Chapter 4

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Katara was on cloud nine. Ever since she had taken care of her On Ji problem, Katara was in a state of euphoria. No one could get in between her and Aang again. Now she just needed to confess her feelings to him before some other whore tried to and she knew just the perfect time to do it. She would have to tell him at the Sadie Hawkins dance. If it was up to Katara, she would have waited until Christmas time to confess but she didn't have the luxury of waiting. She knew that there were other girls that were interested in Aang, but she couldn't kill them all like she did with Koko and On Ji. Not that she wouldn't want to because she would do anything for him, but because then people would start to suspect why so many girls died.

The bell rang in the school, indicating that the day was over, and the dance would start in a few hours. Aang and Katara walked together out of class and had been discussing their plans. She was giddy with excitement.

"Alright, so I'll pick you up around six then", Aang said.

"Sounds great, I'll be ready by then.", she confirmed. 'I'll finally confess to him tonight. I can't wait!'

"By the way, I couldn't help but notice you seem a lot happier lately. Did something happen?", he questioned her.

"Oh, nothing really. I guess that is just how I'm feeling these days.", she responded. 'Well...I did kill that bitch, but you don't need to know about that.'.

Sometime after she left On Ji's body to burn in the hotel, authorities came and took out the fire. The body was found in the basement but was burnt beyond recognition. Katara hoped that it would take time for them to identify the body as On Ji. At least until after she made her feelings known to Aang.

After a few hours, she was finally ready for the dance. She had her hair down, makeup done, and was wearing a blue dress that matched her eyes well. Sokka had already left to pick up Suki, so it was just her in the house while their dad was at work. Aang had still yet arrive but she knew it wouldn't take him long to pick her up. After checking her bedroom door was locked, Katara opened up her closet and shoved her clothes to a side to reveal her shrine. She took an incense stick, lit it, and placed it in front of the pictures. Afterwards, she kneeled in front of the shrine and clasped her hands together.

"It's finally happening tonight sweetie. I finally tell you how much you mean to me. I've always wanted to tell you ever since we met that I love you. After tonight we can finally be togeth-" , just then a thought occurred to her.

'What if he doesn't love me?', she thought as she brought her head down, looking at her carpet. As much as Katara wanted to be optimistic about her beloved, there was always that chance that he might not feel the same. Sure, she had seen him blush when he looked at her before multiple times but maybe that didn't mean he necessarily loved her. He could like how she looked but it didn't mean he had feelings for her. Questions swirled her mind.

'What would happen to us if he didn't love me like I love him? What would happen to our friendship? I don't want to lose him because of this. But what else can I do? I don't want to stay friends forever...I want to marry him. I want to have his children. He has to love me because there is no one else. I've already killed Koko and On Ji so there shouldn't be anyone else for him to love. Is it someone in our friend group? Suki is with my brother so it can't be her. could be a possibility, but he doesn't spend as much time with her as he does with me.'

Even if her beloved Aang had feelings for a different girl, Katara knew for a fact that she would kill them. He belonged to her and nobody else. She shook her head to clear her mind.

'I can't think like this! I have to be positive.'. She then looked back at her shrine feeling a wave of determination within her.

"I will make my confession tonight! I've come this far so I can't back down now.", and with that, Katara stood up and kissed each picture of her beloved. Finally, she got a text from him as she blew out her incense and closed her closet.

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