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SEOUL, Korean Empire

"This way, my love. Be careful. Watch your step. Careful... careful..."


"Don't look at me, look where you're going."

"Jaehyun," Jennie said and stopped walking.

"Yes?" James asked and held Jennie by the waist to keep her balance.

Jennie looked around at the guards that surrounded them then pulled James down by the collar of his blazer so she could whisper into his ear.

"You don't have to worry so much. You're embarrassing yourself... and me."

James smiled then whispered into Jennie's ear as well, "Are you sure, my love?"

"Yes, I'm sure. You can still protect me from a normal distance."

"In that case," James whispered and gave Jennie a daring kiss on the cheek before standing up straight. "I'll walk with Miss Wendy," he said with his usual volume.

"What... What are you doing?" Jennie asked as James walked ahead to where Wendy was. Jennie was still in shock by the kiss on her cheek when he slipped away from her. "Kung Jaehyun!"

"Shh... don't embarrass yourself, my love," James said with a wink and a finger to his lips.

Jennie glared at James and thankfully, Lilith was there to hold her back or James would be in grave danger.

They walked down the halls of the Korean Empire after Queen Jisoo had just announced their engagement. It was now the time for celebration in one of the grander ballrooms of the Seoul Palace.

After getting changed, James entered the ballroom and waited patiently for Jennie to arrive. He stood by the drink table and cautiously chose a non-alcoholic drink, then sipped it quietly.

Many royals of neighbouring palaces greeted him with delight, which meant that he seemed to live up to their standards at least.

"When did they start letting women attend these celebrations? They ruin all the fun of drinking," a voice said and James looked around to see a gentleman approach.

"Pardon me?" James asked with slight offence to the man's rude comment.

"Congratulations on your engagement with Jennie," he said and offered a glass of wine to James.

James put his glass of water down before accepting the one from the stranger politely. "Thank you, sir. And for the glass as well, but my apologies, I don't drink."

The stranger nodded, "Very well," then drank to the last drop of his own glass.

"Also, my fiancée prefers to be addressed as-"

"Princess Jennie. Yeah, I'm well aware," the man replied and took the glass from James, spilling some on James in the process.

James wanted to speak up but instead, he just stood tall and gave the man a look that asked how he knew of Jennie.

"What, she's never mentioned me?" he said then scoffed. "It must have been hard for her after our engagement was thrown out the window."

James swallowed then looked around for Jennie again—but more for any suspicious faces—then returned to the man's eyes who became increasingly sinister by the minute.

"I'll have to assume you're the Auvern Prince..." James said with his hands behind his back. "I was very sorry to hear about what happened to your country. It must be very difficult to deal with."

"That, it is," he nodded in agreement. "But things like that... It can happen anywhere, don't you think?"

James looked into the man's eyes. It was difficult for James to read the expressionless face of the man before him, other than the glint of danger that he hid well.

"The Princess is a very... hard headed person. I've known her my whole life but somehow, I never felt like I was enough for her. Now that I see you, I feel a little better," he laughed.

James put on a fake smile and forced a laugh.

"She could be a real bitch sometimes, huh?" he commented and drank the rest of the wine from the glass he took from James.

James grit his teeth and clenched his fists behind his back. It was difficult for him to hold back his anger from someone who disrespected Jennie, but the Auvern Prince... was still a Prince—they both were.

"I wouldn't use that word. Yes, she knows what she wants, but I find her more comparable to... sour candy," James said with a fake politeness.

"Ha. Sour candy? Do you have the vocabulary of an eight year old? What does that even mean?" the man laughed.

James stopped pretending and glared at the Auvern Prince.

"It's not my job to nitpick on the fact that you don't understand how to use metaphors, or how you seem to have been raise without manners, therefore, you have already lost my respect not once but three times."

James gave a mocking smile before walking away but the man stopped him by speaking.

"That's only two reasons, Jaehyun Kung."

James turned his head to look at him and said, "the third reason is misogyny."

"She's just using you! She'll use you like she used me!" he shouted but James ignored him.

There was no evidence to prove that any of the rumours about Jennie were true but there also isn't any to prove them wrong, other than his own beliefs. The only thing James could do to find out was to marry Jennie, and that was a risk he was willing to take.

"Prince James, you're leaving already?" Queen Jisoo asked when she spotted him rushing out of the ballroom.

"I am on my way to find Princess Jennie, Your Majesty. I hope that will be alright," James said with a bow.

Queen Jisoo gave him a firm nod, "Very well. Make sure she's safe."

James bowed again, and left, but he wasn't quite clear on what Queen Jisoo meant by 'make sure she's safe.' Nonetheless, he made his way to Jennie's bedchamber. At the door, James knocked a few times before Lilith let him inside.

"Did you drink again?" Jennie asked with disappointment after seeing the wine stain on James' shirt.

Jennie was fairly calm when she used her crutches to walk over to him and began to unbutton his jacket.

"No, my love. It's just a spill," James replied and held Jennie's waist to keep her balance as she helped him undress.

"Lilith, bring me the grey suit from my closet," Jennie instructed and Lilith did as she was told.

Jennie almost reached for James' belt but she stopped herself and took a shy step back—well, more of a hop with her uninjured ankle. Then she cleared her throat after realizing that what she was doing has become a second nature to her.

"Aish, do it yourself," she scolded as if James asked her to help. "What are you doing here? I thought I told you to wait for me in the ballroom."

"I couldn't wait to see you," James said with a smile, "And I wasn't having a pleasant time without you."

"The grey suit for Prince James, Your Highness," Lilith said and James accepted the clothes from her. "If that is all, Your Royal Highnesses, I'll be on my way."

Lilith left the room and James helped Jennie to the couch. He put the suit down on the coffee table and sat down next to Jennie.

"I have a question..." James said but kept his eyes away from Jennie's. "What kind of... relationship... did you have with the Auvern Prince?" he asked slowly.


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