Chapter Five - Fever Dream

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Killua's POV

Its been two days. Two whole days since I've seen Bella. I mean not that I even want to see her. He thought. Somehow he found himself wishing he was with her more and more, even if he was right next to her. He didn't understand why he felt that way, he just wanted to be with her. As friends or.. as something more?

"You're probably only thinking this way because your sick Killua, it'll all brush over." He said to himself, rolling onto his right side, facing the wall. Hotel beds are comfy, much better quality than the hard beds they have at home. He wasn't sure why is father insisted on having those beds, because they weren't in any way beneficial.

"Big brother!!" Alluka came rushing over to Killua's aid, or so he thought, "Your so weak you got sick! You better get better and come play with me again!!"

"Thanks so much for your words of support." Killua said sarcastically, not even turning around to face her. He felt horrible, he couldn't even tolerate being nice.

"Come on Alluka." Kalluto called from the front door. Killua could hear Alluka's footsteps patter against the carpet, followed by the sound of a door being shut.

He was now alone. By himself. In the empty hotel room. By himself.

He's never been sick before, so this was a brand new experience for him. Hes never had a fever, the flu, food poisoning, or a virus before. He didn't want to spend the whole day by himself, laying in bed doing nothing. If he was being honest, he'd rather spend a whole day with Illumi than do this. Actually scratch that. Just thinking about hanging out with him makes Killua's whole body shiver.

He wrapped himself in his blanket, as if he was a caterpillar making a cocoon. Its hard to fall asleep when you're sick. He thought. I wonder what Bella's doing. His face got all red when he started to think of her and his heart started beating abnormally fast. He shut his eyes tight wishing the feelings that he felt would just disappear. I really am sick.

Slowly he felt himself being drifted off to sleep.

Or was he actually drifting away?

He opened his eyes to peek out. What the-

The hotel room he was just in has completely vanished, all that was left was him and a bed.

He looked off to the curb of the bed to see that it was sinking. Sinking fast.

He panicked. Not knowing what to do. He quickly unraveled himself from his blanket and tried to scout for help. All he could see was the tropical clear ocean and a few palm trees.

Wait palm trees?

Land. He has spotted land. He quickly dove into the water leaving the bed to fully plummet down into the ocean. He looked back and cringed. Then he started swimming, all the way to shore.

What was that music? Was that the Jaws theme song that played in that one movie Alluka likes to watch over and over? He thought, stopping in his tracks to turn around.

There was a shark, heading straight for him! He picked up his pace, kicking even faster. But the shark kept up, in fact it was even faster than Killua.

Killua dove up from the water to take a deeper breath before diving back in, until he noticed. Why does that shark have Illumi's face features?

It was still charging after him so Killua quickly sped up. But he was loosing stamina.

"What is going onn!!" He whined, still splashing frantically in the water.

Suddenly a glowing hand appeared in front of him, causing Killua to stop swimming and look up. Is it an angel? No it didn't have wings? But why is it glowing? Why does its face look so familiar.

The shark was still racing after him but at that moment Killua didn't care. He was too busy basking in the mysterious persons presence than to focus on swimming away.

"Do you need help?" The glowing figure asked. Its face morphing into something else, without Killua noticing at first.

It looks like Bella! He thought. Weird, why is she here, and how..?

"Yeah, I could really use a hand." He said, his facing reddening but he didn't know why.

"That's too bad."

Killua tensed up. Huh?

"Are...are you gonna help me?" Killua asked, watching as she pulled her hand back to her side.

"No." She scoffed, "Why would I ever help you? After everything you've done to me? HA as if ill help you."

What? What is she talking about. Did I hurt her?

"I'm...I'm not sure I understand?" Killua said nervously, now realizing that the shark was making up for the distance between him.

"You know exactly what I am talking about. Stop trying to play the victim. I never wanna see you ever again." She stood floating in the air with her hands on her hips.

"N-No...I..I really don't know what your talking about, can you tell me what I did!?" Killua looked back and forth at her and the shark, "I really need help now!"

She just stared, didn't even budge. And soon Killua found himself in contact with the shark.

He bolted up straight. He looked around the room patting the hotel bed he was now sitting on. I'm back? He thought, resting his left hand on his forehead. was just a dream.

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Killua stood now on the opposite side of the lake, hand in hand with Bella. Her expression clearly gave away that she was shocked and confused. He himself didn't even know why he was doing this.

In need for comfort he squeezed her hand a little tighter than before. His gaze was strong, staring into her deep jungle green eyes. He could get lost in them for hours.

Why did I just remember that dream from last week? He thought.

The words, why would I help you after the things you've done to me? Echoed through his head. He let go of her hand.

Why did he grab it in the first place? Why is he acting this way? Her concerned facial expression then softened. Seeing her like this made his heart ache, and it killed him that he had no idea why he felt this way.

"I..I." He started, "I'm just kidding!"

He winked, his hands shaking to emphasize, "jazz hands."

"UGH YOU BITCH" She yelled at him, her face turning a crimson shade of red.

Again that sharp attitude of hers that she always let show. It was one of the thinks Killua admires about her, that she was never fake with other people. And she didn't worry about what they thought.

"Come on lets go!" He snatched the board from her, having no clue on how to ride it, and jumped into the water.

The ride back was fun. Bella always put up a good fight, it somehow enlightened Killua's heart when they bickered. Since it was probably the only remotely friendly and close thing they'd ever do.

I wonder why those words recited in my head from my dream? Does it have something to do with Bella?

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