Chapter 8: Party at the Octarian Café

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Me and Amber got out of the Kettle and super jumped to Cuttlefish Cabin. When we got there we saw Agents 1 and 2 doing all sorts of techy things with the computers.

Rex: Hey guys, what's going on?

Agent 2: With the Final Boss always getting in our radio conversations.

Agent 1: We decided to try and locate were the radio signals are coming from.

Amber: Won't that take a lot of technology people to find him, or ten Sheldons.

Agent 2: Yeah, you are right, but with the right amount of Zapfishes we will be able to locate the signal.

And Menu will be helping us.

Menu: Arff.

Rex: Sounds good to me.

Agent 1: But now, we still need more Zapfish. So, get those Zapfishes and we will save the Great Zapfish!

Agent 2: Don't forget the Cap'n and JP!

Rex: Okey-dokey.👌

Me and Am super jumped the next world and made our way to save the Great Zapfish, Cap'n Cuttlefish, and most importantly my little brother JP.

4 Zapfishes later and Agent 1 using the phone upside down, again.

We got out of the 25th kettle and headed to find the 26th kettle and Jet. Again, I saw Amber nervous.

Rex: What's wrong?

Amber: Well you see... this is an Octoling mission and I am scared that the final boss would tell everyone about me.

Rex: Hey, whatever happens I'll be there for you.

Amber: Thanks.

I grabbed her hand which made her blush but more than the last couple of times.

Rex: Ready?

Amber: I was born ready!

We turned into our squid and octopus forms and headed into the kettle. When we got out we saw that the place was deserted. And when I mean deserted, I mean that there was no one there aside from me and Am.

Agent 1 (radio): Hey, where everybody go?

Agent 2 (radio): Octolings don't just get out of there stations.

Amber: Yeah, this part of their base is always filled with Octolings.

Rex: Okay there is two possible reasons why there are no Octolings. Either they are about to do a surprise attack on us, or they all went to a party and we weren't invited.

Agent 2 (radio): I'll go with the first one.

Agent 1(radio): Me too...

???: Hey you, guys...

An Octoling came out of a the shadows and her gear look a bit weird.

Rex and Amber: WE'VE BEEN SPOTTED!

???: Hey calm down look at me.

The Octoling took off her Hypno-Googles. Which if you ask me, I haven't seen another Octoling (aside from Amber) take off her Hypno-Googles.

Rex: So... who are you?

Marina: Oh, my name is Marina, and you two were invited to our Café.

Rex: Wait, wait, wait. I didn't know you guys had a Café. Amber, did you knew about this?

Amber: Nope.

Marina: No one is supposed to know, so come on.

Agent 1(radio): You should go, me and Agent 2 will be doing some research

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