Chapter 7

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"Aaaaaaaaannngg...", a drowsy voice called out to him.

Aang's mother was calling out to him and from the sound of her voice, he can tell that she was doing it again. She had just injected herself with some substance that was stored in her needle and it would make her strangely happy. The seven-year-old boy walked out of his room and went straight to the living room where he found his mother laying on the couch. On the coffee table he could see the needle she used to inject herself with. He looked to her right arm and noticed a rubbery rope tied around it. Aang hated getting needle shots from the doctor and could never understand why his mother would be so willing to give herself shots almost every day.

"Yes mommy?", he spoke to her as he stood in front of the couch. She reached out to him with both arms.

"Come here sweetie...Mommy wants to hold you", she requested. Aang saw no reason to deny it, he loved his mother after all. He climbed on to the couch and fell into her arms. She wrapped her arms around him and held on to him with a tight grip.

"You know that mommy loves you very much don't you?"

"I do know. I love you too mommy", Aang answered as he nuzzled against her.

"You're such a good boy Aang. Mommy is so happy to have such a good little boy" his mother drowsily kissed his forehead. Aang giggled from the tickling sensation he felt from her kiss. "I just know that you'll make your future wife happy"

"Mommy!" Aang cried out in embarrassment. Leave it to his mother to bring up his future love life.

"Oh, don't be so embarrassed sweetie...Eventually you're going to fall in love." His mother chuckled.

"I'm only seven years old mommy. I don't even know a thing about love. How would I even know if I was in love with someone?"

"You just will and when you do fall in love then you'll find yourself willing to do just about anything for them...unlike your dad..." his mother's voice faltered at the mention of his father. Aang already knew that the subject of his father was a touchy one for her. When talk of his father came up, his mother's face showed a mixed expression of anger and sadness. She was never happy talking about him so Aang chose not to ask about his father. Aang stopped caring for who his father was and felt that his mother and uncle Gyatso were enough for him. He didn't need his father to be happy.

In his mother's arms, he eventually fell asleep. The next morning, he woke up still on the couch in her arms. As Aang rubbed his eyes, he felt a rumble from his stomach. He needed to eat some breakfast. He turned to his mother and noticed a white foamy substance drooling from her mouth. Not thinking much of it, Aang nudged her shoulder to wake her up but she would not move.

"Mommy wake up. I'm hungry" He urged his mother, but nothing was working. He nudged her some more and she still would not wake up. Aang started to get scared.

"Please get up mommy...wake up! MOMMY!!", he tried waking her by smacking her shoulders. It did nothing.


"I called my uncle on her cell and everything became a blur from then on. Turns out the substance my mom was shooting into herself was heroin. She was dead before I even woke up. I didn't think I would ever be happy again...until I met you Katara. It wasn't until I moved here and met you in school that I remembered her last words to me. I fell in love with you and realized my mom was right...I would do anything for you Katara." Aang recounted.

Before this night, all he had told Katara was that his mother died from a drug overdose. He never gave her a detailed description of what happened until now. His last conversation with his mother reminded her of her own talk with her mother on the subject of love.

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