Truth or Dare (Junior x Joseph)

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Junior's POV

I woke up to a sound of an alarm clock ringing in my ears. I groaned and slowly got up from my slumber. I sat up and yawned before thinking of inviting my friends over. I checked the time. "Ten 0 Six" I mumbled under my breath. I got dressed before leaving my room and grabbed my phone. I decided to call Joseph first. Joseph was a poor kid but Cool. I shaked the thought of me and him being together. It was true I did like him but I was pretty sure he was straight. I sighed before calling him. "Hello?" I heard his voice over the phone. "Hey Joseph I was wondering if you would like to hang out?" I said hoping he would say yes. "Uh...Sure I got time dude." I smiled before saying I'd see him soon. I called Cody. "Hey Junior!" Cody was a gay kid. Who showed interest in me. I didn't like him that much because he would flirt with me. I decided to think before speaking. "Hey I was wondering if you would like to hang out with me and Joseph today?" As always he said yes and hung up. I heard the doorbell ring. I rushed to the door and opened it. I saw both my friends and invited them inside. "So what do you guys want to do today?" I said as usual. "Maybe Play a game?" Joseph spoke up. "What Game?" I asked as we walked up the stairs to the room we normally go to. "Oh! How about truth or dare?" Cody said. "Sure sounds fun dude!" I nodded as we all sat on the couch. "So Who's going first?" Cody spoke up but got interrupted by Joseph "I'll go!" I nodded as he Joseph thought. "Truth or dare...Junior!" "Dare obviously" he thought before speaking "I dare you to...Tell us your sexuality!" I was confused "Well I'm a male so-" "No! Are you gay, Straight, Bi?" I realized what he met. "Oh...Well I'm uh...Gay?" Cody started to hug me. "I KNEW IT!" I pushed him away lightly before speaking "Not for you...For someone else" Cody was surprised but nodded slightly. "Ok. Truth or dare Cody?" I asked "Truth." I groaned before thinking. "Is it true...You like someone other than Me?" Cody blushed lightly before speaking "Well I guess there is someone..." "Tell us dude!" Joseph perked up. "Okay! Okay! Well I mean I do like Toad.." I giggled And Joseph laughed. "I KNEW IT DUDE!" Joseph yelled. "Truth or dare Joseph?!" Cody yelled now red as a tomato. "Okay Dare dude." "I dare you to..." Cody thought before getting an idea. "Since you embarrassed me...I dare you to Kiss junior!" I was red while Joseph was silent but blushing. "What?!" I said. Joseph took my hand before mumbling sorry dude and lightly pressed against my lips. I was completely red before sinking into the kiss. I kissed back and Joseph lightly moaned through the kiss before pulling away.  Cody giggled "That was hot" i blushed as Joseph looked at me. "Still at least I did the dare..." I hit him playfully before we continued playing on with truth or dare.

As we waved Cody good bye due to his curfew he nodded slightly before heading off. Joseph looked at me before whispering in my ear "Do you think there's a monster in your bed." I went completely red before hitting him playfully as he gave me a few nudges.

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