Late Night Mumblings || c.h.

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hey guys okay so here's calum's first part of the five+ part thingy that i'm gonna be doing :) i really hope you enjoy it, i loved writing it. like i said in luke's parts, this first section is a bit boring but it'll pick up, i pinky promise.

okay lamE joke time: "what do you call a cold dog sitting on a bunny?" 

(answer will be at the bottom lol but try and figure it out because you is smart)

if you guys wanna comment, that'd be cool, if you wanna vote, that'd be cool, if you wanna read, here we go! 


As he lies down behind you, his warm, sticky skin pressed to yours, you smile. His palm over the expanse of your tummy, his fingers twitching every now and then. He’s been asleep for the past twenty minutes, soft snores flowing from his mouth and nose. You’ve occupied yourself by repeatedly running your fingertips over his bird tattoo on his forearm, loving the way the dark ink looks on his tan skin.

“Mm,” he mumbles, his lips running across your shoulders in his sleep. He’s always been a bit of an amorous sleeper. You’ve woken up more than once with a tiny hickey on your shoulder or neck and he pleads that he doesn’t even know what happened the morning after. “Baby,” he says while his teeth scrape against your skin, his palm spreading out against your stomach. You chuckle, “Yeah, that’s me.” He nuzzles your neck with his nose and kisses the top of your spine, blowing out a breath in your hair. “Barbies, hmm,” he grumbles, “tea party. Yes, more tea.”

You scrunch your eyebrows together as you pay closer attention to what he’s saying. “Sure,” he mumbles, his lips moving slightly against your skin, “I’ll dress up.” A few moments later he stops, his lips stilling on your neck and his breath coming out in heavy, even inhales and exhales. After tracing over his tattoo about fifty more times, you find yourself drifting to sleep, his mumblings reverberating in your mind, bouncing around as you snooze.


When you awaken the next morning, you’re surprised to find yourself alone and clothed in one of Calum’s large shirts and his black boxers. You can’t help but smile down at the beautiful diamond ring taking residence on your fourth finger of your left hand, this strange buzzing feeling settled in your stomach. “Calum?” you call, standing up and feeling a cool breeze from the air conditioner hitting your legs.

“Down here, sweetie!” he calls back, and that’s when it hits you.

The wonderful smell of bacon and the yeasty scent of pancakes drifts up the staircase and your mouth begins watering. You’ve never run down the stairs faster. “Whoa,” you hear him cackle from around the corner, “I didn’t know we had a herd of buffalo in the house.” You narrow your eyes into a glare before hopping up on the counter next to where he’s standing with the griddle, the cold counter pressed against your legs.

“Mornin’, beautiful,” he says with a kiss to your lips. You blush and respond, “Good morning.” He smiles, “There’s the first batch.” Calum’s fingers point down to a plate that’s rested in the microwave to keep warm and you lean out over the counter to grab them out, taking a small one and you begin munching. “Aren’t you just cute?” he asks, booping your nose.

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