Chapter 11

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There was a loud crashing sound that they could hear and everyone got scared.
M:: Abir!!! That was Abir's car....
She ran outside and with her the whole family ran, Abir was inside the car right in front of their gate. He was little shaken and his nose was bleeding...
Abir was lucky nothing big happened his car's head light broke as he got hit by another car.
Two cars were speeding one car rear ended another car and the car in the front hit Abir's car but thankfully that car hit the break but it still hit Abir's car in the front as He was about to go out. Mishti ran towards him screaming his name. He was able to come out of the car, his white shirt was all bloody as he hit his nose but thankfully nothing major but it did shake him up. Mishti Hugged him tightly crying
A:: I'm okay Mishti, don't worry. Stop crying now look I'm fine....
M:: why you had to leave now then this wouldn't have happened
A:: okay I'm sorry
M:: if anything happened to you then did you think what would happen to me and Kabir? Did you think once...
The cops were quick enough to come and take control Abir's brother in law took care of all that and Abir was brought inside so that he could put some ice.
As everyone came in and Abir was stuffing tissues in his nose trying to stop the nose bleeding, Mishti was mad at him
M:: problem ki tomar? Ek din ektu normal hoye thakte paro na (what's your problem? Can you not stay normal for one day?)
M's dad:: ei ki bolchis o toh bangla bujhe na. ( what are you saying he doesn't understand Bengali)
M:: bangla bujhe na mane? Shob bujhe....  (what do you mean he doesn't understand? He understands everything)
A:: are you talking to me?
M:: aar na toh ki wall er shathe kotha bolchi naki? (Then what am I talking to the wall?)
A:: Mishti!! I don't understand Bengali
M:: I want to know what was the need for you to leave dinner in the middle, why were you rushing? Were you missing your train or what?
A:: I had some work
M:: so what happened now? You don't have to do your work now. Abir stop giving me excuses I'm tired. You seriously don't think at all, you didn't think about anyone. We already lost Kabir did you think what we would go through if something happened to you ?
All this time Indraneel is watching them and he realized what was stopping Mishti from saying yes to him.
M:: Abir I'm asking you something
A:: why do you care? You threw me out of your house the other day, you didn't answer my calls you didn't reply to my texts and then You blocked my number
M:: that's because you were very rude to me, you said something nasty and that was not acceptable.
Abir and Mishti was fighting and the whole family watched them fight.
A:: so does that mean you will block my number? Wasn't that enough that you asked me to leave and then you were not talking to me that you had to block my number
M:: that has nothing to do with blocking your number. I need to know have you ever thought what would happen to us if something happens to you?
A:: why are you getting so upset? Why do you care? You don't want to talk to me or see me so why do you care even if I die?
M:: Abir (she pushed him) enough now!!
A:: so what were you expecting? Over here you will break your promise and leave me and say yes to someone else. Did you not promise me you will never leave my house, you will never leave me alone. What do you want me to do see you get married and leave me and still sit here?
M:: what's the big deal if I get married?  And why shouldn't I get married? I feel lonely too, I need someone to go to, I need someone just for me, which you can't give me
A:: why can't I give you?
M:: why? Because you don't even know how you feel for me. You don't even want to commit anything, you don't want to give a name to our relationship and on top of that you suspect me, you get angry if I talk to another man. Why should I sacrifice all the time?
A:: no I can't see you with anyone else that's why I left tonight
M:: then you better get used to it because now you will see me with another man. I will get married and I will go away from you
A:: no you can't get married
M:: why can't I get married
A:: because I said so okay?
M:: are you kidding me? What right do you have to tell me what to do? Why can't I get married?
A:: because I don't want you to get married
M:: why do I have to listen to you
A:: because I LOVE You... you understand me I am madly in love with you. I cannot think straight I cannot function without you. I couldn't control my heart I don't even know when I fell in love. I'm scared of commitment that's why I didn't want to give name to our relationship. But I kept telling you I need you for myself, don't leave me.
Abir just sat down on the couch almost breaking down after saying what he had to say
A:: Mishti I thought you said you understood me. I believed you. You promised you won't leave me and I believed you.
Mishti cupped his face and tilted his face up making him look at her
M:: did you say you love me?
A:: what's the point now? You have already decided you will get married.
Suddenly Kabir started crying in the room, amidst all the fights and accident everyone forgot Kabir was sleeping in the room alone. Both Mishti and Abir ran towards the room and the whole family and Indraneel just watched these two fighting it out. It was quite an awkward situation for the families in front of Indraneel.
Abir's Baba:: Indraneel Beta!! I'm really sorry for what happened. We had no clue something like this was coming
Indraneel:: uncle please!! Don't be sorry instead be happy that this happened. Just imagine if Abir didn't say what's in his heart then what would happen? So many lives would suffer. Mishti is a wonderful person to fall in love but I'm glad Abir stole her before I fell then it would've been difficult. She is and will always be my friend I respect her a lot and to be honest I wasn't shocked or surprised because I've seen it in Mishti's eyes.
Indraneel was so sweet to hug baba and tell him to smile as his son is back home.
Back in the room Mishti patted Kabir's back to sleep...
Abir was about to leave Mishti grabbed his hand and made him sit on bed to match her height.
M:: why didn't you tell me?
A:: I thought you would understand
M:: but when I didn't understand why didn't you tell me?
A:: wasn't that obvious? But what's the point, you are going to marry that guy and you don't care about me you want to get rid of me.
Mishti caught him by his collar she was so mad at him and he was shocked.
A:: Mishti!!!
Mishti was so mad that she slammed her lips on his, again he was pleasantly shocked she kissed him so hard even he didn't know what to do.
M:: are you going to kiss me back or not?
A:: I... I mean... should I ? You are not going to throw me out right?
M:: last time when you kissed me I threw you out because you said it was a mistake not because you kissed me.
A:: then why didn't you tell me? (Abir was getting emotional) when you could see I'm suffering why didn't you tell me? When I couldn't understand why didn't you understand me or make me understand?
M:: I wanted you to realize on your own
A:: if I didn't then you would marry that guy and make all of us suffer? Mishti why couldn't you understand me why couldn't you tell me? Infact you still didn't say anything.
M:: I'm sorry Abir I'm sorry... I know I should've told you why I'm throwing you out. I should've told you what I wanted, I should've told you how much I love you.
Abir's eyes were brimming he couldn't believe this was actually happening he kept nodding to everything she said. Mishti kissed his forehead and looked at him. He slid his hand behind her head and pulled her close enough to kiss her lips. He slowly sucked on to her lower lip and Mishti let him take control of her he quickly picked her up and made her straddle on him without breaking the kiss, he kissed her so passionately that Mishti knew how much he missed her how much he craved for her. After few minutes
M:: I think we should go downstairs everyone must be thinking what happened to us
A:: I love you Mishti
M:: I love you too Abir
They just hugged each other so tight that there was no space for anyone else right now.

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