Bad News

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I left Mr. Oller's room and with every step I couldn't get him or his body out of my head. Oh god. History is going to be my favorite class. It's only two days a week though. One day with him and I'm already addicted. I want to find out more about him. I try to wave the thought of him away as I drive back to my apartment.

Once home, I realize I didn't even do the work in class. Do I really have to do this dumb shit? How does this whole teacher/student thing even work anyway? It's illegal isn't it? Ugh, but he's so amazing. Alex. Stop.

But he's so -

No, Alex.

I fought with myself for a couple minutes before I quit because I shouldn't be thinking about him so much. It's a fling, that I shouldn't think about. Just playful fun. Yup.

After taking out the homework, I stared at it and none of the words made sense. I actually really needed help in this class, but now with Mr. Oller how do I focus and not fail? All these questions but no answers.

The next day was Wednesday and I didn't have my history class today, instead I had my Advanced English Composition class. I really enjoyed this class and writing out how I felt that day. The professor was laid-back and he let us have complete creative freedom and I loved that.

I walked up to the English building and as I turned the corner, Mr. Oller was talking to my English professor.

"Oh hi Alex." Mr. Oller smiled at me.

"Hi, Mr. Oller." I smiled back at him.

My English professor seemed to be done with what he had been talking to Mr. Oller about so he just left me and him alone, "English in 10 minutes, Alex, don't be late!"

"How are you today?" Mr. Oller said acting like nothing was going on between us.

"I'm okay I guess? Listen, Mr. Oller, I pulled out the work from yesterday when I got home and I actually have no idea what we're doing in class." I said, not knowing what response I would get.

"Totally understandable. Did you want to come over to my place after class for some help? I don't have classes to teach today."

"Um, you can't help me here at school?" I seriously didn't want to go to his place and fall back into his arms and not get anything done.

"I understand your reluctance but I swear it'll just be professional." Mr. Oller seemed genuine but, him just asking to go back to his place was a little too peculiar to me.

"And I don't believe you."

"Alex, don't forget I am your teacher and I have the right to teach you the curriculum. I just want to help, and if you don't want to do anything, nothing will happen, I cross my heart and hope to die," he said while crossing his heart.

"Ugh, alright. My English class ends in two hours."

"Do you have a piece of paper?" Mr. Oller asked.

"Yeah, here." I handed him my notebook and pen.

He took them and wrote down his address and phone number, and wrote, "MR. OLLER ;)", at the top.

"Real charming." I kinda laughed.

He smiled, "you better get to class, I'll be waiting for you at my place, I was just heading out anyway."

"Um, yeah, I'll text you when I'm on my way, I guess. Thanks."

I knew he was bad news, but I didn't care.


Sort or a shortish chapter but it's an update! Leave a comment and a vote!

- Rachel :-)

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