Chapter 22

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He gave a tight lipped smile and started walking towards his car. He wore the darkest shades possible but as he was walking Mishti saw him wipe his tears and hide his face from her...
Mishti felt something which she couldn't explain.....
Abir left and Mishti's parents were very upset but they wanted Mishti to understand that what she is doing was very wrong, not only with Abir or KAbir but also with the baby growing inside her and most of all herself. Her mom was worried that this might leave a scar in their married life. Her mom just didn't know why Mishti felt the way she was feeling, because she always loved Abir being so caring and loving towards Kabir suddenly why is she feeling that Abir tried to take Kabir away from her. That day after Mishti brought Kabir back home he was little quiet and not very playful after his lunch he took his nap without any fuss.
Meanwhile Abir at work was very quiet just keeping himself busy but he gathered a lot of courage to text Mishti
Abir Text:: Hi Sweetie, just wanted to ask how's Kabir doing? Hope is he is fine and not bothering you much. Also tomorrow is your Ultrasound can I come to pick you up? Love you 😘 Miss you
After Mishti read the text somehow she just got irritated again and sent a very rude reply
Mishti's Text:: you don't have to worry about Kabir and don't worry about me I'm in my parents place they can take care of me. I've lived here even before you came in my life and you don't have to come to pick me up.
Abir's text:: I'm sorry peanut I didn't mean it that way I was just asking, I apologize if it didn't sound right.
About your doctor's visit I'll be there on time I'll see you there
Mishti's TEXT:: I just told you I don't want you to come. I don't want you to come and sit there. I can take care of myself and my babies.
Abir's text:: I know you are my Wonder Woman you can do everything but I just wanted to see our baby.
Mishti's text:: Abir I don't want you to come at all, please don't try to steal my moments I don't want you to steal this baby also I don't want you to see my ultrasound infact I don't even want you when I'm in my labor. Now stop texting me!
After reading the text Abir didn't text her back, he just felt a big rock just rolled over and squished him. He couldn't believe Mishti won't even let him see his baby. He felt so numb that for almost half and hour he sat in one position looking at the ceiling, he really wanted to call and question Mishti that how can she do this to him? What did he do to get this behavior? Where did he go wrong? He wanted to tell her she is just being unreasonable and why is she accusing him of things which are absurd? But he didn't do anything because he didn't want Mishti to get stressed and fight then get sick. But he was very upset he was angry and this time he couldn't accept this behavior and instead saying anything to Mishti he decided he will let her be and not contact her till she calls him.
Next day::
As Abir was leaving for work his mom asked if he was going to the doctor's office as he was so excited about it and he told her he has important meeting so he won't be able to go. His mom knew right away that something is not right but she didn't want to do anything that would hurt anyone of them.
As Mishti was getting ready to go to the doctor's office her cousin called as she wanted to come over, Mishti asked her to come to the clinic and they can come back home together.
Mishti's cousin met her in the clinic and as the doctor saw her right away she asked about Abir. Mishti was little irked and said he was busy he couldn't come she has her cousin with her. While they looked at the baby moving around and now the baby has prominent features, her cousin was so happy to see the baby and the doctor couldn't stop talking about Abir.
Dr:: it's so weird not having Abir with you. If he was here by now he would be crying like a baby. Everytime he reacts the same way it's always so exciting to see the father's reaction.
M's cousin:: really, Abir loves Babies he definitely does have a soft heart
Mishti didn't look moved at all rather looked irritated even in the car she didn't talk much and as they reached home they saw Kabir playing with his grandparents and the moment he saw Mishti's cousin he came running to her, he loves her a lot as she loves playing with kids and Kabir is so lovable that everyone loves him.
Mishti said she will change and freshen up.
Cousin:: maashi jaano ultrasound e baby ekdom clear dekhlam, doctor to bar bar bollo Abir thakle naki kendei dito. Asholeo Mishti bhishon lucky
(Aunty you know I could see the baby so clearly in the ultrasound, the doctor kept talking about Abir she said he would start crying. Really Mishti is very lucky)
M's mom:: kisher lucky? Nijer luck nijei noshto korche. Tui janish Mishti Abir ke eto baje opobad diyeche, bole naki Kabir ke or theke niye nawar plan Abir er. Abir naki fake bhalobasha dekhai. Ajkeo chele ta ke baby dekhte dilo na. Ami sure Abir er mon ta ekdom bhenge geche. O chaile jhogra korte parto kintu shobake baron koreche jeno Mishti ke keu kichu na bole. Ami shotti khubi tension e achi.
(What lucky? She is destroying her own luck. Do you know what Mishti accused Him of? She said he will take Kabir away from her he shows fake love. Even today he didn't let him see his baby. I'm sure Abir's heart broke today. If he wanted he could fight instead he told everyone not to say anything to Mishti. I'm really in serious tension)
Her cousin just felt this is not going the right way and this can stretch too far so she told her aunt that they really need to talk to Mishti because this can be a big issue later. This is affecting everyone, Mishti has called for danger even she doesn't know what she is doing.
Cousin:: Maasi I will talk to Mishti, I understand she is having mood swings and hormonal changes but she is only pregnant she is not sick so we need to talk to her. Don't worry I won't be harsh.
After some time when Mishti came back
Cousin:: so Mishti how come Abir let you come here now? I mean you are so close to your date and I know he can't stay without you and Kabir even for a day
M:: I just needed a change so I came
Cousin:: so how long you will stay?
M:: I don't know may be another two weeks or so...
Cousin:: seriously for so long at this stage? Abir didn't say anything to you?
M:: why Abir has to say anything? It's my life my pregnancy why do I have to listen to Abir? He is not carrying the child I am.
Cousin:: really Mishti? You are saying this about Abir? It's true you are my cousin but today I feel bad for Abir.
M:: really di! Even you?
Cousin:: Mishti if everyone is saying the same thing then maybe there is some truth to it. I understand your emotional turmoil. I myself have two kids and I've been through this hormonal changes but this doesn't give you the right to say anything you want. Or hurt anyone just because you can or the other person doesn't want to hurt you. Mishti when Kabir died that time it was your pregnancy not Abir's but he took care of everything and you had no issues with it you didn't even want to come here. When Abir took care of your son you happily let him take all the responsibilities because that was the easy way, Abir is the father figure in your son's life or else he would be growing up without one. You know he loves your son so you use it as a trump card whenever you want something out of him. But now this baby is not yours alone, he has all the right on the baby and also you because he is your husband.
M:: Di you don't understand Abir is doing all this so that he can take Kabir away from me
Cousin:: are you kidding me? How can he take Kabir away from you? You are the mother and not only that you are his wife and you live in that same house. He didn't leave you that he will try to take the kids away, instead everytime you got upset you came to this house taking away all his happiness. You didn't let him see his child today, it's not him who didn't let you. Tell me can you count the sleepless nights Abir had just to take care of you and Kabir, he did it tirelessly, happily because he found peace in seeing you sleep or get rest. Mishti I really want to cry now, shona I love you very much you are my little sister and I can't see you ruin your relationship like this. If you had to do this and if you didn't trust Abir then why did you marry him why even make him go through all this. I don't know what Abir is trying to take from you but you have definitely taken his happiness, his world away.
M's mom:: I don't know what to say now, I'm embarrassed I don't know how to face Abir's parents. Because Kabir is their grandson and Abir is their son and they can see both their kids suffer and the reason is my own daughter.
Cousin:: anyway I know I don't have right to say much but I think I said a lot. I came here to spend time with everyone so I'll stop here. Maashi common make me some good snack, I think Mishti needs some time alone.
Mishti was stumped she actually didn't have any reason or any proof to prove what she was saying was right. She thought to herself that in last 3 days she didn't get proper sleep because she had to wake up at night to take Kabir to the washroom she had to wake up early to drop him to school. She made Kabir upset as she didn't play with him, Kabir was all wet at night because she couldn't wake up when Kabir had to go to the toilet. She knows one thing she definitely didn't do half of the things that Abir did. Kabir while playing with Mishti's cousin
Kabir:: Mishi did you see Baba
Cousin:: no Kabir I didn't see him, why?
Kabir:: mamma made Baba cry sooooooooo much (stretching arms to show how much) mamma said baba is not my baba, baba and Kabir cried. Can you take me?
Cousin:: where do you want to go?
Kabir:: I want to go to Baba. He is crying.
Cousin:: Kabbu then what about mamma? She will cry too
Kabir:: Kabir will come back hug mamma.
Cousin:: don't worry Kabbu your mamma will take you to Baba. Did you talk to your Baba on the phone?
Kabir:: no
Cousin:: why?
Kabir:: mamma yell at me
Cousin:: no problem I will make Video Call and you can talk to Baba

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