chapter three

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Caesar woke up early that day, Lisa Lisa made her daily trip to the village so he was home alone. It was 7 o'clock sharp, the birds were already chirping at him to wake up. He sat up in bed and stretched. He got dressed, and brushed through his hair. He kept up with his hair since it was so valuable, it was always soft and light. Caesar threw on a pair of pants, and a nice button up. He liked to feel pretty even when he was alone.

Caesar sighed to himself, and looked around his room. He made his bed, and fixed his pillows. He usually had nightmares, but he wasn't sure where they came from. They were always in the same situation. He was a baby in a crib, and he was being taken from his room. He doesn't have any memory of this happening to him, so it's always been confusing. He agreed to not mention it to his mother since she might be worried. She already has enough going on her hands since she has to protect him and make sure he's safe in their tower.

Caeser cleared his head, and went on about his day. He likes to eat a good breakfast and started by cleaning the house. He takes care of the tower since his mother does everything else for him. She has been making more trips into town as well, She started a job at a local art store there. Caesar swept the floors and cleaned the main room. He hummed a song to himself. He was quite a good singer, he enjoyed playing instruments as well. His mother always said he was interested in music since he was a toddler.

He was working up a sweat already, and wiped his forehead. Cleaning every single day gets tiring, he has a strict schedule for himself too. He doesn't like to be off of it, since it's all he's ever known. When we started growing up into a teenager, his mother left him home alone more often and taught him how to clean properly. It's odd, he learned how to clean but doesn't know any self defense. He always wondered why that was, since he was so important, maybe he should learn how to protect himself?

The floors were shining by the time he was finished, the cobwebs were all brushed away and the mirrors were clear again. The tower was quiet, the only noise was from nearby birds flying by the windows. They were usually kept open, since Lisa Lisa enjoyed the fresh air if she was feeling a bit off that day. She doesn't use his hair as often, usually a few times a week. Sometimes if she has a stressful day of work she has to use it when she gets home. She enjoys feeling and looking young, she feels like she has more value as a worker since she almost has no flaws. She's never been romantically involved with anybody, since she could never tell them about Caesar.

He could never live on his own, the kingdom still believes that he is alive and well. They don't search for him, they think he will come back one day. That's why they send out the lanterns, they think he can find his way back home with them. Silly Caesar. He just admires them from his window. He thinks that they're pretty, and he feels special since it's on his birthday.

By the time the boy was done cleaning, only thirty minutes had passed. He groaned, time passed by so slowly. He thinks of the different hobbies he has. Well, he liked art. He loved it actually. He painted almost every corner of his room, it was full of bright sceneries that he dreamed of. He had never been able to go outside, so looking out the window was good for now.

He reread the few books he had, practiced his music, and baked cookies. He tries to do as much as he can. It was so repetitive, he wanted to be outside more than anything.

He saw a spot above the fireplace that was empty. He measured it out and grabbed his paint set. The artist painted a scene of a hill, with the glowing lanterns. There were so many little details in his work. He painted himself sitting and watching them and smiled to himself. The boy put the paint set away, and covered the painting with the curtain. He climbed down and went to his window.

The young prince always admired the sun, he painted it the most. The soft yellows were the prettiest colors, and he could only imagine how the sun would feel on him. He also enjoyed painting himself in the sun.

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