coming clean || l.h.

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oh gosh it's been s o  l o n g  i'm so sorry guys but thank you for reading if you're still reading :) i hope you like this, i thought it was sweet :) leave me a comment/review as you read along, just sharing your thoughts and whatnot!! it's much appreciated. love you guys lots, message me if you want!! :)

dumb joke:
what do sharks say when something radical happens?

hehe happy reading!! x

“I know!” you squeal, kicking your legs slightly. Your best friend reaches around and hugs your shoulders again. “I’m so excited for you, oh my gosh!” she giggles behind her hand as she leans back into the couch. “Thank you,” you blush, nodding your head as you look down at your tummy. There’s a little baby growing in there now, three weeks old only. “I’m really excited too.” Your voice is soft, you’re almost afraid to mess with the tiny fetus growing inside of you, as strange as it sounds.

Your friend reaches over and kisses your cheek, “Well, I’ve got to get back to my man too. Call me after you’ve told him, okay? I want to know how it goes.” You nod and stand up to walk her to the door, your whole body buzzing with anticipation. “I’ll see you later,” she says, patting your arm before she walks down the steps at the front door and out to her car. You wave as she pulls out of your driveway and then go into your room for a shower and such before Luke comes home later. And you find that you can’t keep the smile from your face.


“Honey!” he calls, “I’m hoooome.”

You look at yourself in the mirror and smile broadly, patting your tummy. “It’s now or never, right baby?” You’re imagining it, you’re sure, but you swear you feel a little pitter patter inside your belly. “Okay,” you breathe, smoothing out your shirt. “All right, I can do this. Here we go.”


You smile as you walk out of the bedroom, “Hey Luke.” He reaches forward to brush his hands over your cheeks and pull you so he kisses your forehead and then your lips for a lingering moment. Luke pulls back with a little smack, and his grin is contagious, causing your lips to curl upwards at the corners. You find your heart beating faster with the way his eyes traipse over your body, the turquoise irises darkening to a navy color. He looks so good in his jeans and button up, it makes your heartbeat quicken.

“How was the studio?” you ask him, pressing your palms to his chest. He rubs your sides, up and down, cheekily pressing his thumbs under the hem of your shirt, a smirk on his face. You push his wrists, you don’t want him to possibly be able to tell about the little person growing within your belly. He cocks his head to the side in confusion, his eyebrows crumpling together. “It was good…” he trails off slowly, dragging the words out. “Although I was just ready to come home to you and…”

The half-finished sentence makes your whole body heat up, but you just force yourself to smile, “I-I made dinner.” He chuckles, “Dinner can wait, we have a microwave.” You roll your eyes and fist his shirt, pulling him forward, “Don’t be so impatient, Luke Hemmings.” He giggles and kisses your nose, rolling his eyes. “I guess I can wait a few minutes or so…” You sigh and shake your head, pulling him by his shirt towards the table where you’ve got two plates set up.

He groans, “Are you being serious?” You nod your head and he pulls out your chair for you, allowing you to sit down in front of your plate. “Yes,” you tell him with a small laugh, “like a heart attack.” Luke sighs and rolls his eyes before sitting down and grasping your hand, lacing your fingers. “The things I do for you,” he teases, squeezing your palm with his own.

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