Chapter 16

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Mishti ran away from there leaving everyone shocked. Most of all Abir was shocked as he thought Mishti really wanted to get married. Abir stood there for two minutes and he went to look for Mishti, he looked around and found her in the restroom and he knocked on the door
M:: Abir give me few minutes I'll be there
A:: are you okay?
M:: yes I am, I just need few minutes
A:: okay
Abir comes back and doesn't say anything his parents trying to change the topic and entertain the guests, Abir came and sat down feeling little lost he doesn't know whether the pain is because Mishti left him like that or because he hurt Mishti in some way. He doesn't even know how Mishti is feeling, he cursed himself for not discussing marriage properly with Mishti.
Just then Mishti comes back and everyone looks at her Abir turns and sees her walking towards him and he stands up.
M:: do you think you can do the going down on your knees part one more time?
Abir didn't know how to react he smiled and cried at the same time and hugged her,
A:: yes I think I can do that part one more time
Abir goes down on his knees and asks her if she would marry him and yes she happily accepts the ring. After that they all partied late and celebrated New Year with a new beginning.
In the morning KAbir woke up and climbed on to his parents bed jumping on Abir's tummy waking him up
A:: hey Kab Kab how did you come out of your cot?
K:: mommy
A:: oh ok how come your mommy woke up so early where is she?
K:: mommy go pee pee
A:: and did you go pee pee like a big boy?
K:: look big boy Superman undy
A:: hmmm I see that.... Niceeeeeee!!
Abir and Kabir's morning starts like this everyday, now that Kabir is 2 and half years and he can articulate sentences so the conversations are getting more elaborate. Abir loves listening to Kabir and Kabir loves telling everything to his Baba even complaining about his mom when she yells at him. Baba is Kabir's superhero.
As they were having their man to man conversation Mishti came out looking very tired.
M:: oh he woke you up
A:: yes he did... how come you woke up so early?
M:: just woke up and also your son was awake. Ok go get freshen up let me take Kabir to his Dada Dadi
Mishti took Kabir downstairs spend some time with her in laws and made two cups of coffee and came upstairs.
Abir just came out of the shower he is wearing his track pants and a white T-shirt, Mishti looked at him and she smiled
A:: you okay?
M:: Yea, here coffee
A:: thanks sweetheart I really needed this. You look really tired I think you should get some sleep. I'm home I'll take care of Kabir
M:: it's not that I'm just lil tired
A:: ofcourse you didn't get enough sleep. By the way when's your doctor's appointment?
M:: on the 4th
A:: Yea you better get things checked out. Last 4 months I've been noticing your cycle is weird and you've been getting hot flashes and sometimes looking pale
M:: Abir I need to talk to you about yesterday
A:: yesterday? Don't worry about it, it's normal for people to feel nervous. Don't worry about it.
M:: Abir listen to me please
A:: okay fine go ahead
M:: Abir..... Abir I'm pregnant!!!!!! (She just blurted out)
A:: oh ok!!! You really need to go to the doctor for check up...... you don't take care of yourself..
(After few seconds) Wait!!!!!! Did you say you are pregnant?
M:: mmm Yea!!!
A:: what? Are you serious? (He almost screamed)
(Mishti nodded) but last few months you've been having irregular cycle how can you be so sure?
M:: I took the test yesterday and I thought I'll check with the doctor coz I don't know how long it has been and then tell you and then last night when you asked me to marry you suddenly I felt nauseous and I ran to throw up
A:: and I was thinking you were nervous and stressed
M:: are you okay?
A:: okay? Are you crazy Mishti? I am ecstatic!!! I still can't believe this. Are you sure? I didn't think anything could give you so much happiness
Abir tightly hugs Mishti as he has no words now he can't even control his tears. Mishti places his hand on her belly and Abir looked at her, he still can't believe this is actually happening with him and Mishti nods to him with a smile assuring that its true.
M:: now I have a part of you inside me growing. God has been kind to give me you and and my CHILD is so lucky to have you as dad
A:: God has been kind that he gave me you and you are the mother of my CHILDREN... I am lucky that I already have Kabir who makes me complete but this baby will make all of us complete.
M:: I love u Abir
A:: then be ready for more kinds after this
M:: Abir!!! Seriously?
A:: then what? Are you thinking I'm going to give up after two no way. I mean even if we don't have more kids but we can practice the procedure
M:: Abir will u ever stop being romantic? You one track mind
A:: I am the romance king so I have to take care of my kingdom, if you are not interested then I'll look for other candidates..... I mean girls still think I'm hot and sexy and ofcourse you know how good I am in bed
M:: you know what if I ever catch you in bed with anyone else then I'll tie you in that bed and put fire on
A:: okay okay sorry sorry!!! I was just joking!!! Don't take stress now....
Mishti grabs him by his collar and pulls him close to her face
M:: you are mine and don't forget that
A:: and I am your you don't forget that
They share a loooong slurpy kiss till there's a knock on the door and it was Kabir's nanny as Kabir couldn't wait to get in the room.
The moment Abir opened the door Kabir jumped trying to climb on Abir.
A:: okay okay hold on kaby!! What's up baba?
K:: Dadi said no ice cream
Nanny:: actually sir he didn't finish his breakfast that's why dadi didn't give him icecream
A:: kabbu you didn't eat? Why baba? Okay Rosey you can go I'll bring him down. Kaby kaby u will get icecream only when you finish your food
As Abir was talking to Kabir Mishti was having her coffee and suddenly she ran to the washroom and she started throwing up...
A:: Mishti are you okay?
K:: mitti you okay?
Mishti came out looking very pale
M:: Yea I shouldn't have had that coffee, coffee tasted so bad
A:: what coffee tasted bad? I think it tastes just the way it does everyday
M:: I don't know, okay let's go Maa baba must be waiting for breakfast
They all sit down for breakfast and yes Kabir was given the icecream because Mishti just didn't want to deal with his tantrums
As they were eating Maa made gobi ke paranthe specially for Mishti as she loves it so she gave it to Mishti.
M:: Maa did you put anything extra?
Maa:: no!! Just the usual
M:: oh!! I don't know it just feels different
A:: Mishti why don't you eat my sandwich
Mishti takes a bite and right away she has to rush to the washroom
Maa:: Mishti what's wrong what happened?
Abir goes after her rubbing her back
A:: you okay jaan?
M:: oh God this feels bad
A:: don't eat all these heavy food eat something light
M:: noooooo I don't want to eat anything now
A:: okay fine don't worry get some rest
Maa:: Mishti are you okay
Baba:: I think you didn't get good sleep and ofcourse Kabir also woke up early. I think you should sleep
Maa:: Mishti are you okay? You look really pale...
M:: Maa.. aaa hmmm... actually...
Maa:: Mishti I'm listening what happened beta..
M:: mmm Maa !!
A:: Maa, how about a wedding in two weeks time? And then you keep Kabir for a week coz we will go on our honeymoon and the come back and get ready for a baby
Maa:: what? Abir seriously I don't understand you. Two weeks for wedding then honeymoon then baby what are you saying
Baba:: Arrey try to understand Abir wants a quick wedding
A:: that's right....
M:: but beta it's too soon
A:: but if we are late then Mishti will be come fat
M:: what fat?
Maa:: why would she become fat?
A:: hmmmm... that's because Mishti and Me we are going to be parents one more time
Baba:: okay I understand you are going to be parents which normally every couple becomes parents after marriage but why so early
A:: Baba I just said we are going to be parents
Maa:: wait !!! What? Parents? You mean Mishti is pregnant? Oh my God!!!
A:: yes we are pregnant!!
They congratulate each other hug each other
M:: Mishti when did you find out? How far are you?
A:: we don't know Maa.... she had irregular cycle so we don't know when she got pregnant... we have an appointment on the 4th
Maa:: okay so till 4 th we can't say anything much...
Baba:: so now we will have another baby.. anyway I was missing that little baby feeling
A:: I can't wait, I think this is the most beautiful feeling I can't wait to see the doctor and hear the heart beat.....

Hello friends a short update for now I'll make sure next update is long
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