Chapter 2

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Hinata POV:

A week had passed and my body guard is no longer following me around. Today is Monday and Mr. Karasuma is going to pick me up to drive me to Kunugigaoka High.

"Shoyo, honey." My mom caught my attention. "Are you sure you want to participate in this student exchange program? Its going to last for the rest of the second semester."

"Relax, mom." I assured her. "Kunugigaoka is a really prestigious school. I'd learn a few new stuff from there too! It'll be an awsome experience!" I say and gave her a peace sign.

"If you say so..." she sighed. "If it gets too troublesome for you, I can cut short the student exchange program." She offered.

"No need, mom." I say. "I'll be off now! The train to Kunugigaoka is going to leave soon!" I grabbed my bag and ran out of my house.

Instead of walking to the nearby train station, I praticly ran to the bus stop outside my neighbourhood. As I neared the bus stop I saw Mr. Karasuma and his black Mercedez SLS AMG.

"Woah, Mr. Karasuma! That car looks pricey!" I say.

"Its from the goverment. Do you still remember how to use the guns?" Mr. Karasuma asked me.

Last Friday club activities were suspended because the school had their annual gym cleaning. On that day Mr. Karasuma had brought me to the goverment agent's private shooting range and taught me how to use the guns.

The bullets weren't actual bullets, they were Anti-Sensei bullets. It dosen't affect humans but does a lot of damage to my new monster-sensei.

After the shooting range practice, it turns out that I was more skilled with double pistols and sub-machine guns than snipers and a single pistol. Mr. Karasuma and I thought it was really strange how I was able to be awsome with double pistols than a single one. The snipers were a bit too troublesome for me and I hated it.

So now in my Kunugigaoka bag there was my books, a sub-machine with ammo and my favourite double pistols.

"Yes I do!" I say.

"Thats good then. Your skills with double pistols are probally better than the others. Use that to your advantage." He praised.

~~~short timeskip brought to you by Sugamama~~

We arrived at Kunugigaoka within a short 15 minitues. Kunugigaoka High was nearer to my house compared to Karasuno. I think my father wanted to enroll me to Kunugigaoka but respected my wishes and enrolled me into Karasuno.

"Mr. Karasuma, shouldn't I get a Kunugigaoka uniform too? I'm going to be here more then at Karasuno." I say as I got out of the car.

"There is no need." Mr. Karasuma assured. "Now, you remember where to go right?" He asked.

"Yep! That path up that big hill, right?" I say and pointed towards the hill where my class is suposed to be.

I've never really understood Kunugigaoka's education system. They had the last class on top of the hill. I understand that they need time to pick up on their studies, but suspending club activities and forbiding them for coming on the main school grounds are a bit too much. Hey, I'm in the last class with Kageyama and we still go for club activities.

"Yes. Up there. First period is starting soon, so its best if you go now. It'll take at least 10 miniutes for you to get up there-" before Mr. Karasuma could finish I took off running up the hill.

The mountain I bike up and down everyday is no challendge to me. It makes this huge hill look like a kindergarten to me. I smirked as I ran up.

I reached the top within 2 miniutes. At the top I was greeted by a yellow monster. He had the brightest smile I had seen and he resembled an octopus. He must be my Kunugigaoka teacher! (My 30 billion yen award-)

"Ah! You must be Koro-sensei! Woah! You look so cool!" I exclaimed. I really liked his tentacles. They looked hillarious, it made me smile.

Koro-sensei let out the weirdest and funniest laugh I've heard. "Yes, I am! You must be our new student!" He said and brought a tentacle on my back, bringing me towards the classroom.

"Welcome to our assassination classroom!" He says and opened the classroom door.

There, I was greeted by the Kunigigaoka third years. And somehow a virtual girl?

"Please introduce yourself to the class, Hinata-kun." Koro-sensei said.

Before I could reply, a girl shot up from her seat and said "Koro-sensei? But the class already knows who I am- oh, oops."

"So we share the same name!" I say and pointed at the girl. "My name is Hinata Shoyo! Nice to meet you! Please call me Shoyo!" I say and waved to the class.

"Good to have you in our assassination classroom, Shoyo!" The class said in usion, as if they practiced it.

Koro-sensei let out that funny laughter again. "Today's first period is a free period! Feel free to get to know more your new classmate!" He says. "Shoyo-kun, you will be seated next to Ritsu. Ritsu, please raise your hand!"

Then, the virtual girl raised her hand. "I'm Ritsu! If there is any questions, you can ask me!" She says. Virtual girl seems really friendly.

As soon as I sat down on my new seats, my new classmates started introducing themselves and asked me questions.

"Woah! So your're the kid Koro-sensei has been talking about!" A boy with blue hair said. I think his name was... Nagisa?

"What do you mean, Nagisa?" I was dumbfounded.

"Koro-sensei saw your volleyball competition when he was visiting Miyagi." Another boy, this time with red hair said bluntly. "I don't even understand why he wanted a first year in our class." He shrugged.

"Karma! That's rude!" Another boy with blue hair said.

"Tomohito is right, Karma. That's rude." A blonde girl, who I'm sure her name was Rio scolded.

"We'll see your skills later at Physical Ed." Karma said. "I hope you don't cause too much trouble like Itona over there." He said and pointed to a white-haired boy who was staring at me.

"I don't think he'll cause mutch trouble." Itona said. "He seems rather... fast." He says.

Soon I could remember all my new classmate's names. I also told them when I'll be in Kunugigaoka and when I'm not. Turns out, Nagisa was shorter than me, which made me the second shortest boy in class 3E. That made me happy.

They continued to throw me questions here and there, until Koro-sensei began second period. Our english lessons later that day were weird, our teacher was named Bitch-sensei. Her clothes looked really thin, isn't she cold?

I couldn't help but laugh when the whole class ganged up and teased her.

Soon it was P.E.. Time to start training for our assassination.

I sure can't wait.


Heyo! Its Author-chan! ^-^
I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!☆☆☆
I wanna start on the third chapter now

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