Sabaody Archipelago

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  Baterilla, a beautiful place. Also the last stop the Heart Pirates where making before entering the Grand Line. Part of the crew was currently at a restaurant in one of the port towns, waiting for food and having fun, all but one person that was.
"This shits ridiculous, I look like a dam slob." Athena growled.
Ikkaku was holding her sides, laughing at Athena, while Penguin, Shachi, Bepo and Law remained wisely quiet.
"Maybe you should try dressing in something other then sweat pants and oversized shirts then." Ikkaku laughed harder.
Athena balled the wanted poster up in frustration and threw it at her. "They're comfortable damnit."
Ikkaku caught it and opened it back up, now in tears as she continued to laugh.
Laws lip twitched, while the other three men at the table fought off laughing with Ikkaku.
"I look like a dam drug addict." She whined, thumping her head down on the table they where sitting at.
  They hadn't been in the restaurant for more then ten minutes when a wanted poster had caught Penguin's eye. He had tore it from the wall and brought it over for them to see.
  Athena had taken one look at it and wanted to tear the photographers dam eyes out.
  Her long black hair was tangle, messy and oily looking, like she hadn't brushed or washed it in days, dark bags sat under her squinting eyes, smudges of oil, grease and who knew what else was smeared on her exposed skin and clothes, both the oversized stained white t shirt and blue sweat pants she'd had on where ragged and she admitted had seen better days. To make matters worse she was hunched over, itching where thigh met crotch, her leg bent out a little for better access to said itch.
  Athena knew exactly when the dam thing had been taken too.
  It had been the stop before this one. She'd come out of the sub for fresh air after working in the engine room. She'd been up most of the night before, upgrading her hand cannon so it would be more energy efficient. Stupid thing took up a lot of her reserves when used, so she'd made it to where it was like her finger gun, pulling in debris or other solid stuff adding a twist of explosives if she so desired.
  She hadn't changed clothes before setting to work on the engines so she'd had on the same clothes as the day before.
  "It's not that bad." Shachi said, his voice wavering as his body shook.
  Athena glared at him. "Not that bad?" She dam near yelled, snatching the poster from Ikkaku, holding it up. "Look at this shit. Why do I have to look nasty while the rest of you have nice pictures?"
  As she ranted, a waiter came and dropped off their food.
  Law dug in, keeping his mouth full so he didn't make a comment that he would come to regret. Knowing Athena like he did, she would kick him out of the bed and make him sleep on the love seat. His lip twitched again for a different reason.
  Bepo chuckled, smiling at the raving woman. "Calm down, you're drawing attention!"
  Athena flipped him off. "You calm down stupid. This is a crock of crap."
  Penguin took a bite of his food. "It could be worse." He finally chuckled.
  "How the hell could it be worse then this?"
  "You could have had your hands down your pants scratching your ass."
  The entire table erupted in laughter.
  Athena looked back down at the paper, frowning. She could only imagine what the implications of what this thing would bring.
  Now that it was out of the bag that she was a Monkey D. she had a feeling that Dragon would be looking for her at some point. The man thought his daughter was dead, and sadly, the one from this world was.
  How was she going to deal with the man that had made her life a living hell as a child. She knew the Dragon from this world was different from her worlds Dragon, she'd heard the stories. He was almost like a saint here, helping in places that had been suppressed by the world government or tyrannical leaders. Didn't change the fact that he was still biologically the same man and her father.
  She wondered how he would take the news.
  A hand came to rest on her thigh. "You okay Athena-ya." Law asked concerned, at her silence
  Looking at him, she smiled. "I'm good, just tired."
  A wicked glint entered his golden eyes, a smirk gracing his delectable lips. "I'm not even sorry."
  "Neither am I." She laughed softly, patting his hand.
Eating as they joked, Athena put the issue out of her mind for the time being.
No point in worrying right now when the what if possibility was a long time in coming.
At least she hoped it was.

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