Weed Be Cute Together

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I walked over to the couch after grabbing my bag and my water and sat down on the left side. I went to put my history book on the coffee table, but that's when I figured out what I had only glanced at before was something I was uncomfortable with.

"Is that what I think it is?" I pointed at the object on the table, as Mr. Oller sat down close next to me.

He laughed. "Well, if you think it's a bong, then yeah it's what you think it is."

"You smoke?" I had never got into the whole 'smoking weed' thing.

"What's it to ya darling? It helps me focus. You want to try? Maybe it'll help you study," he grabbed the bong and set it near me on the table.

"No, thanks. " I said, pushing it away again.

"Well, alright. That's fine." He sounded sad in a way that I had rejected the weed. "Let's begin, shall we? What questions do you have?"

"Uhm, the whole Revolutionary War confuses me, and that's what we're studying right? I guess that shows you how much I did pay attention in this class."

Mr. Oller started to describe George Washington and Sir William Howe's actions. He would read something from the book and look into my eyes to see if I was getting it. He would rest his hand on my thigh after each turn of the page. The first time made me flinch, but I got so used to his close touches that it didn't even phase me anymore.

"I get that part, but I'm not sure about this battle." I was getting frustrated. "UGH!" I screamed out. "I'm never going to get this right."

Mr. Oller lifted his hand to my face, "Hey you're doing great. Just calm down. You can do this. " He must have followed my gaze because he looked over at the weed he had on the table.
"Do you want to try it? I swear it might help."

I spoke so quietly I'm surprised he even heard me, "I think I do."

The grin on his face couldn't be pried off if you tried. He handed me the bong and put the weed inside and lit it up for me. "Just inhale through here."

I did as he said and exhaled. It felt good. It felt damn good.

"How do you feel?" He excitedly asked.

"I..I...I feel good." I let out a smile.

"That's great. Here give me a turn." He laughed as I gave it to him.

"Are we actually smoking together right now? Isn't this illegal?"

"Alex, I thought we already established I'm not a normal teacher," he smirked.

"I want more." I liked it. I can't believe I liked it.

"First timer already addicted huh?"

I nervously laughed and he handed the weed over again.

I inhaled. I exhaled. I inhaled. I exhaled.

"Let's try teaching me about this battle again." I set down the bong and looked at the history book again.

Mr. Oller went over the same exact battle of the Revolutionary War that I had trouble understanding before. He went over it once. I got it. I understood it.

"Oh my god. This actually worked. Thank you so much. I don't think I could thank you enough, to be honest." I hugged him. He smelt good.

"You're welcome baby." He closed the history book with a longing in his eyes.

I grabbed the book, put it into my bag along with my other supplies, and next thing you know I kissed him again, with such passion that at first he was taken aback. His tongue quickly maneuvered into my mouth. He slowly pushed me back onto the couch, so now he was on top of me.

He moved my hair off of my neck to reveal the hickey he had left yesterday. "You're so fucking beautiful, Alex."

He kissed me on the same exact spot on my neck, where my hickey was. It was still sore so I moaned out in pain when he did so.

"It's okay baby. It's like my own special spot," he breathily whispered into my ear, his beard rubbing against my skin.

"Oh, Mr Ol-" he cut me off.
"Please - it's Tony, outside of the classroom."

I actually love you guys like a lot for loving my story like a lot so I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Vote if you did!!

-Rachel :-)

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