Chapter Ten

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Harper’s POV

"Luke baby, you have to tell us what you did,” I murmur finally squirming out of Mr. Winchester’s grasp and climbing over into Luke’s lap. I place my hand on either side of his face so his sorrowful blue eyes are looking into mine. As he tries to cast them down towards his lap I pull his face back up. “If you want to protect me and everybody else here you have to tell us what happened,” I whisper, my face inches from his own as I try to make him understand. 

He can’t have done something so bad that he’s willing to let us all die. Right? 

“Luke babe, just tell us,” I murmur in his ear again, laying my head on his shoulder as he stays silent. I try to control the anger and sobs that are willing to come out of my throat at any moment. My head shoots up from its resting place when I hear him take a deep sigh. I see all other eyes focused on his face, the beautiful face that I am so in love with, the face that looks as if it has never seen such anguish and fear until this very moment. I fear that the next few words he states will change everything between us, but I’m determined for it not to. I will be with him through this, we all have secrets, obviously that is why we’re here, so I will be with Luke during this just like I know he will be for me. 

“It was that night after I left your house. I left to go to a party with Ashton and, and something happened,” he pauses, taking a frantic glance behind him towards the couch but I keep my eyes trained on his face. Slowly he turns back to face me, as if he doesn’t care about anyone else’s reaction except my own and I am trying my hardest not to show my fear. 

“Something happened at the party and I left early. I know I was drunk Harper, I know I should have never drove but I had to get out of there. I’m so, so sorry,” he murmurs, breaking down and this time placing his forehead on my shoulder. I slowly wrap my arms around him and try my best to comfort him. The few times I’ve had to comfort Luke while he cried have always seemed so foreign to me. He always has such a tough exterior, and is usually the one comforting me. 

“What happened Luke?” I whisper in his ear as I rub his back. I kiss him softly on the cheek before bringing his face back up, the tears in his eyes still silently running down his cheeks. 

“I hit somebody Harp, I hit somebody and ran away,” he murmurs, watching my face for any reaction. But there is none. I have nothing to show, my brain is just in complete shock. There’s no way that Luke, my Luke could hit someone and run away. There’s no way…is there? 

“What happened?” I finally get out, everyone else still seems to be in shock with gaping mouths and wide eyes, staring down at Luke and I entwined on the floor. “I mean, uh what happened to the person?” I ask gently. 

“I promise I called the cops. They were still living so I called for an ambulance but after that I couldn’t stay. I would go to jail for drunk driving. I couldn’t stay Harper, I had to leave. But I watched…I watched the news, the newspaper, everything. The person ended up only having a broke arm. They were okay, I promise they were okay…” he cries and I wrap my arms around him again. 

“It’s okay. It’s okay, baby,” I whisper in his ear as I rub his back. Luke made a mistake, a terrible one but we can’t just give up on each other right now in this situation. He needs me, and I know for a fact that I need him. “It’ll be okay,” I continue to soothe him. I look up from where my chin is rested on his head as he keeps his head on my shoulder, his arms wrapped around my waist, as if scared to let go, to see that everyone else is still staring at us with expressions of sadness. I sigh in relief to see that none of them seem overly angry at Luke. I know the psycho is trying to make us tell our secrets to tear us apart but we can’t do that if we expect to get out of here alive. 

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