Its A Deal

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  Athena begrudgingly woke with her five o'clock alarm, eyes feeling heavy. She reached out, pressing the off button on her phone.
  "What the hell was that." A groggy deep voice asked from behind her. An arm tightened around her waist, pulling her back into another body.
Her eyes popped open and she flipped to her back to look at the person behind her.
Law's face was just a few inches from hers, his hair mused, eyes cracked open.
It was then she remembered where she was and how she had ended up here.
Giving him a tired smile, she closed her eyes, liking the feeling of being held. She couldn't remember the last time she had slept in the same bed as someone else, or let anyone sleep with her for that matter. It had been a few years. "It's my wake up alarm. But I don't think I'm ready to wake up yet."
Turning to her side to face him, she snuggled into Law, wedging her hand under his arm and tossing her leg over his.
She wasn't going to lie, he felt amazing and warm. For some odd reason she felt right at home being next to him.
He hummed a sleepy reply, falling back to sleep.
The man probably didn't even realize that he was holding her, his sleep fogged brain not processing what he was doing.
She wasn't gonna complain.
Her eyes closed and she fell back to sleep in the comfort of his embrace.

  Law felt a soft breeze on his chest followed by a soft floral sent.
  He tried to turn to his back.
  It was then he registered a light weight around his waist and over his legs.
  Cracking his eyes open, he looked down.
  Dark stands of hair took up his vision.
  Pulling his head up off his pillow, he found Athena, her little body wrapped around his.
  Her head rested under his chin, hair in disarray around her face. One of her arms was slung over his waist, the other curled up under her chin, legs tangled with his.
  He was just as bad, one of his arms up under her head, his other wrapped around her.
  The sheets had, at some point, been kicked down by their feet, her body on full display for him.
  His morning wood became stiff for a different reason, his mind trying to turn to shit it shouldn't.
  Slowly he disentangled himself from her, he scooted to the other side of the bed, sitting up.
  Athena bolted up right, eyes still half closed, shouting.  "I'm awake."
  Looking around, her eyes stopped on him, rubbing her golden one.
  "What time is it?" Athena asked groggily, turning to grab her phone.
  Her eyes flew wide. "Shit!"
  Law looked at her funny. What was wrong with this girl. One minute she's fine, half asleep, the next wide awake, practically screaming. Did she have an off button?
  "I should have been up over an hour ago!" She rolled to the side of the bed, twisting her lower body around so her feet hit the floor.
  Reaching into her bag, she popped a pocket, grabbing a hair tie, and pulled her hair into a haphazard bun.
  Law watched as she once again reached into her bag, dragging out a tube top that looked like it would be way to small on her.
  She reached down, grabbing the sweatpants she had shed last night, and shoved them on
  Turning to face away from him, she pulled the yellow tube top off.
  Law shut his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to get the sight of her out of his head and his dick to calm down.
  When his eyes opened again she had somehow managed to get the other tube top on, effectively flattening her breast.
  Perplexed by her behavior, he fell back on the bed. "What the hell is wrong with you?"
  Grabbing her phone, Athena reached into her bag, pulling out her speaker, looking at Law from the side of her eye. "None ya."
  Turning, Athena was out the door and down the hall, leaving Law to scratch his head.
  "She seemed so normal yesterday." He commented to himself.

  Athena sprinted for the dinning hall as she connected her phone to her speaker then stuffed them into her pocket.
  She never, EVER, slept past six, no matter how tired she was. It disconcerted her a little that she had. She had gotten so comfortable in Law's arms and slept more soundly then she could ever remember.
  The thought scared her.
  She'd slept with a couple guys from work but never felt the need to let them stay after everything was said and done, not liking the thought of cuddling with them, or them being in her personal space. Same for if she went to their place. On the rare occasion she did, she hadn't been able to sleep.
  What the fuck was wrong with her.
  Running into the dinning hall, she sat, stuffing her face faster then normal, even for her. She could feel the eyes on her as she packed the food and drinks in. She didn't care.
  Once finished, she jumped up, grabbing another thing of water and looked at the guy named Penguin. "You got a workout place here?"
  Penguin's eyes where as wide as saucer plates, but he nodded.
  Athena smiled widely. "Can you show me where it is?"
  " yes ma'am." He said enthusiastically, hopping from his seat and headed for the door, Athena following.
  They stopped in front of an unassuming door, Penguin pushing it open for her.
  She hugged the man and ran inside.
  It wasn't very big and didn't have much in the way of equipment, but it would work.
  Sitting her water down in a corner, she turned up the volume on her speaker, pushed play on her phone, placed them next to her water and headed for one of the weight lifting benches.
  Laying back on it she started her morning workout while music played in the background.

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