Uproar at the auction house

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  Law turned his head slightly to look at Luffy and smiled, for more then one reason. He'd heard a lot about the kid over the last year, crazy things. He was willing to face off against the government lap dogs, and strong enough to back up his trash talk. Second: Athena's bright smile as she watched her baby brother, happiness radiating from her as contentment shined in her eyes.
  They watched as the crazy boy ran down the walk way, straight for the stage and the mermaid in the tank.
  The funny looking pink guy ran after him, trying to slow the boy down but Luffy kept running. Even when four more arms popped out, lined in suction cups, and grabbed him from underneath the other man's coat.
  Well now his funny looks made sense.
  "He's a fishman."
  "Looks like it." Law laughed. He had a feeling things where getting ready to get real freakin chaotic.
  The hall erupted in terrified screams as others caught on.
  Athena wished she could knock every last one of the idiots out, sick and tired of the bigotry and racism that she seen coming from them.
  The poor guy let go of Luffy, panicked, looking around at the people surrounding him as they started to throw things.
  Luffy continued forward, throwing people out of his way.
  A gunshot went off and she watched in horror as the fishman fell, coming to a stop a few feet down the stairs.
  Her eyes traveled to the shooter, only to find the fat ass celestial hopping around, a gun in his raised hand, as he cheered.
  Luffy made his way up the stairs, an enraged look in his eyes, only to be stopped by the injured fishman.
  "Stop all that babbling."
  Athena shot the fat ass a glare and the bird. She hoped Luffy put him on his ass
  Luffy stood and faced the man once again, dodging bullets from the idiot.
  "Straw hat Luffy, huh."
  She smacked Laws leg to shut him up.
  Athena felt a wave of pride as Luffy balled his fist and punched the fat ass, sending the piece of shit flying back through the stands.
That's right little brother, get em'
  She could feel her baby brothers anger from where she sat, it matched hers at this point.
  The hall was quiet, everyone one in shock.
  She laughed quietly, looking back at his crew who where ready for a fight now that Luffy had thrown down a gauntlet. All of them looked just as pissed as Luffy and her.
  She was glad that he'd found good people to befriend.
  Luffy pulled his hat on and cracked his knuckles looking up at his crew. "Sorry everybody. Now that I've punch this guy, there's gonna be a Navy admiral coming here with a warship."
  Zoro pushed his sword back into its scabbard. "I'm just pissed I didn't get to cut him down. You beat me to it."
  Nami ran down the steps to the fishman.
  She watched as they all pulled together, taking everything in strides like real fucking hero's in Athena's opinion.
  They where banding together to save Camie. She couldn't love them all more, watching in pride at what Luffy had built for himself.
  The older celestial stood yelling at Luffy for what he'd done to his son.
  She almost flew from her seat when the man pull a rifle of some kind.
  Law grabbed the back of her shirt, slamming her back down in her seat.
"Don't fucking do that." She growled.
"Don't try jumping in to the fight and I wouldn't have to!" Law shot back, a grin on his face.
"He's my brother Law."
"He's also got a capable crew who has his back. He's fine."
Athena sighed, nodding, not liking be a spectator.
  Shots continued to ring out, all of them missing their intended target.
  People started running for the doors in a panic, all but the Heart And Kid Pirates.
  Her sensitive hearing, picked up a commotion outside but she ignored it. They would deal with what awaited them soon enough.
  Sanji flipped down the stairs and seats, kicking the gun from the celestial hands then bounced back up the stairs to start taking down guards, Franky, Zoro, and Nami joining in the fray.
  God she was really starting to love Luffy's crew.
  Their ability's where amazing, Zoro even cut half the freakin guards down and threw the side of the tank holding the mermaid without even being close.
  "Straw hat Luffy. 300 million! That's some bounty."
  Athena smacked Laws thigh again "Zip your lip Law."
  Two more fish flyers things crashed through the roof, people dropping off of both and joining the fight.
  Athena recognized Robin almost immediately. She'd dam near had a melt down when she had found out the woman had joined her brothers crew. How the woman went from a coffee shop owner in her world to this powerful strong thing here, she'd never know. She wondered absently if the woman's personality was the same as her Robin.
  The other was Brooks. He creeped her out, nothing but a skeleton. How the hell did that happen?
  Another man dropped down from one of the holes in the roof.
  Had to be Usopp with that long ass nose she spied.
  He crashed right into the older celestial, sending them both to the ground, and she erupted in laughter.
  "This is getting crazy, maybe we should leave." Bepo said from behind Law
  "I'm not fucking leaving until after this is done Bepo." Athena had to lean forward to smile at the bear since he had Laws sword in front of his face, and returned to watching the shit show unfold.
  They all started talking about how the Navy was getting ready to show.
  "I hate to tell you this. But the Navy's already here Straw hat." Law pipped up.
  Luffy turned to look back at them. "Who the hell are you? And what's with the bear?"
  Bepo looked away. "Bepo."
  She tightened her grip on Laws leg and he squeezed her shoulder.
  "You picked a bad time to revolt. The Navy's had this place surrounded since before the auction even began. They've got a base on the archipelago, but I'm guessing they're after someone."
  She asked him about that and he'd told her not to worry about it, they didn't plan on making trouble. Who could have known her brother would change the whole thing. She chuckled.
  "I don't know who exactly they're hoping to catch in here. But, I sincerely doubt they where expecting someone to kick a Celestial Dragons ass." Law chuckled. "That was one hell of a show you guys put on."
  Law finally looked up at her brother. "I'm impressed Straw hat."
  Robin had her arms crossed ready for whatever came as her eyes fell on them, lingering on Athena. The older woman had to know who she was, her wanted posters had been circulating, but Robin didn't make a comment on it.
  "Ah. You're Trafalgar Law." She looked to her brother. "Luffy's they're pirates just like us."
  Luffy turned to look at them in shock . "Huh. Even the bear?"
  Bepo grunted, his face falling and she patted the big teddy bears arm. No one ever thought he was a part of them.
  "Oh, and the guy standing in back?" Robin said looking to the back of the theater. "That's Eustass "Captain" Kid.
  She watched Brooks jaw drop. "Huh. You mean he one who has a higher bounty then Luffy?"
  She heard a gun cock. She was getting real dam tired of guns today.
  Looking to the stage she found the female celestial up on a ladder, gun pointing down at Camie who was huddled at the bottom of the tank.
  "Enough of this. If this worthless fish drove them to such extremes, I have no choice but to kill it."
  Athena watched as Disco gasped, panicking.
  "She's not worthless. Please don't!" He started for the woman. "I beg you to stop saint Sharlria. Could you at least wait until the merchandise has been paid for? I beg you. Please, have mercy. I just want to be rich."
  That just pissed the woman off and she pointed the gun at him instead. "Enough commoner! Silence."
  She shot Disco and turned back to the mermaid. "All right fish, it's time for you to pay."
  Athena did jump from her seat this time but Law grabbed her arm, holding her in place.
  Everything felt like it was playing in slow motion as the celestial aimed at the poor woman in the tank and cocked the hammer of the gun once again.
  Everyone started to panic then.
  A powerful blast of energy washed over her, the back of the stage erupting. The celestial fell backwards off the ladder and hit the ground.
What the fuck was that?
  A older man stepped from the area demolished in the back wall smiling. He was relatively tall, shoulder length slicked back hair, glasses, slightly upturned eyes, and a good sized goatee. He wasn't bad looking for his age.
  Another area above the hole started to bow outwards, the plaster giving way to large fingers.
Seriously what the hell is going on?
  The wall gave way crumbling to pieces and a giant stepped up behind the older man as he looked around the hall.
  "What'd I tell ya! I know a ruckus when I hear one. Looks like the auctions over. I got the money I came for. Now I guess I'll head back to the gambling house and throw it all away.
  The giant looked down at him. "You're one messed up old man. You got locked up just to steal some money?"
  "That was the plan. And if it had worked out I was gonna rob whoever bought me, too. Ha, but I guess it wasn't meant to be."
  He pulled a flask from under his cloak. "Oh ya, I forgot I'm out."
  Athena watched the pair in amusement. Who was this guy?
  He put the flask away. "Time to find some more booze." He looked up, his smile widening. "Now that I think about it that plan stinks. Who the hell would spend money on an old fart like me for a slave?"
  He burst out in a big bellied laugh and Athena found herself laughing with him.
  He stopped looking back out at them. "Huh? Oh boy. I didn't realize we had such a captive audience."
  Man who was this guy? He really was a dam hoot.
  The fishman now being held up by Chopper and something she couldn't make out, looked at the old man "R-Rayleigh!"
  "Wait the Rayleigh? The coating mechanic? Which one is he"
  She was pretty sure that was Chopper.
  So Rayleigh? Nice name.
  Rayleigh got excited. "Hey! Is that you Hachi? It sure is. I'll be damned. So pal, what are you doing here?" His face turned into a scowl as he took in the injured man. "Did someone hurt you?
  Hachi groaned.
  "No, no don't speak, save your energy." He stroked his beard.
  He turned to Camie and then the carnage in the auction hall.
"I see now. Plain as day. A terrible situation." He looked down. "Well you where fighting for what you believe is right Hachi." He looked back up. "You must be the good folks who stood by him. All right"
Another blast of... she didn't know what to call it. Energy didn't feel like the right word anymore. Whatever it was hit her, stronger this time then before. It seemed to be emanating from Rayleigh.
She watched as people fell to the ground, only those of the Pirates left standing.
"No way!" Law said from beside her.
"What? But how? What did you do to them?" Usopp said in shock.
Every one was now on edge as they looked at Rayleigh.
He looked up at Luffy. "That Straw hat you wear, it suits a fearless man like you quiet well."
Stepping forward his smile was back in place. "Yes, I've wanted to meet you, Monkey D. Luffy."
   Everyone was quiet, watching Rayleigh.
  Athena's ears twitched in the silence, picking up the commotion outside. She heard the people freakin out, the Navy bustling to set up cannons and loading firearms. They would definitely have a fight on their hands when they finally walked out of here.
  The older man finally moved, walking towards Camie, who was holding onto the side of the water tank where Zoro had cut it open.
  He grabbed a stool along the way, pulling it with him and set it in by the side of the tank. When he was face to face with Camie, he lifted his hands slowly in a non threatening manner.
  "I'm going to remove your collar now." He said softly. "Are you ready young lady?"
  "Woah now, are you crazy? You can't do that, it will explode!"
  She'd heard that voice before but hadn't seen where it was coming from. Who the hell was that?
  "Yeah, it's true! We've seen it happen before." Chopper said scared.
  "Bad idea! Very bad idea!" Brooks screamed.
  "Someone stop him, please." Chopper looked up at Luffy.
  The Straw Hats were freaking out, all but Luffy, who watched Rayleigh with a blank expression.
  Something told her that the old man had a trick up his sleeve. If he'd planned on selling himself, he'd had a collar on at some point. She doubted he'd had a key to get his off and he didn't seem like to type to bother looking for one either. He'd gotten it off by himself.
  Rayleigh ignored them all.
  "It will be all right, just don't flinch."
  The others continued to bicker about it, begging Rayleigh to wait.
  He didn't even flinch, lifting his hand to touch the collar.
  It started to ding, counting down the seconds till detonation.
  More screaming and yelling, the dinging coming in faster secession.
  But Rayleigh continued to smile, his hand never leaving the collar.
  Smoke erupted around the two figures on stage.
  Out came Franky from the back, a set of keys in hand as the smoke cleared.
  Both Camie and Rayleigh came in to view, unhurt.
  Athena laughed looking down at Law, who smiled. "Did you see that shit?"
  "I did." He chuckled with her.
  She turned back to the stage just in time to see a star shape thing fling themself at Camie.
  "What the hell is that?"
  "It's a starfish Athena-ya."
  "I know that smart ass. But is it considered a fishman?"
  Law shrugged. "I would think so."
  Cheers came from the stage and she knew Franky had just given the other slaves the keys to free themselves.
  Looking back, she wondered if that guy that had poisoned himself was with them.
  She found him at the back of the group, looking like death warmed over but alive.
  Out of the corner of her eye she watched Rayleigh drop from the stage, heading straight for Luffy.
  He looked at them. "Oh, I'm sorry about that everyone. I didn't realize there was other Pirates here as well."
  Athena smiled at the old man, as she finally sat back down next to Law.
  "You must be quiet strong to withstand something like that with no trouble."
  "Well, well. I never expected to meet such a big shot here." Kid said loud enough for her to hear. "Dark King" Silver Rayleigh. You're a legend old man. What are you doing in a place like this?"
  Athena looked at Law, not recognizing the name. "Who?"
  "He was the first mate of Gol D. Roger."
  She nodded, recalling the story's.
  A mega phone sounded from outside.
  "Testing, one, two. All right you criminals!Release the Roswald family. An admiral will be arriving shortly. I recommend you surrender immediately. AND DON'T BLAME US FOR WHAT EVER HAPPENS, YA ROOKIES."
  Athena almost laughed. Those poor unfortunate men outside had no idea that they where the ones who had to worry.
  Law chuckled. "C'mon we're just innocent bystanders. Why's the Navy looking at us like we're accomplices?"
  "On the upside, I got to see Straw Hat Luffy do something crazy. So.. no complaints there." Kid chuckled to. "Still I'd rather avoid fighting an admiral."
  Rayleigh cut in. "Sure. But if you're expecting me to help, don't. I've used my power enough today. It's all up to you. It'll be hard for me to stay if they Navy discovers who I am."
  "I don't need a senior citizen to fight for me." Kid shot back. "The longer we wait the worse it will get. I'm out of here." The red head headed for the door. "If you bitches can't handle a few marines then sit here while I show you how a real man takes care of things."
  Athena and Law growled.
"The shit stain has jokes." She shot from her seat along with Law.
  Law grabbed her arm, pulling her around to look at him. "You stay here with the others. This shouldn't take to long."
  She looked at him blankly. "What?"
  "Please!" He smiled at her, causing her body to go into melt down mode.
  Athena sighed, her body unwinding. "Fine, just don't do anything stupid and come back to me."
  She stood on her tip toes and pulled him down for a quick kiss. "Just know I'm mad and you're going to pay for this tonight."
  "Oh.. that a promise?" He laughed, grabbing his sword from Bepo and walking towards her brother and Kid.
  "It's both a threat and a promise you idiot." She laughed back.
  "See you soon."
  She listened as Law, Luffy, and Kid bickered walking down the hall to the door and smiled. God how had she fallen so hard for the man.
  "Do all captains act like children or just those idiots." Nami asked irritated.
  Athena laughed, drawing the red heads attention. "I think it's most captains when a dick measuring contest starts. Law normally ain't like this."
  Nami laughed with her.
  Penguin smacked her shoulder lightly. "That's not nice."
  "But true." She winked at him. "Don't get me wrong Laws always been arrogant, but he's normally pretty good about keeping a level head."
  Usopp came up behind Nami terrified. "Hey, it's gonna get ugly out there. Let's use this chance to escape, waiting around is just plain crazy!"
  "Don't be a bitch." Athena and Calypso shot at the long nosed coward.
  They looked at one another and tilted their heads, smiles playing on their lips.
  "You two are crazy." Usopp cried, eyeing them like they where basket cases.
  "Better crazy then a coward." Calypso laughed.
  Athena nodded. "Agreed."
  Zeros voice cut through their banter. "Follow them, try to break through in one shot."
  Rayleigh picked up Hachi. "Sounds like a plan. If we happen to get separated in the chaos, let's meet up at grove 13."
  She turned to her three charges. "You ready to make a break for it."
  Shachi nodded his head. "Yup."
  "We'll stick close to you, so don't leave us behind." Penguin laughed, Bepo nodding his agreement excitedly.
  "Don't plan on it big guy."
  She heard cannon fire outside and a shiver of excitement went up her spine.
  They headed for the door with the others like it was just another day.
   Swords and guns started to float and careen for the door, some hitting the walls.
  Athena shook her head, dodging some of the debris that got a little to close.
  Had to be Kid! That power of his worried her a little. If he could do something like this, what else was he capable of?
  Once all the metal items where gone, they made their way through the entry.
  Her brothers crew followed, stopping on the steps because of the pandemonium in front of them.
  Zoro looked like he wanted to join. "So it's already come to this?"
  "What a sight! And I don't even have eyes." Brook's
  Athena chuckled. She'd give the bone man some props, he was kinda funny.
  Shachi groaned. "Captains lost it. No surprise."
  "I think it's hot." Athena laughed once again, Rayleigh joining her.
  "These rookies are quiet reliable, indeed."
  She heard Killer huff, his deep voice sounding bored. "Huh, awful impatient aren't they."
  "Aww. Let them have their fun Killer. How often dose Kid get to fight all out like this." Calypso laughed, smacking the bigger man's arm lightly. "Besides this is kinda hot."
  Her tinkling laughter reached Athena's ears and she laughed again. Great minds think alike.
  Athena was gonna have to catch up with her sometime and get to know the beautiful little thing.
  As the smoke and dust cleared, she took in all the Navy men still on the battle ground and the mess that the three captains had made. They stopped on a big man sitting just off the right side of the stairs, he had one of those explosive collars on his neck and he was dressed in white rags.
He must be a slave. She would have to find a way to feee him before they left.
  She then looked at the three captains themselves.
  And burst out laughing.
  Luffy looked like a child again, like the last time she'd seen him before she'd been forced to leave.
  Hundreds of eyes turned to the group on the stairs, guns, cannons and swords aimed at them. Welp this should be fun.
  Her hands shifted, her left into a hand cannon that started pulling in rubbles from near by, her right fingers in to mini guns doing the same. She should be able to do four shots with each finger.
  The order was Give for the military men to advance.
  Athena let a vicious smile pull her lips up.
  "She's scary when she gets like this." Shachi grunted.
  "At least she's with us." Penguin laughed.
  Killer was the first to move, his swords swinging down from their resting spots along his forearms. He cut drown a man coming at Kid, who was side eyeing Luffy.
  She headed for Law, hearing hurried footsteps behind her.
  "Hey captain!" Killer shouted. What are you standing around for?"
  "Killer, you know what?"
  Killer tilted his head.
  "On our journey up to this point, we've been ridiculed whenever we mention the One Piece. The said we we're on a fools errand searching for it. And each time that happened, I slaughtered everyone who even snickered. What lies ahead is a sea of death for those who think the One Piece is something to laugh at." He looked at Killer, talking to her brother this time. "Let's meet again, in the New World."
  "Move out men." Kid yelled.
  A "Yes sir." Followed after from his crew.
  All hell broke lose and she started firing, still advancing on the field. She wasn't paying to much attention, all she knew is that all her shots where hitting their marks. She dropped her left hand to pull in more debris.
  Someone yelled at Law.
  From her peripheral vision she seen a big man with a sword raised ready to cut him down.
  He laughed "Bepo."
  She turned just in time to watch Bepo jump up high and come down on the unsuspecting man, his foot slamming into his face and yell something she didn't understand.
  Bepo entered the fray, taking down anyone who came at him.
  She laughed as Law turned walked away.
  Bepo turned to look at him. "Hey, Captain. Are you going back inside already?"
  She didn't have to look back to know he was heading for the slave. They would have a new crew mate before they left here. She like it.
  She faced forward continuing to fire on the Navel men who came at her.
  Once the shots where gone in her right hand, she switched it for a long curving double edged sword, firing a cannon with her left adding an explosive to it.
  Men fell and screamed as it exploded in mid air, sending a shockwave and debris through a twenty food radius.
  Turning she ran for Law, swinging her arm and cutting down anyone in her way.
  "What's the plan?" She yelled when she got closer.
  Law turned his head to look at her as he headed for the bridge on one side of the area. "We leave."
  The big man was up and ready to go. Looked like she had been right, he was coming with them.
  She heard something coming from where Bepo was and Law turned to address it. "We don't have time for this Bepo."
  The bear ran for them.
  Shachi and Penguin joined them and Laws hand was up making his "Room"
  They popped up on the bridge leading to the auction house.
  The big guy raised his arms, slamming them down in the middle of the bridge destroying it, cutting off the Navy men after them.
  They began to run.
  "Your the new guy so you rank under me, okay!" Bepo said looking up at their new addition
  The big guy looked down at him. "As long as I'm not a slave, fine by me."
  She couldn't blame him. To have all your rights stripped away, everything you are. She would rather die.
  "What's your name big guy?"
  He looked down at her. "Jean Bart."
  "Well Jean Bart, welcome to the Heart Pirates." She smiled.
  She didn't know how far they had gotten from the auction house but she was starting to think they'd gotten away.
  Until a plum of smoke entered her line of sight.
  Shachi pointed to it. "Captain, look there."
  Law stopped "Eustass..."
  She finally seen the large red head hunched over, his arms covered in metal pieces, his crew scattered around in a semi circle.
What the fuck.
  "Is that..."
  She stopped by Law, not liking the shocked tone in his voice.
  Following Laws line of sight, she gasped.
  Up on a large tree root was Bartholomew Kuma.
  He'd been a part of her father's unit. As far as she knew he was a Warlord here, one of the governments lap dogs, something she couldn't wrap her head around. Why the hell was this man here?
  Something felt wrong, this wasn't right.
  "Well dam, what's one of the seven warlords doing here?"
  Kuma looked up at them. "Trafalgar Law, Monkey D. Athena."
  Law swung his sword around in front of him, gripping the hilt. "Well, would you look at that. He knows our names."
  "Law! something's not right." She said unhappily, crouching down, her arm once again contorting into a sword.
  Kuma's mouth opened, a light starting to shine inside of it, the sound of something charging up scaring her.
  This was really bad. Her body tensed up ready to move.
  The shot fired.
A feeling of electrical static buzzed around her as an arm circled her waist
"Hold tight." Was whispered in her ear, teeth nibbling on her lobe.
Her eyes closed and she smiled as a thrill shot through her body.
Law would never let anything happen to her.

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