Chapter 1 - Welcome To Hell

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Nothing, I felt nothing but wind. My head jerked as I opened my eyes. And just as face as I opened them, I hit the ground. My back first and then my head. Damn that hurt, when I looked up, I hoped to see the sky or a ceiling, well I got one, but it wasn't what I expected. The sky was red for whatever reason. I wanted to get up and look around, but I wanted,no, needed to rest.

My body felt like shit and I was exhausted for some reason. Well, while I'm just laying on the ground, might as well tell you about me. Hey, I'm Y/N L/N and I'm 19. I don't know exactly where I am, but I know how I got there. See, I just died. It was a robbery of my house, and pretty much everything was destroyed, including my skull. Speaking of which, it started to feel better.

I put my hand on the ground and quickly got up, finding the ground to be abnormally hot- like the road would be on a warm summer day. I stood up and rubbed my eyes, I was finally starting to understand. The ground beneath me was a currant red color, which was a lot as the land extended for a long time, until eventually leading to a lake of pure hot lava. No wonder it was so hot.

Was this hell? See, I was a good guy, or at least I think I was. But when I was being robbed, I killed someone in self-defense. Yeah, didn't feel too good about that one. still don't. Heaven must have not liked that too much, so I was probably sent here, to hell. And shouldn't I be more scared as well? Well, congrats, you're right. But I don't really feel scared that much unless seriously threatened- that or i'm just really chill.

As I took another good look around me in the heat of hell, I saw a huge door in front of me. "The gates of hell...?" I muttered the question under my breath. But the question wasn't whether it was the gates of hell or not, I had a feeling  it was. No, I was wondering where the three headed dog thing was, Cerberus I think it was called. I used to be an atheist, but I do remember some 3 headed dog guarding hell from a TV show watched.

Well, it probably didn't exist if it was here. I decided to go up to the closed gates, which bared a crimson color. I pushed it and it didn't budge, seeing as it was around 10 meters tall. I tried putting my entire body weight against it, and it opened with a creak, making me fall over from the process. I stood up and peaked through the opening of the door to see just a plain old wide pathway with no roof?

As I continued down it,  I felt an eerie feeling, and all of a sudden, a... thing, just appeared in front of me! Not a build up or anything, it just popped up. The thing had a physique similar to a human apart from it's absurd height which felt like it was 2-3 times my own. It was very tall or muscular, and had black skin under what seemed to be grey and white like armor plating making it look like a skeleton.

The face was weird, having glowing white eyes in pure circular form. The face was also similar to a skull, which made it seem like it was continuously a grumpy old man. The last thing I noticed was that it had two horns. And before I knew it, it's arm was swinging towards me in a sideways motion. I paled slightly as I just fell to the ground, narrowly avoiding the fist colliding at the hallways wall next to me.

Did this thing want to fight me? What happened f I died in hell, double-hell? Well whatever, I should focus on beating this damned skeleton. It's huge stature would make it difficult. See, I wasn't the most built man in life, and had a lean structure to me, and wasn't the most outdoors person out there. Anyways, the Skeleton began swinging the fist downwards towards me.

Thankfully, it was slow due to it's size, allowing me to sidestep it. Seeing no other opportunity as the Skeleton's fist struck the ground, I decided to climb onto it. this felt like a damned video game. I gripped tightly as I began climbing it whilst holding onto dear life, the Skeleton swinging it's arm as if it was dumb enough not to grab me with the other arm, did they even have a conscious?

I eventually made it to it's head and, reluctantly, began pulling it's horns apart. I don't like hurting things all that much, yes I know I killed someone, but it was in self-defense, okay! And so is this. As I pulled them apart, the Skeleton began screeching in pain with a noticeable reverb. I winced at the noise going through my head as one of the horns pulled itself off as the Skeleton stopped struggling.

It fell forward to the ground with a noticeable thud, it's eye sockets now lifeless as I held it's horn with a sharp point. Perhaps if I wasn't so lucky with another one of these Skeleton things, maybe I could make this into a weapon to have some form of defense.

As I got off the Skeleton and dusted myself off for no apparent reason other than habit, I stood up and stretched and began heading forward, into the unknown depths of hell.

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