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YANTAI, Kung Empire

"To continue our conversation, I have made a decision on behalf of my sons. Prince Kai Jongin will be wed..." King Taeyong announced and Queen Jisoo let out a small breath of relief. "But... it will be Prince James Jaehyun who will marry Princess Jennie Ruby Jane."

Silence filled the Great Room as King Taeyong left without giving anyone a chance to speak against him, not that anyone would be delusional enough to do so. The three brothers weren't sure how to react to the King's decision as they shared confused looks, but James was the one to clear his throat and gather everyone's attention again.

"I apologize for His Majesty's aburptness..." James said with a bow. "Please accept his decision with pride and consider me an equally as worthy suitor to my brother, Prince Kai."

"A thousand apologies for any disappointment, Your Majesty. And if you wish to withdraw from the engagement, my brother will accept it wholeheartedly," Kai said and both him and Xzavier bow before the Queen and the Princess.

Queen Jisoo stood up, the back of her chair scraping the floor gently. "There will be no need for withdrawal," she replied, catching Jennie's attention. "The engagement will proceed and the wedding shall take place when the time comes. Don't apologize, Your Royal Highnesses."

James peaked at Jennie from the corner of his eye but couldn't read the expression on her blank face.


"Thank you for your hospitality. The view of the Royal Garden is especially beautiful. It is truly a great pleasure to stay in a Palace as fine as this," Queen Jisoo said to the maid.

"There's no need for thanks, Your Majesty," the maid said. "If there is anything Your Majesty or Your Highness requests, I am one call away."

The maid left the room and Jennie fell back onto her bed. She spread her arms and let out a big sigh.

"I know Prince James wasn't your first choice but he seems like a fine young man. I've ask around the maids and they all had good things to say..."

Jennie scoffed, "Mother, they could be lying you know?"

The Queen sat on the bed and pulled Jennie up by her arms.

"He's a good person, Jennie. And he attends Global Affair meetings on behalf of the Kung Empire so he must have a lot of connections. Just give him a chance, he may surprise you," she said and gave Jennie a kiss on the head.

"Excuse me, Your Majesty, but Prince James has requested Princess Jennie's presence in the Courtyard," a guard stated and held the door open.

"If you really don't want to go through with the engagement then... I won't force you," Queen Jisoo said and pet her daughters head. "I just want you to be happy."

Jennie smiled softly at those words. "I know, mother," she replied and gave her mother a hug before leaving the room.


"You asked for me?" Jennie said as she approached the young Prince, standing in front of the fountain of the Courtyard.

"Yes, Your Highness," James replied and waited for her to arrive next to him. "I wanted to see how this situation was affecting you. I wouldn't want to be the cause of-"

"I'm gonna stop you right there," Jennie said and held up a hand. "This obviously wasn't the outcome anybody saw coming... but now that a decision has been made by King Taeyong, I will do the honours of accepting your engagement."

James opened his mouth to respond but Jennie stopped him again. This time she held a finger up.

"Ah, ah, ah. How rude, Your Highness isn't finished her speech yet," Jennie said, making it a little more obvious that she was being playful. Her gesture must've worked because a small smile formed on James' face. "And I'll have you know, I'm only doing this for the sake of my mother and my Kingdom so don't go spreading rumours that I'm becoming fond of you or anything."

James looked around at the guards who stood from a distance like he instructed them to but had a feeling they still heard everything the Princess was saying.

"Is that all Your Highness needs to say?" James asked, the smile still on his lips.

Jennie paused for a moment to think before answering, "Yes. And stop being so formal with me, there's nobody around."

"I've always spoken with respect and addressed others like this—other than my brothers—but if it bothers you, is there a specific title you'd rather me address you with?" he asked.

Jennie rolled her eyes and replied bluntly, "Just called me Princess then."

"If that's what you wish, Princess."

She nodded and he gave a gentle smile. "Do you want me to call you something too?" she asked awkwardly as to break the silence.

"Many refer to me to as Prince James."

"No, that's too common."

"My middle name is Jaehyun."

"Jaehyun it is," Jennie said with a grin.

"You'd be the first... And pardon my informality but follow me," James said and walked towards a more secluded part of the Courtyard, where the entryway to the Royal Garden was near.

Jennie reluctantly followed and they stopped a few feet from the garden. James picked up a flower that laid on the ground in front of a rose bush in the garden and headed back to where Jennie was standing.

"Since you seem to have no issues with our engagement, I thought the least I can do is make it feel a little more real," James said and went down on one knee. He held out the flower in front of him with both hands and looked up at her. "Princess... will you make me the happiest man in the Kingdom and marry me?"

Jennie stood frozen in place. She was taken aback but she was more-so afraid of the situation. This was affection that she had never really been shown before and her mother had never taught her how to behave when someone proposes.

She stiffened up and crossed her arms as she looked at him, "The least you can do is know my name."

James sighed and lowered the rose. He offered his hand to hold one of hers but she didn't move. Then, James put the rose on the ground and reached up to hold both of her hands gently in his and to his lovely surprise, she didn't stop him.

"Jennie Ruby Jane Kim, Princess of the Korean Empire. Will you make me the happiest man in the Kingdom-"

"Just the Kingdom?" she interrupted and James held back his need to argue.

"Will you marry me?"

The Princess looked at the Prince, at his hands that held hers tightly but not too tight, and she was surprised to notice that her palms were sweating.

James let go with one hand to pick up the rose again, offering it to her once more. Jennie closely observed it for a awhile then finally accepted it.

"I hope you know that I'll be expecting a diamond on our wedding day," Jennie said and James smirked.

"Is that a yes, Princess?"

She looked into his eyes, they were a little too hopeful.

"... Fine... Yes, I'll marry you," Jennie said and his smile brighten. She found it comforting—only for a brief moment, that is. "Can you get up now? You're embarrassing yourself and dirtying your clothes."

"If I may, just one more thing to make up for the absence of a ring," James said before pressing a soft kiss on the back of her hand.

She felt his nose brush against her skin then the blood rushing to her head. The chills he gave her made her heart beat at an abnormal rate, and she didn't like it. She didn't like how he was making her feel all these confusing emotions at once and especially, she didn't like how it was making her more and more afraid of what a future with this Prince holds.


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