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Athena stopped in her favorite coffee shop, ran by a peculiar woman known as Nico Robin.
  By peculiar Athena meant the woman could be as happy as a clam and still make dark comments, never losing her smile. She also did weird things that could unnerve people. But that's what Athena liked best about the woman.
  Robin looked up as the bell rang above the door. "Oh if it isn't Athena, same as always."
  Athena smiled brightly. "Oh ya, give me that 911 with two extra shots." Her favorite drink in the world was this drink. It consisted of white coffee with Irish cream, six shots of espresso, and she add the twist of caramel into the mix.
  "Someone didn't get any sleep. Up late contemplating death where we?" Robin laughed.
  Athena shook her head. "Work, you know how crazy my job is."
  It was more like the dilemma of her bosses experiment the government had wanted done.
  Birth rates where falling well below normal due to the chemical war fairs of the past, more and more men and woman where becoming infertile and that was if they weren't born that way. If things didn't get fixed the entire human population would die out within the next five to eight hundred years. Even with their advanced technology and the nanos that where supposed to fix the issue, people just couldn't afford how much it cost to get them implanted into their bodies.
  During the trials most of the woman died from the unforeseen side effects of the nanos pumping their bodies with who knew what. VegaPunk wouldn't let her in on what they where doing, she was just supposed to take notes. But she had found out by some accident, whatever was being used was basically giving the patients Alpha, Beta, and Omega like dynamics.
  At this point they had a prisoner named Eris as the guinea pig, her body filled to the brim with different types of nanos just like Athena's was. They purged the body of harmful toxins and poison that might kill their host. But that was only the tip of the iceberg when it came to Athena.
The poor girl and her much younger sister, Ava, had been captured after their father Cesar Clount had been labeled a traitor by the government when they found out that he was selling some of the weapons and chemicals he made to other country's. What had Athena so mad about it was the fact Sakazuki, best known by the name Akainu, and Vegapunk where using Ava as a bargaining tool to keep Eris in the BOA program.
Not to mention Ava was being mistreated.
She was a ten year old girl and was small enough to be confused for a six year old, meaning she was malnourished. She had a feeling Sakazuki had a hand it that.
Athena was trying to fight for them as best she could. She had even come to blows a few times with Sakazuki, wanting to know what he had done to the poor girl. He'd tried to have her fired, imprisoned and much more during those incidence, but failed which only made him angry.
She didn't care, the dude was a slime ball who should be rotting in prison for the shit he had done.
"Order up pretty girl" Robin called out pulling Athena from her thoughts.
"Thanks lovely." She smiled as she dropped her money on the counter, taking her large drink from the woman.
"I'll see you tomorrow same time." She waved at Robin as she made her way out.
Heading down the street she sipped her coffee, making a mental list of what needed to be done as soon as she got in the lab.
Today was a special day in a way. She had a small black box containing two finished chips that would allow nanos to be updated through a simple command from a tablet, also allowing a person to add new data to them without having to introduce new nanos to the body. She'd been working on it for almost two years and was excited to present it to VegaPunk today at their normal meet up time.
Entering into the big building she headed to the locker room to change out of her workout clothes.
She opened her locker, undressed and slipped into her black sweat pants, yellow tank top, and combat boots she'd never been able to get rid off after leaving the marines, pulling the clear chemical proof covering on over her attire.
As soon as she got into the lab she pulled her "atomic blast bag" ,as she liked to call, it over her head. Dam thing had been tested in multiple settings, surviving not only an atomic blast but chemicals being poured on it and never once got a scratch or burn. It held her water resistant phone, tablet, ear phones and speaker for when she was in the "zone". Three chargers, some emergency numbers, two little bottles of water and a couple jerky sticks, two changes of clothes, and now the box holding the upgrade chips.
Athena started her day checking all the machines, and data that she had been collecting.
She stopped when her phone buzzed, letting her know she got an email.
Checking it she found that the private investigator she had hired hadn't been able to find anything on her baby brother.
Which annoyed her to no end. How do you lose track of a seventeen year old kid?
She tossed the phone back in her bag, irritation killing her good mood.
Her brother Luffy, had been missing for a month and the only information they had was that he was following his adoptive brother Ace.
Athena had been keeping tabs on him since she had been forced to leave by Garp twelve years ago. Though she had wanted to go see him, she had refrained. He had made a life for himself in the home Garp had taken him to making friends that had quickly become brothers to him.
An alarm started blaring overhead.
Rushing through halls, she yelled at the A.I to give her a full diagnostic of the labs.
"A problem has been found in room 104, please move forward with caution." The male A.I. Voice came over the speakers.
God damnit, why's it got to be that room.
Flying down the halls, she skidded to a stop in front of the door, yanking it open.
Why this dam room, I hate this room. Don't know if something going to kill you, suck you in, or fuck up your anatomy.
Athena stepped into the room slowly, not wanting to disturb and of the machines. This was where most of VegaPunk's failures went. She hated that they where kept here but VegaPunk had a habit of getting a wild hair up his ass and sometimes decided to come back to them.
So the old fucker wanted them close, just in case.
A light shined in the middle of the room from the one dam machine she had hoped it wasn't.
Slowly she made her way towards it, sketchy about the doors being opened.
Movement inside the chamber caught her eye.
She stopped.
" Whoever's there needs to come out right now." She called out.
No answer.
She continued forward.
Ten steps away from it the thing whirled to life dam near rupturing Athena's ear drums.
Nonononononono, run Athena, get the fuck out.
She turned to run.
A force from the machine started pulling her back, right for the opened doors.
She screamed, her voice lost over the noise.
This is why this stupid motherfucker should have been stored somewhere else. Fucking VegaPunk, you stupid piece of shit.
Her feet left the ground, her body sent flying backwards into the machine.
Her fingers caught on the doors as they where closing.
VegaPunk burst through the door, being stopped by some of his interns as he tried to reach for her.
He yelled something, but it to was lost just like her screams, the noise from the machine drowning it out.
Her fingers lost their grip on the door, sending her hurtling to the back of the stupid thing she was now stuck in.
Her last sight before she passed out was of VegaPunk breaking away from the interns and running for the doors as the shut completely.

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