Chapter 8

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Third person POV:

Kageyama, though it seemed unlikely to many who knew the freak duo, was our bright, orange fluffball's bestfriend. Kageyama was the most important person in Hinata's life. Well, second after his mom. And his little sister, Natsu.

But that's not the point!

Hinata loves the happiness the raven-haired setter gives him. Its not just his tosses, though. Hinata enjoyed Kageyama's company and care, suprisingly.

It may seem that Kageyama always ignores Hinata's actions and even speech, but in reality Kageyama is secretly looking out for his bestfriend and somehow manages to listen *cough, cough* sorry, I mean, eavesdrop on Hinata's conversations with others without them knowing. Hinata is thankful for Kageyama trying his best to look out for his friend.

He loves that side of Kageyama, even though he dosen't really know how to explain his feelings. It isn't a terrible one, but to Hinata, it felt weird and bubbly, as a matter of fact. Hinata wished to protect that side of Kageyama.

That was about the time he was assighned into his secret assassination mission.

The time the ginger spent with his bestfriend reduced dramaticaly. Hinata was a bit sad, *more coughing* who am I kidding, he was depressed to not be eating lunch as usual with his bestfriend and not doing those small tutoring sessions with him, Yamaguchi, a walking bag of salt and Yachi.

But to Hinata, as long as he manages to assassinate his lovable monster-sensei, he'd be able to save and protect the world and all the important people in his life, it should be fine.


Hinata POV:


Never in a million years did I think I would have to involve my bestfriend into my assassination classroom mission.

Crap crap crap crap crap-

"What's happening Hinata?" Kageyama asked me in a monotoned voice.

I don't know how to spill the news for Kageyama. In the contract I signed when I joined the assassination mission had said that if anyone were to find out, they'd have to join or get involved in the mission.

"Guys, did you bring you earpieces?" I turned around to face my3E classmates, remembering about the earpieces Mr. Karasuma had given us to use during times of emergency. Everyone took out their earpieces and put them on. I followed them, putting mine on as well.

"We should go to the shops, ths area our classmates most likely got snatched away to look for clues first. Itona, try to use the earpieces to send the emergency signal to Mr. Karasuma." Nagisa instructed.

I grabbed Kageyama's arm and pulled him along.

Third person POV:

Hinata grabbed the raven's arm and pulled him to where ever the shops were.

Kageyama couldn't believe it, the small tangerine he likes was pulling his arm. Hinata was touching Kageyama. Kageyama could feel Hinata's soft and small fingers gently pull his arm.

The ginger touching our grouchy setter happens often. But to Kageyama, even the slightest touch from Hinata would make his heart race.

Kageyama and Suga wouldn't describe it as race, as a matter of fact, the two setters would describe it as that one particular feeling of being on a crazy rollercoaster. But that rollercoaster never stops until Hinata stops touching Kageyama. That would probably send poor Kageyama to his grave early.

Kageyama snapped out of his mushy and fluffy thoughts, remembering the fact that Hinata hadn't explained the current situation and this so called 'assassination classroom' yet. "O-oi!" Kageyama yelled at Hinata and yanked his arm away from him, in an atempt to get his attention. Kageyama shuddered slightly at the lost of Hinata's touches. "You still haven't explained anything to me yet!".

"We got no time to, but we'll try to explain it on the way." Nagisa replied first.

"Or to put it short, we are all assigned on an assassination mission to assassinate a monster." Hinata stated.

"Woah, good job, Shoyo." Itona praised and gave the ginger a small smile along with a thumbs up.

Kageyama's mind was racing, a bunch of 17 year-olds and his small bestfriend was being assinged into such a dangerous mission instead of hiring real, proffessional assassins to kill the monster instead. Kageyama made a mental note that the goverment was insane and stupid, and to always be wary of it.

"Is there anything I could do to help?" Kageyama suggested. He was smart enough to conclude that the goverment sent in a bunch of kids instead of hiring proffessionals for a reason.

Hinata stopped his tracks, followed by his 3E classmates. Hinata stared at Kageyama in awe, he didn't believe that this grumpy-looking setter of his would offer help in this assassination mission.

Hinata came into conclution that the assassination mission had fried Kageyama's poor, unsuspecting brain and he needed a new one.

He'd execpted Kageyama to throw a fit and scold him for being involved in such a dangerous situation or at least run away from him, not wanting to take any part in the mission.

"Well, whoever found out about the mission had to be involved anyways." Hinata laughed and continued running.

"WHAT" Kageyama screeched and runned to Hinata's side.

There was the Kageyama he knew. The Kageyama that would scream at any given situation.

"Just stay behind us, you probably can't fight." Karma said in a moking voice.

Kageyama rolled his eyes in response. He couldn't believe someone whom he'd tower over had belittle him. "I know ho-" before Kageyama could finish his sentance, he felt a tug at the back of his jersey and snatch him away.

The setter elbowed the mystery person's stomach hard. He turned around again and punched the enemy in the face. "Phew, thank Asahi I still know how to fight." Kageyama sighed and cracked his knuckles.

"Holy cheesecake, Kageyama! I'm pretty sure you fractured the dude's nose!" Hinata praised as he peeked at the knock-out man, laying motionless on the floor from behind the setter. "I actually thought you'd be the last person I know who'd be able to fight!"

"Oh, so you expected Yachi to know?" Kageyama rolled his eyes.

"I thought she'd at least swing her bag or shoe in someone's face!" Hinata said honestly.

"What about me?"

"I thought you would just run away. It may be a different story if you had a volleyball-"



Heyoo!! Author-chan is back

How's this chapter? Hope y'all enjoyed it!!

Updates are going to come slow, but I'll be sure to update this story as much as possible, seeing as this is my favourite story.

(Now y'all be wondering why I suddenly switched to use a third person pov. That's a test, so when future scenes with more fighting comes out I'll be used to using third person pov. Do y'all like it?? :))))

Now ima re-watch assassination classroom, just to get more ideas

Thanks for supporting☆☆☆

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