Chapter 21

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Before Abir could even understand what was happening Mishti grabbed Kabir's hand and left....
Abir ran behind them to stop her
A:: Mishti what's wrong? What you doing where are you going? You don't like something or you have some problem we can sort it out but why are you leaving like this? At least tell me what have I done?
M:: what have you done? Because of you Kabir doesn't care about me, I am his mother but you took him away from me
A:: Mishti please don't scream I don't want you to get sick
M:: I am not a screaming and stop all this, if you really cared then you wouldn't take my son away from me
A:: Kabir is my son too... what are you saying?
M:: no Abir Rajvansh he is not your son he is my and your brother's son.
A:: Mishti let's get inside we don't need to fight in front of Kabir
M:: why not let him also know that you are not his dad
Kabir started crying seeing all this, for a three year old this was too much. He was seeing his parents fight for the first time and when he heard that Abir is not his dad he started crying and tried reaching out to Abir and he tried to carry Kabir but Mishti yanked his hand and forced Kabir to get inside the car.
M:: Abir stay away from my child
A:: Mishti please Mishti don't do this please (he was begging Mishti) now you are taking Kabir away from me, why?
M:: why? Because I can as I am the mother....
A:: Mishti Kabir is my son please don't say that you know I love him
M:: stop faking it... you are not his dad
She got in the car and left...
By the time Abir's parents came out and saw what was happening before they could do anything or say anything Mishti left... it was shocking to see Mishti's outburst, they never expected this from her. All this time Abir was crying while talking to Mishti but once she left he just stood there seeing his world crumble in front of him. He wiped his tears and walked back inside he didn't say anything to his parents only looked at them but his eyes said everything. His mom tried talking to him he told her he is going to get ready for work.
After Kabir's death Abir was like this he didn't cry he was like robot.
When Mishti reached home her parents were baffled when they asked her she said she was getting tired needed a break. But later Kabir told his Nana mommy was yelling at Baba and made baba and him cry. Mommy said Baba is not my dad & baba cried more. Mishti's parents were shocked to hear that they called Abir's parents right away as Mishti wasn't bothered about telling them what happened, they found out what happened and they were very upset with her behavior but Abir's parents told them not to say anything and aggravate things as she is pregnant and this is definitely hormonal. But Mishti's parents were not happy at all they said they will try not to make Mishti feel that she is not welcome in her parents place but they will address her mistake and as parents they cannot keep quiet and Abir doesn't deserve this.
Abir went to his office trying to do his work and when his dad reached office he tried talking to Abir but he seemed to be adamant about not talking about anything.
A:: baba Mishti can say anything but that's not going to change anything. I don't know what happened what upset Mishti but Kabir was, is and will be my son and I still love Mishti as much as I did.
Baba:: are you okay?
Abir didn't look at his dad and said
A:: baba I just have something important to finish I'll see you in a bit
His baba knew he was hurting he was in pain but he left Abir alone, the moment he left the room Abir took out his phone and he was looking at pictures and videos and he found a video where Mishti recorded him when he first felt his baby's first kick.

Mishti has been feeling flutters and kicks it's been a while but Abir could not feel anything. Everyday he would touch her belly hoping he will feel the kick but nothing happened. Mishti would often say that the baby could feel Abir and everyday same time when Abir came home from work the baby would start moving, but he didn't feel the baby, so one day Abir came home little late, tired as he had some back to back meetings, when he came he just sat trying to catch a breath Mishti came to the room with a cup of coffee
A:: thanks peanut I needed this so badly
As Abir drank his coffee Mishti sat down next to him she asked him to put his head on her lap so she could massage his head, so he placed his head on her lap he kissed her belly and rubbed it.
A:: baby when are you going to let me feel you? I can't wait anymore
M:: I think you can feel your baby today as I feel him move
A:: why him? It can be her too
M:: ufff Abir I said in general
A:: oh okay, you say it all the time but I never feel anything
M:: noooo seriously he is really kicking hard, give me your hand
Mishti placed his hand on the side where the baby was kicking at first Abir couldn't feel anything but after few seconds he looks little stunned
M::  did you feel anything? Oh my God I'm going to record this... Abir do you feel it?
A:: oh God!!! Oh my God!!! I feel it I feel it.....
He kissed her belly and puts his cheek on her belly and the baby kicks again and Abir's eyes fill up with tears... after few kicks baby went back to sleep and Abir just hugged her belly crying trying to take it all in.. Mishti was still recording his reaction
M:: Abir look at the camera and tell me how did you feel?
A:: hey stop recording me crying....
M:: just tell me how you feeling?
A:: oh God!!!!! (Long pause as he is wiping his tears) it was ecstatic, out of this world.
M:: awwwww
A:: thank you sweetie thank you so much, I love you muuuuaaahhhh!!!

Present day::
Mishti's parents asked her what happened and she said she wasn't ready to talk, but her dad asked her what Kabir was saying if that was true? She blatantly said that she was tired of him taking Kabir away from her. Mishti's parents were not happy at all. Her mom told her that Abir is such a guy who would never do anything that will hurt her or Kabir. Infact even Kabir couldn't love her son as much as Abir does.
M's Dad:: Mishti amra Kabir keo dekhechi aar Abir keo. Tui khub bhaloi janish ke ki rokom. Ami bolbo na Kabir bhalo chilo na o onek bhalo chele chilo toke onek bhalo bashto kintu tui nijei chinta kor Abir er moto aar keu bhalo bashbe na. (Mishti we have seen Kabir and we've seen Abir. You know it very well how they both are. I'm not going to say Kabir was not good, he was very good boy he loved you a lot too but you think yourself No one can love you like Abir)
M's Maa:: tui shudhu Abir ke koshto dili na tui to tor nijer bachchar koshto tao bujhli na. ( you didn't only hurt Abir but you didn't even understand your own child's pain)
M:: Maa you won't understand, I can't tolerate him taking away my KAbir
Maa: Mishti what are you saying? Ek bar bhebe dekh tui ki bolchis. Abir keno Kabir ke tor kach theke niye nebe tui aar Kabir to Abir er shob kichu. Ei Abir na thakle aaj ke tor Kabir baba chara bachcha hoto. Aar kono guarantee ache je onno kono chele Kabir ke babar moto bhalo bashto? ( think about what you are saying. Why would Abir take Kabir away from you? You and Kabir is everything for Abir. If Abir wasn't there then Kabir would have been a boy without his dad and what's the guarantee any other man would love Kabir as his own child)

Mishti was irritated but she didn't know was she getting upset with her parents for not understanding her or was she upset with herself.
As Kabir is already 3 years old and he goes to preschool so next day Mishti goes to drop Kabir to school and he happily goes in without making a fuss about it. Mishti goes back in her car and thinks about his first day of school.
Early in the morning Abir is restless as if he can't breathe. He woke up long before the alarm checking Kabir's bag his clothes and when Mishti told him that he checked everything already 8 times he didn't care he said he just wanted to make sure Kabir has everything. He was cursing the school that why it has to be so early in the morning, the little kids can't wake up so early.
M:: Abir relax Kabir is going to preschool he is not going to some war.
A:: Mishti you don't understand nowadays kids are not like before our Kabir is too innocent he is too nice but there are kids who are bullies
M:: Abir you are over thinking now
A:: but Mishti if Kabir misses us and he needs us?
M:: you mean you are going to miss him coz you need him all the time for yourself
A:: seriously Mishti you just can't understand forget it..
M:: awww my baby then make me understand
A:: Mishti stop I'm not at all excited about this preschool. Why can't we wait and send him to kindergarten after sometime?
M:: Abir don't you think it's better he practices going to school or else suddenly you send him to school where other kids will be pro then he might get bullied
A:: oh yea I didn't think like that.. but still I'm not happy
M:: awwww my big baby... come here come to mommy give me a hug
Abir hugs Mishti tightly as he needed the assurance that everything will be fine.
As they went to drop Kabir, at first Abir didn't want to let go then KBir didn't want to go. But atlast the teacher was very nice and friendly she took Kabir Inside Abir tried to peek through the window distracting Kabir so the teacher had to shoo him away which made Abir more upset. He literally cried sitting outside the school and then he was not ready to leave the premises he wanted to wait till the end of school but it was very hot and Mishti being pregnant she couldn't stay there. Mishti had to pretend she is not feeling well so that Abir would come back home. Not to forget Abir's mom and dad and Mishti's parents they all went to drop Kabir and somehow they all where crying and they all understood Abir. It was Mishti who was consoling them. After they went home they all kept looking at the time every 30 seconds as if looking at the watch will make the time go faster. Abir couldn't wait any longer he went to school early and stood outside pacing around in front of the main gate. The moment the bell rang Abir ran inside as if he found water in the desert. Thankfully Kabir came out smiling so Abir was happy but it was him who missed Kabir more than Kabir missing his parents...
Mishti smiled thinking about Abir's reaction and soon she came back home and saw Abir outside her house giving something to her parents. As she went close to the door
M:: Abir ?
A:: hi! You forgot your medicine box and Kabir's favorite blanket... he can't sleep without it!!
M:: thanks
He gave a tight lipped smile and started walking towards his car. He wore the darkest shades possible but as he was walking Mishti saw his wipe his tears and hide his face from her...
Mishti felt something which she couldn't explain.....

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