I May be lesbian (Karen x Judith)

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Ok so Karen is Brooklyn T guy's wife.
And Judith is Cody's mom. No she's not fat.

Fluff ahead! (◕ᴗ◕✿)

Karen's POV

I woke up next to boyde as usual. I yawned as he got up and put on one of his job uniforms. "Boyde you going to work again?" He shook his head. "Then what are you doin?" He sighed before taking a seat next to me. "Look Karen I....I am gay....I have a boyfriend and I don't think I can agree with our marriage." I was surprised. I couldn't help but tear up. "W- Well...I h-h..hope h...he treats y...you k-kind..." I started to crying. He sighed before leaving. I sobbed in my arms before I got up to go to the kitchen. I tried to make myself coffee but remembered I can't make coffee. I sighed before going on a early morning walk. I walked to the park and strolled through each railroad. I couldn't help but cry every time I thought of boyde. He was a light source but drinked a lot. I remember trying to call the cops but he was the only cop available. I sobbed and sat at a nearby bench. Tears rolled down my face as I paced back in fourth. I stayed there till like a minute before realizing how much I've been sobbing. I wiped my tears away before sighing. "Hey are you okay?" I heard an unfamiliar voice say. I looked around as my eyes layed on a girl. She wore a white shirt, purple cardigan, purple skirt and she had white shoes on. I wiped away a few tears before replying "N...No my husband divorced me..." I said through my tears. She sat down beside me trying to comfort me. She sighed before explaining her husband. "Well my husband cheated on me a lot...when he cheated the fifth time I was numb to it. I decided to end our marriage and go on a walk three days after." She said. I wiped the rest of my crying tears away. "That must be hard" she sadly giggled "Well I turned lesbian after my son Cody recommended it." I laughed before speaking with the woman. We laughed a bit about our husband's before exchanging numbers, and becoming friends. She waved me goodbye before leaving. I smiled as I realized I was blushing. I smiled before mumbling

"I May be lesbian"

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