Chapter 15

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Mishti's cousin came to see her and she happened to see a hickey on Mishti and she said the same thing that don't make the child suffer because you want to live differently.
Abir over heard their conversation and felt guilty, for a change Mishti didn't care about anything anymore she was happy the way everything was
M:: Di, I know society doesn't accept our relationship but I trust Abir. I know he will not let anything harm me or Kabir or if we have a child in future. Abir will always love me and respect me.
Hearing this from Mishti, Abir was relieved that Mishti trusts him but the guilt doubled, he felt he was not being fair with Mishti.
Days passed and Abir really thought about it and atlast he decided to talk to Mishti but he had no clue how to start the conversation or even what to ask because for him marriage was not something that could define his relationship or his love. His love was beyond that, it's not that he doesn't believe in the institution of marriage, he completely believes in it and plans to go that way but he just didn't want to get married because society wanted them to. For him love had no boundaries, he wanted to get married when the feelings will come on it's own. But now it was important for him to know how Mishti feels about it, he didn't want her to sacrifice her feelings or emotions just because he wasn't ready for it. He was in a situation where he would never hurt Mishti and he would do anything to make her happy. He just doesn't want any kind of compromise from both sides so they don't blame each other in future.
After few days
The Rajvansh family was attending a wedding, one of Abir's cousin was getting married Mishti was taking lot of interest in every occasion.
She looked very happy and not to forget she looked beautiful, it's been already months that Abir and Mishti has been together but everything still seems to be new for both of them. Abir still gives butterflies feeling in her tummy and Abir still gets goosebumps everytime Mishti touches him. After the Mehndi night by the time they came back Kabir fell asleep as it was late.
Mishti was wearing a beautiful green saree with a very low neck blouse and it had a knot at the back. Abir got changed in his pajamas till Mishti took off her Jewellery and hair pins, also removed her make up. She was walking around her sexy blouse and petticoat taking out her outfit for next day which is the wedding and they all have to go pretty early so she didn't want to do things last minute.
A:: what you doing Mishti?
M:: Abir I'm just getting our outfits ready tomorrow coz I don't want to wake up early.
A:: so you are going to wear golden tomorrow?
M:: Yea!! Why you don't like it?
A:: you look good in every color Mishti
M:: noooo Abir pls tell me
Abir came close to her gliding his finger on her arm
A:: you really want to know?
Mishti looked at him and he softly whispered
A:: I love you in your skin.... (pushing the sleeve off of her shoulder)
M:: Abirrrr!!! What are you doing?
A:: nothing much just helping you get changed
He pulled her closer and brushed his lips slightly against her collar bone, he kissed her neck and her arms found her way to the extremely chiseled torso, he continued leaving a light trail of kisses along her neck and chin and finally her lips. Their lips collided and moved together harmoniously. His hands reached the back of her blouse which easily unknotted the knot and he gently took it off without breaking the kiss, later he undressed himself.  He took her hands and pulled her closer he wrapped her arms around his neck, she almost jumps on him wrapping her legs around him as he helped her jump. Some how the air smelled like lust, he couldn't stop grazing his teeth on her smooth skin, he kissed her passionately and walked towards the bed as he laid her down she turned around going on her knees putting her face down, Abir knew what Mishti wanted and he did exactly what he needed to do to satisfy the love of his life. They made love for a while and it was passionate, everyday is a new day for them, they still feel new.
After that Abir held her in his arms and she laid her head on his chest, their fingers were entwined and then Abir looked at her hand.
A:: wow your Mehndi turned out really dark
M:: do u know when a girl's Mehndi turns dark ppl say her husband will love her a lot. (Mishti was all excited) do you know I even made them write your name. I just felt we are not getting married so why not I write it now and you can look for your name.
Abir was taken a back the moment he heard Mishti say we are not getting married, he knew Mishti didn't mean anything bad but it still hurt him. It hurt him to know that she actually wants it but she is compromising for him. Mishti was so excited to see him to find his name so he didn't want to ruin that happiness
A:: so if I find my name what happens
M:: hmm I'm actually not sure I guess u win and you ask for something
A:: so if I win then I can ask for anything?
M:: I guess....
A:: so do I have to do this when we get married too?
M:: ofcourse yes
A:: if I loose then
M:: then you do as a I say
A:: what would you ask me to do?
M::That I can't say now
Abir pulled her towards him she looked at him and they had an eye lock
A:: you could've asked for anything today and I would've given it to you
M:: oh no can I say now?
A:: nah!! Times up!! Now my turn... so here you go my name is here ....
M:: oh you found it so easily ..... oh I mean okay what do you want?
A:: you will spend next weekend with me in our farmhouse
M:: oh no
A:: oh Yessss
M:: Abir what about KAbir?
A:: don't worry about it I already spoke to your mom and she is very happy and also it's Christmas time it's holiday too
M:: oh my God!! That means you already planned it and you are telling me now? But Abir this would feel weird going to the farm house with you alone?
A:: why?
M:: I mean we are not married it doesn't look nice
A:: I know we are not married but we are here together and everyone accepted it
M:: I know our family accepted it but it kinda feels weird like going for two days
Abir was concerned because he really didn't think much about Mishti and what as a woman she goes through in the society, he wanted to know her as Mishti and he was busy thinking about that.
A:: Mishti is it okay you go for the day then?
M:: awww Abir Ofcourse it's okay, but we will still let Kabir stay with my mom because I don't want to pick him up late night it disturbs his sleep
A:: sure
M:: get some sleep now Pakhee
A:: Mishti I love you? You love me?
M:: what kinda question is that? Ofcourse I love you
A:: you trust me right?
M:: yes Abir
He hugs her real tight and goes to sleep
Next day in the wedding Abir just watched Mishti, he didn't know how he was feeling all he knew that he is missing something he felt may be he is not giving enough to understand this girl. Abir got very emotional seeing her get emotional during the rituals specially when the groom put the sindoor on the brides forehead. Mishti was actually repeating after the priest when he asked the groom and bride to promise to love each other and be there for each other. Abir stood next to her and she entwined her fingers with his and closed her eyes even though she was fast enough to wipe the tear off but Abir didn't miss that. He wondered if she was marrying him in her heart as she wants it but not asking for it because he didn't want marriage to come so soon?
Next weekend as per plan Abir takes Mishti to the farm house. It took them 3 hours to reach there, the care taker of the house has arranged food and everything. That afternoon Abir spend some time fishing in their pond with Mishti.
M:: Abir why aren't you talking?
A:: ssshhh!!! Peanut I told you don't talk so loud the fishes will swim away
M:: OH ok!!!! but Abir how do they know we are here to catch them?
A:: that's because I emailed them yesterday
M:: oh ok......... Whaaaat? Tumi khub kharap jao ami kotha bolbo na(you are so bad, I'm not going to talk to you)
A:: hello Ms. tumi tumi I'm not kharap I'm baloo
M:: its bhalo not baloo
A:: Yea that's what I meant and what was the last part?
M:: I said I won't talk to you
A:: oh wow...... some peace
M:: Abir!!!!! I hate you
A:: I love you too
M:: ami jachchi (I'm leaving)
A:: tumi where jachchi?
M:: that's not how u say it
Abir pulls her close to him and very romantically say
A:: then teach me how to say it
M:: Nope never, I'm going now because I'm hungry and You can keep feeding the fish
A:: but didn't we just have lunch?
M:: Abir it's been two hours already and I'm so bored now that I'm hungry. You are not even letting me talk then I better go and find something to eat
A:: oh great! Make me some tea (he flashed a big bright smile after he said that)
Mishti smiles at his cute antics
M:: but I'm not bringing it outside you will have to come inside
A:: okay no problem, I'll be there in few minutes I'll put everything together and come.
When Abir went in he saw Mishti munching on some greasy samosas with spicy sauce with her cup of tea and she looked happy eating those oily things
A:: you really like them don't you?
M:: you know how much I love fried food I really didn't want to eat them but just couldn't control. Oh God I'm feeling so bad now I ate too much, I wanna throw up...
Abir takes the samosa from her hand and throws it away
A:: you are something else woman!! You are saying you are feeling bad and you are still eating away these things. I don't know why the Ramu Kaka always brings you this whenever you come here? Even Maa eats this like anything. They are so damn unhealthy
M:: hmmm but they taste soooo good
A:: does that taste better than me?
Mishti wraps her hands around his neck with a big smile
M:: I haven't tasted you it's been hours so I forgot how you taste
A:: really? I gotta spice myself up so that my taste always stay with you
M:: but I need to taste you now so that I can tell you what are the spices you need to add
Mishti pulled him closure and kissed his lips then she sucked on to his upper lip and licking his lips he smiled
M:: why you smiling?
A:: so this is how you taste things
M:: ssshhhh!! I'm not done tasting
And kisses him passionately and Abir kisses her back.. soon there was a sound of the door opening and it was the care taker who came in, to ask what they would like to have for dinner?
A:: just make anything I don't care but we'll have early dinner Coz we'll leave after that
M:: Ramu kaka can you make something spicy?
Ramu Kaka:: bahu rani I'll make some spicy curry with puri. Does that sound good
M:: oh yes ofcourse
A:: Mishti you really want to have spicy food at night specially when we will be driving for hours?
M:: Abir please I can handle it.
Ramu Kaka:: ok I'll start preparing it. But Abir Baba the weather doesn't look good. Do you think it will be safe to drive back home?
A:: don't worry Ramu Kaka will leave early before the rain starts...
M:: it's weird to have such weather during December
A:: Yea out of the blue this rain but ofcourse climate change is a big thing now. Ramu Kaka we'll just go for a walk now will be back soon.
Abir and Mishti strolled around, they enjoyed the quiet walk, it was peaceful, they held each other's hand and enjoyed the view. When they came back and had their early spicy dinner. Soon after that it started raining Abir and Mishti thought its better they start now before it gets bad.
Abir's phone rang
Baba:: hello Abir!! Can you hear me?
A:: yes baba I can hear you? Everything okay?
Baba:: Abir I was calling to check if you guys started or not
A:: no baba we didn't start but we were about to leave in five minutes. Ramu kaka went to get the umbrella
Baba:: Abir if it started raining then it's better you don't drive, you know the roads are bad and hardly any light. Why to take chances?
A:: baba I don't think the rain will get that bad
Baba:: Abir I really don't want you to take chances and it really doesn't matter if you are here or there Kabir is in his Nani's place so you won't even get to see him till tomorrow
A:: okay Baba don't worry we will come tomorrow. You guys take care. Bye
Ramu Kaka we are not going tonight, will go after breakfast hopefully things will settle down in the morning. I think you should go and rest I'll lock the door.
Ramu Kaka:: ok beta, just call me if you need anything. I'm leaving some candles and lighter incase we loose power at night.
A:: okay thanks
okay so now we can't go home so what do we do?
M::what do you mean by what do we do? We can play some games. How about ludo?
A:: actually not a bad idea, it's been forever I played that game. Okay you wanna get things ready I'll just take a quick shower
M:: okay... Abir!!
A:: Yea
M:: I don't have any sleeping clothes can I take your T-shirt please
A:: tell me something ? at home you have your own clothes but why do you always end up wearing my clothes
Mishti just smiled and ignored the question taking his T-shirt
A:: let me take a candle inside the bathroom incase the power goes off
Abir goes for his shower and Mishti gets the ludo ready also some chips, she happily changed into his his T-shirt and ofcourse the power went off. She lit the candles and thanking God that it's December and it's cold.
Abir comes out drying his hair with the towel wearing his track pant
A:: thank God I took the candle with me
Mishti turned and couldn't take her eyes off of him, as he was talking to her her eyes only followed the water drop that was gliding down his chiseled body all the way to his belly button, she kept thinking when did she get so lucky to have a Greek god in her life? She hardly heard what Abir was saying and infact didn't even realize he was so close to her that his breath was fanning her face.
A:: Mishti!! Knock knock!!
Breaking her reverie
M:: yes yes Abir!!
A:: what's wrong? Are you okay?
She said under her breath (how can anyone be okay after seeing what I'm seeing)
A:: what? You said something?
M:: no nothing
A:: I thought you are saying something
M:: hain boka chele chintai korte thako erokom bhabe tease korar karon ta ki (again she is talking to her self) (Yea stupid boy you keep thinking, what's the reason to tease like this?)
A:: seriously Mishti you are okay? What are you saying? I hope you didn't get possessed when the power went off
M:: seriously Abir! Just move away from me
A:: what why?
M:: this was all your plan right ?
A:: what plan?
M:: this.... leaving after dinner even when you knew it's going to rain. Then you knew everyone will ask you to stay and then you can flaunt your body to me like this so that I drool over you and can't take my eyes off of you
A:: whaaat??? (He didn't know whether to laugh at the accusation or feel shy getting the compliment)
M:: then what? Look at you showing off your perfect physique, flaunting that wet torso
A:: I'm ... mm.. I'm flaunting my torso? Showing of my physique? Hello you took my T-shirt and now I have to look in the closet if I left anything here last time.
Mishti rolled her eyes as her boka chele just didn't understand that she was flirting with him.
A:: by the way why you looking at me like that, you are scaring me
M:: why? I can't look at you?
A:: no you can but I'm getting conscious
M:: that's what I want.....
Abir is shocked with her behavior, Mishti didn't give him a chance to recover from the shock and she sucked the water from his chest and licked all the way up to his chin
M:: how about we choose some other game now?
Mishti was being naughty and in no time her hand made its way in his pants making him pant
M:: you didn't answer me?
A:: aaaah... mmmm!! Yea!!!
M:: what Yea?
Abir trying to breath normal
A:: I mean any game you like
M:: how about we try love making game? That sounds like fun (she licks his nipple making him take a sharp breath)
A:: I think we should try that game
Abir picked her up, kissing his way into her mouth and they played this hot steamy game and filled the room with the fragrance of love. Their moans were louder than the thunder making them fall in love with each other once again.
As they lay there suddenly Abir asked
A:: is marriage very important?
M:: why do you ask?
A:: I mean why people often feel relationship needs some name?
M:: may be because marriage gives the feeling of security, for example when u have a passcode in ur phone u feel secured, in ur iPhone you have find my phone app so you feel secured because you know even its stolen you can get it back there will be some way, people won't be able to violate your privacy or get information about you but when you don't have those security and it's stolen then chances of not getting it back is high on top of that loosing a lot of things with it. Same way when you are married it's difficult to leave your partner right away because according to law you can't and you get some time to reconcile or solve problems or try and understand each other. But when you are not married legally you have no right to question and also the responsibilities are less. Emotionally also the feeling of ownership of a relationship that yes he is my husband or she is my wife is also important. You know that person is meant for you not for anyone else ofcourse till they want to be with each other. You know you have the right on each other without being obligated to anything.
A:: what's marriage for you Mishti?
M:: Abir  you know I love you right?
A:: yes and I love you more
M:: I don't doubt that and I never will. Get some sleep now
She kissed him good night and they both fell asleep
Next day they came back home safe and sound and during dinner Abir planned New Years party at home.
A:: baba what do you think? should we have a party this year? It's been forever we didn't celebrate New Years at home
Baba:: I think that's a great idea, but it's only 5 days away
A:: so what? We are only inviting Avni Di and her family, Mishti's family and few of her cousins and whoever she feels are close enough and you can invite Kapoor uncle ofcourse if he is free
Baba:: ofcourse he is my best friend he is always free for me
A:: okay done tomorrow please invite whoever you want and then give me a list of how many people are coming so I can arrange according to that.
Maa:: that's a great idea,okay I'll make my list
A:: Maa I meant only close people coz we are doing it at home and we can't invite the whole army
Maa:: okay okay I know as if we didn't have parties at home before
New Years Eve
Abir bought this beautiful Pink Saree for Mishti and she looked gorgeous and Abir was in black suit and looked dashing.
The party started and yes Maa did invite a whole lot of people and quite surprisingly everyone showed up.
Kabir who is 2 and half years now is a cute little toddler who hung out with his baba most of the time wearing black suit just like his Baba.
Abir held Kabir's hand and kept him close to him also because Mishti was wearing saree and She was looking beautiful Abir didn't want Mishti to run after a kid and mess up all her make up after all a toddler is high maintenance it's not easy.
Later at night Abir put him to sleep and made sure his nanny stayed close by.
Mid night everyone counted and celebrated New Year.
Suddenly the music stopped
A:: hello everyone first of all Happy New Year and thank you for coming in such short notice hope everyone's having a good time.
(Everyone hooting) today we are starting a new year a new day and obviously we hope that everything that we will get will be good and happy. Today I feel I need to start all over again I need to start a new life, what happened in the past we can't change it but we can definitely make our future better. Mishti please come here I want you to stand next to me.
Ofcourse when Mishti came to this house we had a different relationship and there's no hiding about it and unfortunately we lost something that we can never over come. But I didn't know my brother was leaving me with two most beautiful gifts which I had never dreamt off. I have Kabir back in my life and I don't even know when I fell head over heals for Mishti. But ofcourse I was being really dumb and not admitting that I felt anything for her. But I'm glad I realized it and today she is here with me. But then again it was me who said I want to know Mishti as Mishti and marriage can wait and ofcourse Mishti agreed to everything. I really didn't try much to understand what she wanted but she understood me everytime.
Mishti today once again I hope you will understand me and accept my impulsive behavior. You know I love you right?
(Mishti lil surprised and said yes)
Abir goes on his knees takes out a big solitaire Tiffany ring
A:: Ms. Mishti Bose do you promise to understand me and accept all my foolishness and accept my love for your whole life? Mishti would you marry me?
Everyone was quiet both the families almost gave up hope but today seeing Abir like this they all had tears in their eyes. Mishti herself was shocked she didn't know how to react and once again Abir asked if she is ready to marry him, Mishti's reaction shocked everyone more. Mishti stepped back and just ran from there leaving everyone shocked and Abir stunned.

Hello friends,
Sorry for the late update but I was lil upset with the news of YRHPK going off air and not able to see Shaheer everyday really got to me but then I realized everything that starts has to end one day just like my stories start and end but I come back same way he will be back with something new something interesting.
So cheer up everyone let's wish all the best to Shaheer and also Rhea, Avinash, Kaveri and everyone else hope we see them again in better and bigger projects.
Till then keep reading and don't forget to vote and comment. Love you ❤️

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