Chapter 1

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Koro-sensei has never seen anything like this before.

Such speed.
Such agility.
Such reflexes.
Such determination.

Koro-sensei wanted him, Hinata Shoyo, in his assassination class.

Hinata POV:

"Hinata Shoyo, please report to the principle's office within 5 minitues."

I clicked my tounge. What did I do wrong? I don't remember ever skipping classes!

I sighed in fustration as I got up from my seat. Everyone in my class laughed at me.

"What did you do, dumbass?" Kageyama sneered. We had maths class together.

"Nothing, please help me get the notes while I'm gone." I say.

"Urgh. I never take notes." I hear him mutter. I shot a glare at him in return.

I hurried towards the office.

As I neared my destination I saw some people, with pistols and suitcases in the office. I gulped. Is my situation somehow involved with these people? Oh, dear lord Asahi, don't let me get involved with these weird and dangerous people-

"Hinata Shoyo." One of the guys in the office said. "Please take a seat in this room."

Oh crap. That room was the soundproof room, the room where teachers usually have their monthly meetings about exams.

"My name is Mr. Karasuma. You do not need to introduce yourself to me, I know who you are." He says. "You are probally confused of why a bunch of men working for the goverment is here to see you."

"Y-yes sir, I am." I say.

"Don't worry, we aren't here to arrest you or anything." Mr. Karasuma assued. I felt relieved. "But..." I gulped. "We are here to ask your permission to take you into a top secret mission." He explained.

"May I know the details of this mission?" I asked as calmly as possible.

"We want you to transfer schools to Kunugigaoka High." He says.

"B-but! I want to play volleyball with my team in Karasuno! I-if I transfer, especially to such a prestigious school, I-I-I-" I couldn't find any words.

Some goverment agent is asking me to leave Karasuno behind. And would I agree to that? Of course not!

"Don't worry, I know of your grades." Mr. Karasuma says. I bit my lip and blushed in embarassment. My grades were really terrible. "We will put you in a class that would surely help your grades." He explains. "We will also try to give you a schedule that wouldn't effect your volleyball training and time in Karasuno. With these conditions, would you agree to participate in this mission?" He asked.

I thought for a second then slowly nodded my head. "Yes, I agree. Would you please tell me more about this mission?" I say.

Mr. Karasuma reached into his suit case and pulled out a file, with a red stamp on it saying 'Top Secret: Assassination Classroom'.

I gulped again. Did they need me to dirty my hands for the goverment? Who do they even want me to kill?!

"This mission is to kill the homeroom teacher of class 3E at Kunugigaoka, a monster that goes of the name of Koro-sensei." He explains.

"T-three E? But I'm a first year!" I say.

Mr. Karasuma smirked. "We have our ways." He says.

After he explained the plan and important details, he told me to comeback to the office after club activities to collect my Kunugigaoka schedule and the weapons I would need. Mr. Karasuma also assigned one of his armed men to escort me around the school for the rest of the week, saying "There could be stalkers, hit men, assassins, etc. And this is a top secret mission. We need to keep you safe at all times."

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