Chapter 7

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A:: Maa I'm sure there will be many who would want to marry her
Avneet:: would YOU MARRY HER????

A:: what kind of rubbish question is that? Why would I marry her?
Avn:: why what's wrong with the question? As you said there will be many but you yourself does not want to marry her even though you know her and not only that you love her son as your own, so how do you expect some random guy will marry her and accept her child, When you can't accept her? End of the day even you are like any other man who only feels that a single girl can be your perfect match.
A:: Di!! Hold on!! You got it all wrong!!! I didn't mean it the way you are thinking, not at all and how can you think your brother can have such narrow mind? I love her son because that's my brother's son too. Di, Mishti is a wonderful person, but she is my brother's wife and I can't forget that.
Avn:: Abir in that case everyone will think she is Kabir's wife but the truth is she is not anyone's wife now. She has no husband or any partner as her husband has died. She is a young girl who is single, who unfortunately lost her husband at a young age and she also has a child. Abir Kabir is dead she is not his wife anymore but his widow and there's a big difference between wife & widow. So Abir think about it and then answer me Would you marry her just the way you said she will find many? Don't think as Kabir's brother but think as a man and tell me.
A:: Di, this is an awkward question
Avn: :Abir it's not an awkward question if you just think as a man. I'm not asking you to marry her I'm only asking you so that you can tell me  how a man can or will feel about this question think about your answer and let me know so we all can look for a suitable guy for Mishti as she needs to move on. Anyway Maa it's getting late I gotta go home.
That night Abir felt weird some how looking at Mishti felt awkward, Mishti was talking to him and he wasn't paying attention as he was thinking about his sister's question.
After few days Avneet came home and as usual talking about Mishti and the same topic purposely in front of Abir and asked Abir what he thinks and he said Mishti is a beautiful girl and a wonderful person who wouldn't want to marry her.
Avneet's question still remained the same and he remained silent once again... after that Avneet didn't push it too much rather started looking for a groom and also told Mishti's mom that they better convince Mishti to move on and now even Mishti started feeling that she really needs to move on as KAbir is growing up and soon he would need a father figure or someone who he can call dad and it's easier for kids to accept everything when they are young.
Few months later when Kabir was 6 months and he was big enough to make few different sounds and started addressing everyone as gagagagaga but somehow he always addressed Abir as bababababa the reason not known why but Mishti felt may be because Abir addresses him as Baba all the time.
One of Mishti's cousin came over and noticed how Abir was so involved not only with the baby but also with Mishti, from an outsider's point of view they looked like perfect couple, knowing Mishti since birth she felt Mishti felt different for Abir. She wasn't a person who would get so close to a man without any emotional bond, but ofcourse she didn't want to make anyone feel awkward. Later she asked Mishti about her future plans and Mishti said the usual that she wants to go back to work be independent, be a good mom take care of her in laws and her parents. But her cousin wasn't impressed with her answer, so she asked if she had any plans for looking for a partner. Mishti kept quiet for sometime and said she was happy here, her son has Abir as his father figure she has a good loving family so she has no complaints.
Cousin:: Mishti I understand you are happy, your son has a father figure and all that but do you think life will be same after few years? Don't you think you will get lonely? We are human we have different needs it can be mental or can be physical or many other things. You think Abir will be around all his life? Soon he will get married have his own kids then do you think he will have so much time for you or Kabir? It won't be fair for his wife and kids if he spends 24/7 with you.
M:: Di I don't want to think of anything now. I just know Abir won't ignore us he will take care of us.
Cousin:: I'm not saying he won't take care of you and Kabir he is a nice person but don't you think you are putting a little extra pressure on him with so much expectations? Unless you and Abir get married then things can be different.
Before Mishti could say anything Maa started calling everyone for dinner.
M:: Di come lets go Maa is calling
Cousin:: Mishti I know you, you were always my favorite sister I can read your eyes. I hope one day Abir will read it too.
M:: Di!! Don't worry I'm fine and I will think about my future and I did tell Maa that I won't say no if she finds someone suitable for me, I will atleast give a chance to start over again
Cousin:: I know you are brave just don't hurt yourself in the process
Her cousin hugged her and wished her luck and before they went out of the room Abir knocked on the door.
A:: Kabir fell asleep, you guys go a head I'll put him to bed
Cousin:: how do you know we were about to go out?
A:: (lil stunned) hmm I just heard Maa call everyone for dinner so I figured you guys were going.
M:: Yea we were just going... Di lets go Maa is waiting
Her cousin felt Abir heard their conversation and she was not wrong Abir did hear the conversation as he was coming to her room with Kabir and stopped as he heard her cousin talk.
Later that night Abir felt weird thinking about Mishti going with someone or getting married to someone else, not that he was thinking of himself  with her but he just couldn't accept Mishti with anyone else.
After some time ::
After dinner Abir as usual putting Kabir to sleep and it takes him exactly five minutes but if anyone else tries it takes forever. As usual Mishti made some tea for both of them. This has become a routine now he puts the baby to sleep and she brings tea and then they sit down and chit chat for sometime. As they were talking about some general stuffs and somehow they started talking about future, when Mishti asked Abir about his future and about getting married he said
A:: I'm not thinking of marriage I'm happy now also I have Kabir I have you!! I mean as a friend
M:: everyone has been asking me about marriage!! And I don't know what to think but yes I do get lonely, and in future KAbir will need a dad
A:: what do you mean? Am I not being a good dad?
M:: Abir it's not like that. You are wonderful any child would be lucky to have you as a dad but soon when you have your own kids obviously KAbir won't feel the same way right and it won't be fair to ask you to give KAbir all your time coz your own kids has rights on you too
A:: I just said I am not thinking of marriage and for me KAbir and you are enough (he just snapped and walked away)
Abir just didn't realize he was just being irrational, he didn't even realize that he snapped at Mishti, she was lil taken back.
Another month passed KAbir is lil more than 7 months and he can sit on his own and also trying to crawl he can push himself little bit hopefully soon we will see him crawling.
M:: Hey Abir are you busy tomorrow?
A:: not really I just have one meeting early morning that's it. Why?
M:: actually I have a doctors appointment and then after that my mom wants me to go with her somewhere
A:: doctors appointment?
M:: oh no just regular check up that's it.
Next day::
During Breakfast
A:: so what time is your appointment
M:: 11:30
A:: oh ok, after that you are going to your mom's
M:: Yea once I'm done I'll go to my mom's she wants me to meet someone
A:: oh ok! No worries I'll be back from work by 12 I'll take care of him.
He left for his meeting and Mishti prepared everything for KAbir before leaving. Till Abir came back Maa was taking care of Kabir, Abir finished his meeting and came back home.
Maa:: Abir you came back so early?
A:: Kabir was alone at home Maa how can I not come?
Maa:: Abir!! He is not alone he is with me and I am your Maa his dadi and your dad is home too.
Abir washes his hands and grabs Kabir from Maa as if Maa wasn't doing a good job keeping a child.
That afternoon Avneet came to see the family
Avnt:: Maa I heard Mishti went to see someone?
Maa:: yes Avu she went with her mom.
Avnt:: I'm so excited hope things work out
Maa:: Yea I'm hoping that Mishti finds a nice guy
(Abir's head just snapped towards his mom and sister)
Avnt:: can you believe his ex wife stayed with him 6 months but then ran away with her ex boyfriend. Poor guy!!
M:: Yea Mishti's mom said he is a good looking boy well educated and modern
As the mom and daughter was talking Abir heard everything and deep down he was fuming. By 5o'clock he started pacing around he wasn't talking to anyone, he was yelling at everyone for no reason.
Around 7pm Mishti came back and when Avneet and Maa saw her coming they called her to know what happened. Abir heard the car and he was expecting her to come to the room but he didn't know his mom and sis called her to know what happened today. After waiting for sometime he came downstairs and saw Mishti happily talking to his mom and sister
A:: Mishti!! You came back and you didn't even bother to check on your son?
M:: Abir I was just coming, I was only talking to Maa and Di
A:: do you realize you left in the morning and you are coming home now and still didn't come to see your son?
Avnt:: Abir why are you over reacting? We were all here for Kabir, please give the girl a break
A:: Di I'm not saying she can't go out or do anything but she needs to understand there's a life attached to you. I understand you are getting desperate. You feel lonely you need a partner but I can't let you be so irresponsible.
M:: what irresponsible?
A:: ofcourse now you are thinking about marriage so why do you care who does what and how you can get rid of Kabir
M::what? Do you even realize what are you saying!!
A:: yes I do realize. But all I can see is that your son in this house, nothing means anything to YOU... all you care about is your self
M:: Abir you are crossing your limit
A:: I don't think so, you are only thinking about your self.
That evening no body knows why Abir was angry but Mishti ran to her room feeling heart broken she wasn't expecting this from Abir. How can Abir think she wants to get rid of Kabir.
Avnt:: Abir what's wrong with you how can you talk like that? If she was irresponsible then she wouldn't ask u and Maa and me to take care of Kabir, she could just leave him with Maa alone and don't forget maa has three kids herself so she can manage to take care of a child for half a day. Or she could just leave him with some maid we have quite a few working here. Abir she has the right to think about her future, you can't stop her to live. What's wrong with you? Why can't you let her go?
A:: please Di don't try to blame it on me. Why does she need to leave our house? Why does she need to find another man? Is she not happy here? Am I not doing everything for her?
Avnt:: Abir!!! Bachcha what's wrong with you? You were not like this? Abir she needs a partner who can give her all kind of support
A:: then what am I doing all these days?
Avnt:: you tell me what are you doing? Yes you take care of her and her child you take responsibilities that's it. Can she come and share everything with you? You are not a kid Abir... does she get a husband's love from you? Can she come and hug you and tell you that she can't sleep alone or she needs someone to be next to her. Can she plan her future with you?
A:: Di please I don't want to hear anything. She can do whatever I don't care.
Abir in his room kicked the stool out of anger and hurt himself and Mishti heard him scream in pain and she couldn't stop her and ran to his room she saw him in pain as he held his ankle she sat on her knees trying to check what happened
A:: I don't need help
Mishti gave him an angry glare
M:: I don't care. Let me see...
Abir just shut up and she massaged his ankle and he immediately felt better. As Mishti is about to leave Abir pushes her to the wall and caged her between his arms. He had both his hands on the wall. Mishti was shocked didn't know how to react
A:: how can you think of leaving this house?
M:: Abir let me go
A:: tell me what am I not doing that you have to get married and leave this house?
M:: Abir I said something
A:: what do you want tell me... just say it once trust me I'll do everything you say.
Abir was so close to her his breath fanned her hair he was this close
M:: let me go that's what I want
A:: I can't let you go, I need you to stay here
Mishti didn't want to talk to him now and also he never said he wants her to stay with him but he doesn't want her to leave. She pushed him and walked out of the room. She doesn't know what to make out of this behavior.
Next day in breakfast table Abir is waiting for her to come down but she didn't, he went to the room to see Kabir before leaving for work she was in the bathroom so he didn't see her. He went to work very restless, he knows he messed up but he doesn't know how to fix it.
Later that day::
M:: Maa, I want to go to my mom's place for few days if that's okay with you
Maa:: ofcourse Mishti, I think you need some change too. Even your parents should get a chance to spend time with their grandkid. I can't be so selfish that I kept their daughter and their grandchild.
M:: thanks Maa
Maa:: did you tell Abir?
M:: no!
Maa:: I understand, may be it's better this way. You both need a break.
Abir came back home and as usual he goes straight to Mishti's room to see Kabir and when he entered the room he wasn't there neither Mishti.
A:: Maa, Maa !! Where is Kabir?
Maa:: oh he went to his Nani's house
A:: what? Why no one told me?
Maa:: Abir !!!! Mishti is an adult and she is Kabir's mother why do you expect Mishti to inform you about everything. She asked me and I said okay and don't forget I am your mother and you are not her husband.
A:: okay okay I get it! Fine tell me when are they coming back I'll go pick them up I don't want them to come with driver at night
Maa:: they are not coming back tonight
A:: what?
Maa:: yes you heard me right. They will stay there for few days
A:: Maa is she out of her mind? How can she do that?
Maa:: why can't she do it? That's her mom's place and also Kabir's grandparents so why can't she?
A:: that's ridiculous!! Like how can she? How can she do this? I know she wants to punish me but why like this, she can slap me curse me for yelling at her but why she had to go there?
Maa:: Abir, relax!! Give her some space. You can't hover over her all the time, not only that when husbands hover over a girl that they can accept still they need little space coz everyone needs a breather and beta you are not her husband not even her boyfriend and you don't let her breathe. Babu give her some space some time and give yourself some time.
A:: Maa I don't need time I don't need break I need her. I ... I mean ... I meant them... I mean Kabir..
Maa:: (she smiled) I know what u mean it's okay... go freshen up and come for dinner.
Abir tried calling Mishti but she didn't answer, he heard his mom talking to her and as he asked for the phone Mishti said Kabir is crying she needs to go.
After two days atlast Abir thought of texting her and asked her how is Kabir doing he is missing Kabir and in reply she said Kabir is doing fine he is happy.
That text hurt him so much.... he felt so helpless he felt betrayed. He cried himself to sleep that night and he didn't even know why he was crying. He was angry that why is he missing Mishti why does he care? He is suppose to miss only Kabir but why is he thinking of her?
Next day again he called she didn't answer she only replied to his text that too in one sentence. That night Abir went to her room and laid on her bed inhaling her left over fragrance on her pillow and he slept in that room. Next day he did the same but today he couldn't take it anymore.
It's been already few days and why is she not coming back? Now Abir is getting restless, in the office he kept pacing around he was feeling suffocated. He couldn't even eat his lunch he felt he is going to throw up.
Mishti's house::
Mishti's mom:: who is it ringing the bell like this that too 3 o'clock in the afternoon
Ofcourse it was Abir, her mom was happy to see him as Mishti didn't tell her family anything.
M mom:: Abir beta what a pleasant surprise good to see you. Come sit down let me call Mishti, actually she took Kabir upstairs to put him to sleep
A:: Yea I know it's his nap time. Is it okay I go to her room? I mean it's better we don't disturb her when she is putting him to sleep
MMom:: oh yes that's right... okay go ahead!!
He knocked on the door and Mishti said come in she was busy folding Kabir's small small clothes which takes forever to fold.
A:: hi!!
M:: Abir!! What are you doing here?
A:: I was missing Kabir I needed to see him.
M:: don't worry he is fine, he is with his mother.
A:: I know, I needed to see him for myself.
M:: I just put him to sleep, you know it's his nap time.
A:: (he smiled) I know... Mishti !!! I.. I .. actually wanted to apologize to you for my behavior. I am sorry!! I shouldn't have said all that. You could slap me curse me but you shouldn't have left me like this.
M:: Abir I didn't leave anyone I'm only visiting my parents
A:: then why didn't you answer my calls?
M:: I was angry with you and I didn't want to talk to you?
Abir walking close to Mishti
A:: I understand you were angry but was it fair to torture me like this keeping me away from Kabir?
Now Mishti walked back so much that her back hit the wall and he was right in front of her. He was wearing a white shirt and grey pants as he came from work but he was looking so hot. Mishti never saw him look at her like this.
M:: I felt it's better we take a break and give each other some space
Abir walked closer to Mishti covering the gap between them. What an irony she wants to give each other space and here there's no space between them may be an inch between them.
A:: I know you are angry with me, then slap me. I'm right here in front of you
M:: Abir you know I can't do that
A:: okay then curse me
M:: no I can't do that either
A:: okay then... then say whatever you wanna say take out your anger I won't say anything. I know I was wrong the way I behaved was wrong.
M:: I ... i .. don't... I mean ... there's nothing to say..
A:: are you sure?
M:: yes
A:: then why did you leave me like this? Didn't you think of me once? Didn't you miss me? (A lone tear came out of his eye which he wiped off with his palm) Mishti let's go back home... I need you!!
After this point Mishti couldn't hear anything that Abir said as he was so close to her now that her bosoms were brushing his chest. His face was so close to her face, as he was talking to her he held her by her arms and when he cupped her face even he didn't realize but he cupped her face so that she could look at him while he talks. She was lost in his eyes he kept apologizing to her, he wanted her to come back he was begging her and very robotically she said she will go back home with him as she was busy drowning in his eyes. Abir was so excited when she said yes
A:: so you are coming back?
M:: yes
A:: with me?
M:: yes
Abir couldn't stop himself from hugging her and he hugged her so tight
A:: okay common let's get ready let's pack up, I'll help you pack
He was so excited just like Kabir he was like a little child now. While packing up Mishti said
M:: next time you  yell at me like that trust me I'll come to my house forever and you won't be able to take me back home
A:: I promise I won't say anything or yell at you I mean it. But Mishti is it necessary to get married so soon? Am I not enough for you?
M:: Abir you don't understand... our relationship and marriage is two different thing. There's a difference it's not the same.
Abir held her hand and pulled her close to him, he moved the hair from her face tucking it behind her ear and gliding his hand to her neck. Abir didn't look bothered about what she said, he never felt marriage was so important for him it was always what the heart wants so he just didn't understand the concept of marriage and then loving someone, she kept on saying things which he ignored
A:: I never thought I'll miss you so much, Mishti I don't know what is marriage and I don't know how that feels neither I know what is my relation to you not that I care about the name of any relationship.
M:: but I do... I care for the name
A:: but I need you in my life how would you complete that?
M:: Abir!!.......... (long pause)
She didn't realize when Abir pulled her by her waist and slammed his lips on hers.... he wanted access to her mouth as he brushed his tongue gently on her lips and she parted her lips letting his tongue invade her and somehow she reciprocated.....
After sometime Mishti realized what she was doing and pushed him back...
A:: Mishti !!!! I.... I ........ Mishti I mean..... I...

Sorry for the late update have been very very very busy. Will try to update soon. Enjoy reading and keep voting

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