doubly gifted || c.h.

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here's calum's second part!! hopefully you like it :) the second parts of ashton and michael should be coming soon!! leave me a comment/review telling me what you think as you read! as always, love you guys bunches :)

dumb joke:
what do you get when you cross a t-rex with fireworks?

i think i'm funny but i'm not. happy reading!! x


“I get to be an aunt!” Mali-Koa squeals, squeezing you around the shoulders again. You giggle and nod, your hands wiping at your eyes again for what feels like the eightieth time in just a mere hour or so. “Yeah,” you grin, “you do!”

She smiles as she leans back into the plush recliner she’s sat in, her hands on her legs as she sighs. “Wow, this is crazy! How’re you supposed to tell him?” You gulp, your thumb brushing over your navel which is purposed in hiding the tiny little bean that’s going to be growing within you for the next eight months. “I-I don’t know,” you say truthfully, “I was hoping you’d help.”

Mali-Koa’s smile broadens (if at all possible) and she nods, “Well, let’s get to work then, shall we?”



When you hear the door slam, you can’t help the little stutter of your heart, your hand pressed to your stomach. “Y-Yeah, Cal, I’m in here, love,” you call back from the bedroom where you’re fussing over a package. “What’re you doing in there?” he asks as he walks down the hall. You sigh, “Do I have to have a reason to be in our bedroom?” He smirks as he leans in the doorway, his wavy hair falling in his eyes.

“We could always make one up,” he tells you, the sensual nature of his raspy voice leaking into your veins and sending your heart to your throat. It’s amazing that even after being together for such an amount of time, his voice alone insinuating marriage behavior still puts a chill in your spine. “Well,” you say as you stand to your feet, the bag in your hands, “I already have one, so there’s no need.”

Calum groans dramatically, as always, and stomps his foot, “But baby…” That word alone sends your body into a tizzy. Does he already know? How could he already know?! I haven’t told anyone but Mali… You feel a set of arms on your shoulders and when you glance up, you meet the concerned brown-eyed gaze of your husband.

“What’s on your mind then sweetie?” he asks gently, any thought of persuading you to use the bed behind you for it’s intended purpose flown from his tone. “You look like you’re ill or something—do I need to put on a cuppa?” You shake your head and grip on tighter to the little package in your hands. “N-No, no, I’m fine,” you tell him with a small smile. You’re really excited, but also nervous. This is what he wanted, right? He wanted a baby.

“Can you sit down for me?” you gulp. He nods in confusion, his thick eyebrows pulled together. Calum does as told, slowly lowering himself to sit on the mattress with his hands laced together. “Is everything okay?” he asks, worried eyes flitting all over your face. “D-Did I do something wrong? I promise, if you’ll tell me, I’ll fix it, I’ll do something different. Was it my eggs?! Oh my gosh, I made you sick, didn’t I?! I heard you puked the other day, Mali told me and I—“

You clamp your hand over his mouth and chuckle, “Cal?” He looks up at you, his lips moving beneath the hold of your palm, “Yesh?” You giggle and place the gift in his lap. “Just shut up and open the bag, yeah?” Calum’s quizzical eyes go between you and the bag a few times before finally he starts gently pulling away the tissue paper as if whatever is inside is going to eat him alive.

“Just open it,” you groan. He sighs in defeat and pulls all the conjoined tissue paper out, leaving the two trinkets down at the bottom. “What’s this for?” he asks, reaching down inside. You stay quiet with your hands laced in front of you, biting your lip to keep down your excitement. “No, seriously, babe, I’m confused…” Calum brings out the little set of baby booties from the bag, rolling them in his hand. “Why did you put small shoes inside of a bag and give them to me? I don’t—“

He stops mid sentence and it’s as if his face pales completely, his frown falling slack as his expression turns placid. “Babe,” he whispers, looking deeper into the bag. He pulls out the little bib that says “Daddy’s #1 Fan” on it and you can see the tiny tears settling in the corners of his eyes. “Swear to me that you’re not kidding because this isn’t something you kid about and if you’re kidding with me then I’m going to be one upset—“

“Daddy,” you whisper smiling. “One upset daddy.”

Calum doesn’t bother to put the things back in the bag; he just tosses them onto the bed and stands up, pacing over to you. “You’re serious?” he whispers, his hands resting at your hips. As you nod, they slowly slip up, pulling your shirt up by his thumbs. “Yes, I’m serious,” you tell him in a gentle voice. You watch as he slowly gets down on his knees in front of you, cradling your stomach by the sides. There isn’t even much of a bump just yet, merely the tiniest little bulge there imaginable.

“Oh my gosh,” he whispers, rubbing his thumbs back and forth against the skin of your hips. “We’re going to have a baby?” You nod, reaching down and running through his hair with your fingers, tugging gently. “Oh my goodness,” he mutters, facing your stomach now. “A baby.”

As soon as he snaps out of his confusion, his mouth is pressing tiny fairy kisses all over your tummy. “A baby,” he mumbles as he presses his forehead there and closes his eyes with a sigh. You nod as he pulls your shirt down and stands to his full height, towering over you slightly. “Mhmm,” you say softly, “a baby.” He grins with his forehead against yours, hands set firm on your waist, “I love you.” You smile in return, leaning up on your toes to press your mouth to his. “I love you too.”

He giggles as he wraps you up in a hug, holding you so tightly you let out a little noise. “Oh my gosh,” he mutters as he pulls you back by the shoulders. “Did I hurt you?!” You shake your head and go to say something but his hands are already on your tummy, “Did I hurt the baby?!” He lifts up your shirt as if he has x-ray vision, as if he can see what’s behind you skin. “I was just so happy,” he mumbles, his voice turning sad, “I didn’t mean to squish you. I’m so sorry, aw I’m such a horrible person. Look! I make a bad dad already…”

You smack him upside the back of the head and he winces whilst whining. “Babe, I’m having a crisis here, you shouldn’t hit me!” You chuckle and pull him back up to his feet, “Calum, you just squeezed me and I took a breath, there’s nothing to be worried about.” He sighs and pecks your lips, “Oh, but milady, there is.” He smiles brightly and nuzzles your nose, “We have to transform the house! And we have to enroll in those baby classes and buy a crib and paint the nursery and get a little baby doll to practice putting in the carseat! There’s so much to do, so little time!”

With another laugh, you yank his elbow to force him downwards for another kiss. “We’ve got nine months,” you tell him as you pull back. He groans, his hands on his face as he falls back so he’s sat on the bed. “What?!” you ask in concern, wondering why he’s suddenly acting like this. “What’s wrong?”

Your mind instantly goes to the worst of places. What if he really doesn’t want the baby?! What if he was just thinking wistful thoughts?!

“Because,” he sighs dramatically (again). “I have to wait so looooong.”

Your eyebrows furrow, “What?”

He waits for a moment and then shakes his shoulders and hips, “Bow chicka wow wow.” You shove his shoulders, your cheeks turning pink and your eyes bugging out of your head. “Calum Thomas Hood!” He giggles and falls onto his back, pulling you with him but cushioning your fall with his trim body. “I cannot believe you,” you groan, burying your head in his shoulder. He continues laughing as his arms wrap around you securely.

“I’m just being honest,” he tells you with a kiss to your temple. You sigh and shake your head, pushing yourself up, “You’re a mess.” He nods, “I’m your mess.” You straddle his waist, a knee on either side of his hips, “No, no.” His face falls, but you squeeze his cheeks and smile. “You’re our mess.”  


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2015 ⏰

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