zahra gently punched my shoulder. "Earth to Five! You there buddy?" I grinned "Just thinking about how great it is to have everyone here," she snorts at that, (always the lady) "Yeah, I think we already established that." She nudges me with her shoulder. We both laugh as Miko approaches us with Ridley by her side. "What's up Fiver? Zahra?" she regards both of us. I look down at Ridley who is dining gracefully on a slice of cake. And by gracefully I mean it was all over her face.

     Miko, Zahra and I all share a look before beginning to laugh. Ridley swallows her bite of cake and raises an eyebrow "What?" she asks, making us all laugh harder. "What's all the ruckus?" a patronizing voice says behind us. I turn to look and my eyes widen slightly at who I saw. "Mitch Williams" I sneer. He has a grimace on his face and his eyebrows are high on his head. We stare at each other for a moment before we both start to crack up. Mitch's grimace turns into a grin and he uncrosses his arms while I relax my stance and let a smile come to my lips. "Glad you could make it." Mitch runs a hand through his hair "Uh-huh" he says dismissively. 

     In the years since Miko and I first joined the Glitch Techs, Mitch had matured some. We weren't what I would call the best of friends, but he was here and he was being civil, and I guess that's all I can ask for. Mitch points at Ridley, making a face "Are you always such a slob?" she rolls her eyes at him, wiping her mouth on her sleeve. Mitch sneers and steps back "You have ruined my appetite." I just chuckle, pausing when I heard my name being called by Haneesh. 

     Everyone made their way back to the party room, where Phil was holding one wrapped gift. I had asked everyone that asked not to bring gifts, so I was surprised to see one. I approached him and he held it out to me. I hesitantly took it and looked at the beautiful wrapping paper. I almost didn't want to open it. "Well? Hurry up! We haven't got all day!" Miko put her hands on my shoulders. I smiled and carefully opened it, setting aside the wrapping paper so I could keep it. It was a picture frame. I flipped it over and it was a picture of all the Bailey Glitch Techs at HQ holding up various signs varying from "Happy Birthday Five!" to "Maybe you aren't such a noob" (thanks Mitch)

     I felt my eyes start to sting with tears. "Awe, you guys," I said starting to get choked up. Miko hugged me immediately. After a moment I was released "Thank you guys, I love it" I smile at everyone. After that, people slowly starting leaving. Miko, Bergy, Nix and I had stayed to clean up. Haneesh and Zahra were going to but Phil told them they had a mission. About an hour later, I was home. I walked into the door of mine, Papi's and Abulita's apartment. Immediately I hear my Abulita from the kitchen "How was the party?" she asked as I entered the kitchen. I kissed her cheek and set my bag down. "It went great!" I proceeded to tell her about the party. 

     When I was finished, I noticed Abulita was buzzing with what I assumed was excitement. "What is it Abulita?" I asked, tilting my head slightly. She called out to Papi and he came into the room. "Something was dropped off for you today" he said with a smile, turning to the counter and grabbing something I quickly recognized as my soulmate journal. A grin immediately broke out on my face. I knew it would be here today, but with the excitement of the party I had pushed aside the thought. I thanked them both and took the book, opening it quickly. There was a full page of writings. "My soulmate already has theirs!" I say excitedly, showing my grandparents. Abulita gives me a grin "Remember amor, only your soulmate can see what is written in your soulmate journal," I pull it back to my body "oh yeah, right."

    Papi chuckled "The boys excited!" he said to Abulita, putting an arm around her shoulders. Abulita waved her hand dismissively "Well what are you waiting for? Go answer them!" she says. I turn and run upstairs clutching the book to my chest. I sat on my bed and started to read.



Anyone there?

You must not have your journal yet.

Various others after that. I read down the page to the last sentence, which read 'This will be my last message until you write something. I look forward to hearing from you' I smiled, they seemed so genuine. I reached over to my nightstand and grabbed a pen. I wrote back 'Hello! Nice to meet you!' I waited and watched the journal/played on my phone for about an hour. I sighed and closed the journal, dejected. I laid on my bed, holding the journal in my arms. Before I knew it, I fell asleep, dreaming dreams of nothingness.

Author's note: sorry it took me so long to publish this first part, but if anyone seems interested after this part I will set up a work schedule so I can publish one day a week. Let me know if you like it and anything you want to see from it! Thank you and have a wonderful day! 


Mitch×Five Glitch Techs Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now