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SEOUL, Korean Empire

"The press conference will be any minute now. Where is Prince James?" a nervous secretary asked and paced around the waiting room.

"Go check on him," Queen Jisoo ordered Jennie who didn't seem to be listening because she had music blasting in her ears. "Jennie Kim!"

Jennie was startled and got up from her seat when she saw her mother approaching. She took out the earbuds and paused her device that was playing a song by the reputable singer, Rosé.

"Could you repeat that, mother?" she asked, but then she rolled her eyes as soon as she heard his name.

"... I hope you're on your best behaviour when Prince James is around," the Queen whispered.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't worry, I am," Jennie sighed. She stepped out of the room and searched around the halls with a few guards by her side. "Jaehy- uh, Prince James? My... darling fiancé, where are you?" she called down the hall, struggling to address him that way.

She finally spotted him around the corner near the elevators, staring out of the window. He was doing absolutely nothing but looking at the buildings below with his arms at his sides.

"Were they looking for me again?" asked James, his voice a flat tone.

Jennie walked up to him and tugged on his arm but he barely moved. "We're going to be late. I thought you hated that," she said but James caught her off guard when he suddenly spoke again.

"I know you are an honourable woman, fit for a Queen one day, and you have worked all your life to live up to your ancestors' traditions..." James turned towards her, his tired eyes were evident. "But I am the second son of King Taeyong, I was never meant to be King."

Not only was James not pampered like his brother, the heir to the thrown, he didn't feel like he was worthy of being King—not having put in any work for it, that is.

"I know nothing of how to run a Kingdom, let alone an Empire. I don't think I can do it, Princess," he said and looked at her with a little bit of fear in his eyes.

Jennie tried to sympathize with him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "You may not think that you are fit for a King but don't let that stop you from trying. There's still a long time to go before our wedding and there is a countless number people here to support you so stop being so dramatic," she said and turned around. "If you're not following right behind me when I walk into the press room, I'll tell them you're having diarrhea."

She offered a closed-eyed smile and it gave the Prince a little bit of ease. Well, if gave him enough of a push to get his legs moving.

James took a deep breath before running a hand through the soft curls of his hair, fixing any loose strands, then forced himself to follow Jennie. When the two arrived, the whole room stood and bowed in synchronization, making James even more pressured to be perfect.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Princess Jennie of the Korean Empire and Prince James of the Kung Empire."

The couple bowed and smiled at the crowd. Usually the two would have held hands as they approached their seats but James let Jennie walk ahead of him. They appeared a little stiff as they took their seats at the table and there were people gesturing for the two to sit closer to each other.

A few minutes into the meeting, James watched as Jennie delivered her speech to her people. "She makes it look so easy," he thought to himself.

And when the time came for a collective discussion, James had many more questions than he expected, but one question stood out the most.

"Prince James, I would first like to congratulate you on your engagement, both of Your Highnesses actually. My question is: although the Korean Empire had withdrew from their contract of unity with the Auvern Empire, Princess Jennie was always awfully fond of the Auvern Prince and seeing how distant the two of you are to each other, could there be a reason why-"

"That's enough, sir," a guard said and grabbed the reporter.

"... Is the Princess having a secret affair right under our noses?"

Security guards began to restrain the man and Prince James stood up.

"Let him go," James ordered, his voice was stern but his facial expression was unreadable. "Now."

The guards did as they were told. The reporter fixed his suit and cleared his throat.

"I just think that Princess Jennie could have broken off the engagement with the Auvern Prince due to the collapse of their Empire and now, she's using you as a security trust fund to guarantee that the Korean Empire wouldn't have the same fate. The Princess doesn't even wear an engagement ring," the reporter stated.

The room was silent and all eyes were on the Prince for an answer, a rebuttal.

James looked at Jennie who sat beside him, she was avoiding his gaze and kept quiet. Even if this matter were true, he would never humiliate her like this.

"Execute this traitor!" someone yelled and pointed at the reporter. Others began to join in, causing a ruckus in the room.

"Enough!" James shouted with anger that surprised himself. When the attention of the room was back on him, he took a deep breath and spoke in a gentler tone, "There will be no executions for stating an opinion," he said.

He looked at Jennie again then back at the crowd before speaking loud and clear.

"Princess Jennie has been nothing but faithful since the day of our engagement. If she ever had feelings for the Auvern Prince, they're in the past now. If you don't believe me then please believe that I will marry Princess Jennie because... because I love her. And being engaged is more than just a ring, it's devotion. After me, she doesn't need to prove her faithfulness to anyone else."

James offered his hand to Jennie and she took it with a hesitant and shaky hand.

"There will be no more questions," James said and walked out of the room pulling Jennie with him by the hand.


In the Seoul Palace, James sat on the couch of Jennie's bedchamber and took his tie off, tossing it on the coffee table. He ran his hands over his face then through his hair.

"Why did you stand up for me?" Jennie asked from her vanity across the room, unwilling to approach James. She wasn't sure how to act after someone stood up for her.

"I don't like people who assume things. And I sure as hell don't care for rumours," James replied. This was the first time he spoke with slight informality.

Jennie looked at him from the reflection in the mirror as he takes his blazer and waistcoat off, and unbutton the top few buttons of his shirt.

"How are you so sure that what the reporter said were lies?" she asked and played with her makeup on the vanity.

"Because, Princess... I know you're better than that to use me," James said and turned to look at her through the mirror. "And although I exaggerated my feelings towards you, there will be no one else I'd rather go through this situation with."

Jennie appreciated the kind gestures of the Prince and his words made her feel better about the press conference, but she found it strange how the only thing on her mind was when he said he loved her.


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