Detention (Bill x Patrick)

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A little Lemon fluff  *Wink wink*

Warning: Dirty Stuff

Bill's  POV

I got in detention because that idiot Jeffy snuck a cheating paper in my desk. Classic move I guess. I waited as I heard the clock ticking. The door opened catching my eye on the crazy kid, Patrick. I blushed at the sight of him. The teacher, Jackie Chu pushed Patrick in the room before slamming the door. Patrick took a seat beside me. He peered over to me before smiling "Hi! My Friend bill!" He said. I blushed. "How did you even get detention?!" He smiled "Well I saw you get detention so I tried to throw a chair at your target and the teacher saw me do it so I got detention!" I smile at the thought of him getting detention to see me. I waited a few seconds before speaking up. "Hey why did you get detention just to see me?" He smiled before speaking "Because I like you more than a friend silly!" He blushed. I smirked. "Is that so?" "Yup!" I grabbed him by his thighs and placed him on my lap so he faced me. I lightly pressed his lips against mine. He kissed back making me feel weird. I licked his bottom lip asking for entrance. He allowed it and lightly moaned as I shared my saliva with him. He wrapped his arms around my neck as we had a tongue battle. I won obviously. I placed him on the floor as he smiled. I raised his hips over my waist so I can get to where I want to get. I kissed him lightly tracing his body. I got to his v line and stopped. I rubbed my hand against his crotch causing him to moan louder through the kiss. I stopped and let my focus on his neck. I kissed and licked at his neck making him moan lightly. I planted little Hickeys making sure that no one would be able to see except me. He moaned softly. I heard footsteps so I whispered to him to stop moaning before telling him. We both groaned before getting up and sitting at the desks we were at. Patrick covered his Hickeys with the collar of his shirt. The door opened and we were greeted by the teacher, "Okay you trublemakers Tim's up go home" we left the school.

As Patrick was walking with me he mumbled under his breath "I don't really have a home" I hugged him before speaking "you can stay with me, my parents won't be at my house for three weeks." He smiled. we walked to the house. As we entered I yawned before dragging Patrick to my room. He layed on the bed. I layed beside him before taking his hand, holding it tightly and letting him snooze off. "Detention huh?" I mumbled before falling asleep letting him know hes safe with me...

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