Luffy's pain

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  Law stepped into his room, Athena's arms and legs in hand.
It had taken awhile to get Luffy and Jinbei stabilized after bringing them on board. Luffy's chest had been one giant mass of charred burnt skin, right down to the bone. He had been a pretty straight forward op. Get the burnt areas fixed, make sure everything was working correctly, and fix the cracks in his sternum. Still didn't mean the boy would make it, but Law had done what he could.
Jinbei had a fist sized hole through his stomach that had been cauterized because of Akaniu's magma devil fruit ability. He'd been the one that had worried Law the most. Some of his organs had taken a lot of damage.
  But the former warlord Was putting up a fight to live.
Which brought him to now. He had to tell Athena the bright yet grim news.
  Looking to the bed he found her passed out, her long black hair a tangled mess around her head.
  A small smile pulled at his lips.
Even in sleep, the tiny woman looked angry. Her left hand twitched, smacking him in the face.
  He deserved that.
  Placing Athena's arms and legs on the couch, he got undressed.
  He didn't plan on reattaching Athena's extremities yet, he'd wait until he knew she wasn't going to attack him.
Law pulled clean clothes on and sat on the bed beside Athena.
Brushing her hair back out of her face, he leaned down and kissed her forehead.
"Athena-ya." He called out quietly.
  She murmured in her sleep.
  He called out a little louder, his hand slipping to her cheek.
  Athena's eyes fluttered. "Law?" She asked groggily.
  "Hey there." He smiled down at her.
  Her eyes came open in a rush, panic causing her to wiggle around on the bed.
  He heard something hit the floor from the couch.
  Athena winced.
  He brushed his thumb over her cheek. "Calm down, everything's okay!"
  Tears started to stream down Athena's face, causing a pang in Laws chest. He didn't like seeing her like this.
  "My brother? Is he okay? You fixed him, didn't you?"
  "He's fine Athena-ya. Both him and Jinbei are stabilized and resting." He reassured her. "It might be awhile before we know for sure how this is gonna play out though. I did what I could."
  Athena leaned into his hand and she sighed in relief, the pit in her stomach loosening.
  "Thank god!"
  "I promised I would take care of him if anything happened, didn't I?"
  "You did!" She smiled at him, sniffling. "Thank you Law!"
  "I did it for you!" He said grimly. "Don't know if I would have risked it otherwise."
  "I know."
  They sat in silence for a moment.
  "Can I have my arms and legs back now?" Athena asked quietly.
  He raised a brow. "Your not going to try and hit me, are you?"
  "No." She shook her head, a small smile tilting her lips up. "I'm still not happy about you using your power on me... But you did warn me before hand. If I tried to join the battle, you would stop me."
"That I did." He chuckled.
"It's my fault for not believing you." She gave him a strained smile.
Law stood, nodding and walked over to the couch.
It had been one of her legs that had hit the floor earlier.
"Maybe next time, you'll listen to me."
Gathering up her arms and legs he sat them on the bed and connected her right arm to her shoulder.
"It feels nice to have these back." She said grimly, moving her arm around. "Never thought I would be saying that."
"I bet."
Slowly he placed the other limbs in their spots.
She wiggles each one as soon as it was connected back onto her body.
Athena looked up at Law with a hopeful look as soon as he was done. "Can I see my brother?"
He shrugged. "Don't see why not."
Her face lit up in happiness and she hugged him. "Thank you!"
  Athena snagged a brush from the side table and brushed out her hair.
Once she was done Law took her hand and led her out the door and through the sub, stopping outside the operating room.
Athena squeezed Laws hand as she pushed the door open and stepped inside.
  Her heart thudded in her chest when her eyes landed on Luffy. He was wrapped from the neck down in gauze and bandages. Tubes and other machines where hooked up to him, the mask on his face fogging up, telling Athena that he was alive.
It didn't help her heavy heart.
She noticed Laws sword propped against Luffy's bed.
A lot of people didn't know it, but that was a sign of respect from a swordsman. It was an old tradition, one you didn't see often anymore.
  Her eyes traveled over to the larger blue form in the bed next to her brother's.
She owed the fishman for her brothers life too, not just Law. If not for him Luffy would have died on the battle field.
She smiled. "I'll have to thank him when he wakes up."
"Your brother owes the man a debt I don't think he'll ever be able to repay!" Law said coming up beside her.
Athena laughed softly. "Somehow, I don't think either of them will see it that way Law."
"How can you be so sure?"
"Luffy got him out of Impel Down! Jinbei will probably see it as an even trade if he's the kinda person I think he is."
They chatted for a bit before a knock came at the door.
Looking back they found Shachi pushing the door open a little.
"Bepo is freaking out, says it's to hot! He wants us to surface."
"We should be far enough away from everything so I don't see why not!" Law laughed. "Go ahead and take us up."
"Right away captain!" Shachi was gone as fast as he came.
"Some fresh air dose sound nice!" Athena giggled. "It has gotten pretty hot in here."
"Go on ahead." Law smiled at her. "I'm gonna check these two over really fast, make sure they are comfortable."
He headed for the sink and washed his hands.
Athena pulled herself up on the counter next to him. "I'll stick around and keep you company then."
He pulled on a pair of gloves. "You don't have to do that."
"I know. But I want to be close to my brother for a bit longer." She leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees.
Law looked at her from the side. "Oh, I see how it is. I'm being tossed aside in favor of the little brother." He chuckled.
  Athena got a Cheshire smile, thankful for Law lightening the somber mood. "We both know that fairy dick of yours has me enchanted. I'm not going anywhere."
  "Oh! I'm only wanted for my dick now?"
"That pretty face of yours helps keep me here to."
  They both laughed.
  "So it's not my charming personality?" He teased.
  Law checked the bandages on Luffy's chest.
Her hand came up, index finger and thumb just a few inches apart. "Maaaaybe just a little."
  Law switched to Jinbei, checking the man's stomach.
  He smiled at Athena. "That's mean, Athena-ya. Now I feel used."
  Athena laughed softly. "I love you, ya big ol idiot."
  Satisfied that both men where still doing good he pulled the gloves off his hands, tossing them in the trash.
  "I love you too doofus."
  Walking to the sink, he washing his hands again.
  Looking up at Athena, he came face to face with her. She gave him a quick kiss, handing him a towel.
  "I'm still mad at you. Don't think I've let you off the hook for separating my body." She said seriously.
  Wiping his hands he headed for the door. "Didn't think you would." He laughed. "I know  you're going to find a way to try and pay me back for that. I'll be ready."
  Athena walked beside him, her serious face giving way to a shit eating grin. "No you won't!"
  Heading for the deck they bantered back and forth.
  As they got closer to the door, voices could be heard talking outside.
  She opened the door for Law as he finished wiping his hands off.
  "I did everything I possibly could." Law said to the woman who was standing on the deck.
  Had he heard their conversation?
  And why the hell was Boa Hancock here with that giant ass snake of hers?
  She felt a moment of jealousy at the beautiful woman's appearance. Hancock had long black hair straight hair, gorgeous blue eyes lined with full natural lashes sat in an oval face, a straight small pixie nose led down to full plump lips.
  She had an hourglass figure that woman strived for, covered in a pretty dress that showed off her assets.
  Athena shook her head dislodging the negative thought. There was bigger things to worry about.
  "So does that mean.. He'll be okay?" Hancock asked, concerned.
  "We'll just have to wait and see. He's in stable condition, for now!"
  Hancock didn't like the sound of that, neither did Athena. Law had already told her that only time would tell if her baby brother would pulled through.
  "However." Law said ominously. "He's taken on a lot more damage then most could endure. There is no guarantee that he'll survive."
  Hancocks face fell.
  Athena thumped his shoulder, unhappy. "Why the hell are you telling her all of this?"
  "If you had been watching the battle you'd know that she helped Luffy out." Law gave her a small smile.
  "What an up lifting prognosis." A male feminine voice called out.
  Everyone looked around, Bepo calling out. "Who said that?"
"Me duh."
  Looking up at the ship next to the sub, Athena squealed in joy, her heart feeling a little lighter.
  It was Ivankov.
  "Any how. If you want Straw boy to wake up, you're gonna have to show him some love." Ivankov yelled, leaning over the side of the marine ship Hancock had apparently commandeered. 
  People behind the tall man started cheering calling out encouraging words.
  "So, who are they?" Shachi asked, perplexed by the oddly dressed men and woman on the ship.
  "They are a group of prisoners from Impel Down. It appears that Luffy is their friend. They must have snuck onto the ship as well!" Hancock explained.
  Ivankov jumped from the ship, landing on the Polar Tangs deck.
  "I can't believe he pushed his body past its limit a second time!" He said in disbelief, lifting an arm up in a power pose. "That's just how strong the bond was between Straw boy and Ace boy."
  "I can! Idiots to much like the rest of our family." Athena mumbled.
  "And who are you?" Ivankov asked, eyeing her up and down.
  "That stretchy asses sister." She deadpanned.
  Athena laughed at the look of shock and disbelief Ivankov gave her. "Dragon has a daughter?"
  "Yes and no!" Athena shrugged. "Ask him about a woman named Jaylinn Marks next time you talk to him. Should make for an interesting story."
Shaking her head, she looked up at the man who had been one of the few shining lights in her world when she'd lived with Dragon. His attitude was much the same. She was glad to know that hadn't changed.
"As it stands, I think my brother will pull through!"
"I wish that where so, but fate can be cruel. You can't save everyone!" A distant look came into Ivankov's eyes. "All of that work for nothing!" The distant look turned to pain. "He's nearly dead because that's the kind of world this is!"
Athena started to tear up again.
More encouraging words came from the people on the ship saying Luffy would pull through. She had to think like them, no other outcome was acceptable.
She grabbed Laws hand and squeeze it for support. Law squeezed back, letting her know he was there.
"Luffy has touched so many life's!" Hancock started to tear up too, her hands coming together in front of her. "If only there was some way I could take his place so that he may survive." Her head came down in her hands. "Poor darling!"
"You're being a little to dramatic about this Hancock." Athena snapped at her, wanting to smack the woman. "My brother will pull through. No ifs, ands, or buts about it."
Hancock was going to say something but she was cut off by Ivankov.
"You're a new face. Are you one of Straw boys pals?" Ivankov asked looking at Law.
Law shook his head, his voice stoic. "No! I only saved him because he means a lot to Athena-ya!"
"We'll isn't that lovely! Saved because of the love of his sister!" Ivankov laughed, hands crossing in front of him.
"Hey! You can't walk around yet. Don't push yourself. You need rest, remember? Your wound could open up."
Every head turned to the door.
Jinbei was up, slowly making his way to the deck, holding his stomach, two of the crew trailing after him.
"Shit!" Athena made for the fishman, only to be stopped by Law pulling her back to his side with their linked hands.
Looking back at Law, she growled. "We have to get him back to the operating room. He shouldn't be up."
"He's going to do what he wants Athena-ya, wether we like it or not." Law said drolly. "Leave him be."
Breathing hard, Jinbei looked at Law.
"I know you! Captain Law from the North Blue!
Law nodded.
Ivankov shook his head. "You look awful. Should you really be moving around like that?"
Jinbei tilted his head down ignoring the purple haired man. "I...I owe you my life."
"Enough." Law cut him off. "Lay down!"
Jinbei shook his head. "My mind is troubled. Luffy, the pain I feel for him is such, that I can't rest! I have failed you friend. Remorse. If this is how I feel then... then just imagine him." Jinbei said sadly. "His collapse may have been a mercy since it allowed us to take him away, but what now?"
Now Jinbei was crying.
Damnit. Tears started to leak down Athena's face. She already knew where this was going.
"Even if he survives. With the immensity of his loss, I fear for the moment he awakens."
Athena cried harder because she knew the man was right. The loss of Ace would probably break him. He'd already lost one adoptive brother in this world. What would losing another do to his psyche?
Gasps went up at the realization of what might happen.
Law pulled her into his arms, his presence bringing her a sense of comfort. She would be so lost without this man.
"You, the fuzzy one?" Hancock looked at Bepo, determination in her voice. "I need a transponder snail!"
"Who me?." Bepo freaked out, turning to the woman. "Uhhh... I'll go get it... if you'd like."
"I'll summon the Kuja ship so we can sail across the calm belt, even with this submarine. The world government can't find out Luffy is alive, or else they'll come after him. Let us harbor him safely at the maiden island."
Athena turned from Law to look at Hancock.
"Really." Ivankov voiced all of their thoughts.
"As long as they still view me as a warlord, Luffy will not be in danger there." Hancock said confidently.
"You would do that for Luffy?" Athena eyed the woman suspiciously. "Why?"
Hancock blushed, her hands coming to her cheeks. "Because I love him."
"You do realize my brother is only seventeen, right?" Athena yelled at the crazy woman.
"Love knows no age?" Hancock shot back, a vain popping up on the side of her forehead.
"Bullshit! You look like your my age." Athena's jaw started to tick as she glared. "That's just fucking wrong on so many levels."
"Say what you will little girl. Luffy will be mine!"
"Like hell he will, you old hag!"
"Lady's can we get this show on the road?" Law cut in.
"Ya! Get this crazy ass out of my sight before I beat her ass!" Athena huffed.
Hancock leaned back, arm coming up to point at her. "You'll be the one to get her ass kicked."
"What the hell is she doing?" Athena looked at Law confused.
He shrugged. "Her way if looking down on people I suppose."
Ya, no. Crazy ass wasn't getting her brother.
Shaking her head she looked back at Bepo. "Can you get crazy over there the transponder snail before I tear her hair out?"
Bepo jumped, heading inside.
These next few days where going to be hell.
Her worry for her brother topped with having to deal with Hancock was gonna killer.

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