Chapter Two - His Side

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Killua's POV

"I don't need you to tell me what to do all the time." Killua said, trying to tug his arm away from his older brothers strong grip.

"Your supposed to follow my orders, you were made that way." Illumi's glare sharpened which sent chills down Killua's spine.

"Let go!" He whined, still trying to yank his arm away. Illumi's grip only tightened raising his other hand behind him up in the air.

"No." Illumi said calmly, but you can hear a tint of annoyance in his voice. "You cant go in the water without your sunscreen!"

"Boys stop playing around." Kikyo Zoldyck, Killua's mother, scolded the two of them.

"Big brother can we go play in the water now?" Alluka stood beside Killua looking up at him with pleading eyes.

"" Killua said between grunts, he was still resisting against Illumi.

"Stop being a wimp, its just sunscreen." Kalluto, his younger sister, said. Fanning herself with her handmade paper fan.

"I..don'!!" Killua yelled super loud, making Illumi let go of Killua so he can protect his ears. Killua then started to stumble backwards falling off the deck into the water. The water flew up into the air, the sound of his back slapping against the water echoed throughout the lake.

"It was bound to happen." Illumi tossed the sunscreen to Kalluto who started smearing it all over Alluka.

Ugh idiots. Killua grunted, turning his back from his family. He started to swim off into the lake, ignoring the calls for his name coming from the dock. That's when he realized he had no idea where he was going. He didn't want to just swim out into no where, just so he can be stubborn towards his family. He decided to turn back, but before he did something in the corner of his eye caught his attention. It was a girl with short hair and a one piece on.. sitting on a board?

Killua spent most of his time indoors, doing extra curricular work and stuff for his dad, so he never got to experience things outside of his home. That's the only reason he came to this business trip with his family. He hates being around them and they boss him around and annoy him everyday. But when he heard his dad had to go on a business trip in the country, he accepted his offer on going on a vacation near there with the rest of his family. Only so he can experience things hes never gotten the chance to before.

Even a meaningless thing like a paddle board caught his interest, and he decided to swim over to it. He didn't want the girl to paddle away, so he silently swam under the water. At first when he approached it, she wasn't even looking at her surroundings. She was completely taken away by the view of the country she didn't notice him sneak up. Killua felt a bit odd staring at the girl up close without her realizing, so he decided to start a conversation.

Killua had a weird way with interacting with people. He never had any friends, so he has very minimum social experience. Unless that butler he talked to when he was little counts as a friend. Actually to be fair their "friendship" didn't last that long.

He rested his arms on her board, nonchalantly. "Is this thing yours?"

Shit I did it again. He was acting so blunt that it probably gave her the wrong idea.

"Uh what?" The girl cocked her head, facing him.

Killua stared at her. Did she not hear what I said? He observed her making sure that he knew she heard her before he spoke again. Soon Killua realized that she was lost in thought. He decided to interrupt her thought process so she could answer him.

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