bonding session, secret telling

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"Damn what took you so long got me waiting here like a stalker" lee remarked as she walked up towards me

"I thought you would be out with your team till late and plus you knew I was at the mall" I said with more attitude than I indeed to

"I should be mara I was like let me spend some time with my bestie" she said with a captivating smile that takes away my tension.

"And I'm sorry that I didn't just go with you in the first place" she says rubbing the back of her neck, averting her eyes to her sneaks she looks so cute.

"Nah you don't have to apologize for anything it was a celebration for you and your team, I would never get inbetween you and what makes you happy" I smiled at her with my arms signaling for a hug, she looked a little bit shooked

"Come on I own you a proper hug come're" I smirked

"Wait are you trying to run game on me" she chuckled with one eye brow raised damn I can feel my face heat up.

"Just come get your hug or you don't really want it" I asked with a disappointed look

"Hmmm I got a better plan about a cuddle I'm kinda cold maybe you could warm me up" she suggests while playing with her lower lip. My eyes drifted off to her exposed thighs and damn she has nice legs... the fuck is up with me

I pulled her into a hug and I couldn't help but to cherish this moment as she clings on my clothes and take in her scent and energy.

"Did you really wear platform shoes, just to be the same height as me" I smugly pointed out.

"Wow you think I dress up for you... you got big dreams babes" she reply as she pushes me off her then rolls her eyes before literally dragging me to my room.

We cuddled and talked for hours in my bed just talking about random things about ourselves from cute stories about our childhood to dumb random scenarios, while I played with her afro and snuggles into me some I swear she's half way on top of my right now but she looks so breathe taking. And I'm not saying that because she's on my chest.

"Hey quick question when was the first time you released you into girls" I asked outta the blue and Lee looked up at me with a confused and shooked expression on her face.

"Ahhh... I've always known I guess I mean I stayed crushing on girls since like 4th grade and by the time I got to 7th grade I already had a girl friend " she said looking like she remembers something sad

"What happened between yall..." I asked with the hopes of a response.

"Like it's nothing much I'm not tryna make things weird hey" she said getting off me then covering her face with a pillow and signing out loud damn she's never this dramatic unless she's having a breakdown.

"It's okay you don't need to tell me if it's going to upset you" I said to her while placing my hand on her thigh

She took a deep breathe trying to gain some composure before taking a peek at my hand which was actually laying close to her inner thigh.

I tried moving it away from her thigh but my nails brushed past her skin and her breathe hitched up and her body tensed up, My heart started pounding hard in my chest as I looked away from Lee.

The room was very quite and tense for a second or what felt like a long time of silence and Lee started talking.

"7th grade I meet this beautiful free spirited girl, who was not afraid of being her real self even though she was very different some would call her a misfit or just possessed but she never cared about any word thrown at her" she stop for a second and seem to be processing her words carefully

"What was her... name?" I asked feeling uneasy about my own question

"Karabo" she chuckled darkly

"Wait which Karabo the only ones I know are Karabo from 11th grade "

I interpreted but she shaked her no

"Ahhh Karabo from down the street" I asked with shock

"No" she said while nervously playing with her fingers

"Ahhh thick karabo from your street" I guess again

"Well we did hook up a few times but no" she bounced of my guess but I was determined but I was running outta Karabo's to call out

"Okay I don't think I know any other Karabo besides .... your cousin" I said giving up and looking at her as she avoided eye contact, she did no say anything and that spoke great volumes as the realisation hit.

"Wait... you and Karabo dated!!!" I spite my words out with a little bit of jealousy and shock than I intended to

"She's your fucken cousin Lerato!!!" I accidentally exploded into rage

She got angry and pinned me to my bed with her hands on my shoulders keeping me in place

"Could you shut up for a second and let me finish my fucken story before judging me" she firmly stated

I didn't say anything but just breathe in and out trying to slow down my heart rate but I couldn't because it was still beating fast so waited for her to speak or anything

"Thank you" she said with attitude

"Look i didn't know Karabo was my cousin because her family was always traveling when she was younger so when they finally stabled back in Joburg we meet at the mall and clicked... so we dated for a good ten months then came Christmas family dinner. I was shocked to see her at my grannies house but what shocked me worse was the fact the girl I was starting to love was a relative..."

"Im sorry that happened to you" I pushed myself up as I pulled her into my embrace

"After that everything went down hill we tried to work it out but the family caught us and they didn't take it well mostly my mother because her favorite niece was hooking up with her daughter under her nose the whole time and that's when mom started distancing her self from me." Lee started crying and just held her in my arms for as long as she needed me to.

"I'm here it's okay let it out" I assured her, I felt so complete with her in my arms it scared me for a second but it felt so good comforting her.

"Can we not talk about this anymore" she asked as I pulled away and grabbed her face looking into her eyes

"We don't have to talk about it but I'm always here for you, you can tell me anything and I'm sorry for judging you without fully hearing you out I kinda lost it" I admitted while trying to hide my embarrassment

We stared at each other for a moment, damn she's so beautiful but I can't help but thinking that she kinda looks like Nomuzi if she was younger. But she's beautiful in a magical way, we just started leaning in but then her phone started ringing and her mother was on the caller Id.

"Ahhh I have to take this" she took the call and her mom was calling her back because it was getting late so we had to cut our session short.

I walked her out and tried walking her home but she done declined it so we fought about it and decided to escort her half way.

"I'll see you tomorrow thank you for everything I needed to let that out" Lee kisses my cheek before biting her lower lip and exposing get dimple before looking at her feet then walking away I was just stuck on my spot watching her walk away... I think I like like Lerato I'm stunned. She turned around once last time, I waved at her before smiling then walking away still facing her.


It's been a minute what yall think about Lerato's past

Nolwazi finally realised her feelings for Lerato

Do yall think Nolwazi will figure out why Lee and Mo look alike or is our clueless friend going to stay oblivious

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