An unexpected face- END

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"You're family's crazy." Law said unamused by Athena's latest trick. She'd been doing them more often the last week in a half.
  She'd also become more affectionate, with him, and the crew. He put that down to the dwindling time they all had left together.
  In the next few days they would reach the ruins of Marineford where he would turn over the hearts he'd gathered, and hopefully gain the status of warlord. After that was concluded they would make a stop at the Sabaody Archipelago for supplies and make their way to Fishman Island and finally the New World where the crew would be scattered.
  "Oh, it's not going to kill you, ya big ol' baby!" Athena said, holding her sides as she laughed uncontrollably with the rest of the crew.
  Law looked ridiculous with the feathers stuck to him, arms bent outwards.
  Slime had been set up just above the inside of the door, as soon as he'd walked through the bucket had tipped, dumping all over him, she'd then taken the big sack she'd had filled with feathers and tossed it at him as soon as he was thoroughly covered in goop.
  "Besides." She wheezed. "It's payback...haha, for separating my...haha, body." She wheezed in another breath. "Never say I'm.. not a patient person."
  Even Bepo, who had a tendency to freak out, was laughing with them. He'd actually been the one to set up the bucket of slime for her since she was to short to reach that high.
  Law growled at her. "Don't think this won't go unpunished Athena-ya!"
  Athena started to shake in fake fear, hands coming to her mouth. "Ohhhhhh, What ya gonna do?" She asked between fits of laughter. "Spank me?" She turned putting her but out and patted it.
  Law glared. "You're gonna wish that's all I did!"
  His voice dripped with menace making Athena and everyone else laugh harder.
  "I'm sorry!" Athena said sitting down in a chair still unable to contain herself. "I just can't take that threat seriously, not when you look like a chicken!"
  Law stomped from the room grumbling, slime and feathers dropping off him as he went.
Athena continued to laugh for a bit, sobering up about the same time the rest of the crew did.
"I'm gonna miss this." She sighed sadly, her heart feeling heavy.
She heard the others sigh to.
"Same." More then one person said.
"Don't worry guys! This won't be goodbye." Ikkaku said brightly. "We'll eventually be together again."
A little to brightly in Athena's opinion.
Athena gave a weak smile. "But how long are we gonna be separated? You've all become important to me, like family!"
Heads nodded in agreement.
Uni stood a bottle of booze in hand. "We've got this. Weather it be just a few short months or a few long years, we will always be together in heart."
Glasses raised, clinking together with those near by.
Athena raised her glass to, standing up, a small smile creeping up on her. "No matter the distance, no matter the time apart. We will always be together in heart." She sounded so cheesy, but didn't care in that moment.
"I can drink to that." Penguin clinked his glass to Athena's.
Everyone tipped their drinks back, Athena draining hers.
  They all talked for awhile bullshitting and joking.
  As time slipped by she started to get tired.
Standing, she bid goodnight to everyone and headed for her and Law's room, mind tangled.
In less then a month they would all be scattered in different directions, Law venturing to Punk Hazard on his own.
That thought alone had her stomach twisting.
But this was how it had to be.
  Caesar Clown was a paranoid person. He might be willing to let Law on the island, but she doubted that would extend to anyone else.
  Not to mention she didn't think she would be able to differentiate him from the Caesar Clount of her world. It was funny how he was the only one she knew of who's name changed like that, he was still a piece of shit though.
  Thankfully the idiot didn't have any kids in this world to leave behind and let the government torture and use.
  It made her wonder how Eris and her little sister where doing. Hopefully someone had done something about Akainu and his abuse of Ava. Hell she hoped that the sisters had found a way to escape.
No child should have to pay for the crimes of their parents like they had.
  As bad as she felt for them, she no longer thought of ever going back, even for Luffy. She'd spent her entire life trying to please other's, never letting anyone in, never trying to grab for what SHE wanted.
  It had been a sad, lonely existence.
  Here she had made a place for herself, made friends, found someone to love. She wouldn't have done that in the other world.
  Athena would have continued to live an empty life in a prison of her own making. Talking to Dragon had helped her to realize that she was still holding on to a past that had no meaning.
  Why not grasp this gift she had been given and take her entire life back?
Closing the bedroom door, she changed into one of Law's tank tops and then climbed into bed.
  Law walked in the room a few minutes later still looking sour.
"An hour in a half!" He growled over at her as he made his way to the dresser.
"What?" She laughed at him.
"It took me an hour in a half to get all that shit off me!" Law snapped, still unamused by the trick.
  Athena's lips lifted in a devilish grin, her voice dropping seductively. "I can make it all better!"
  Law stopped by the dresser and looked back at her, likening the sound of that. "Oh?"
  She leaned back on the bed and crooked her finger at him. "Come here big boy!"
Law let his towel drop, jumping on the bed and tackling her, throwing Athena into a laughing fit.
"You're gonna pay for what you did to me!" Law whispered softly against her ear, grinding his erection into her.
Athena choked on her laughter and moaned, his cock stimulating her clit through her underwear.
"Tu es tous aboyé et pas de morsure." She cried out when he bit her neck.
Laws lips traveled up to nibble on her ear, smacking her thigh causing Athena to yelp in surprise.
He gripped her hair, forcing her head back so he could look into her lust filled eyes.
"Translation?" He asked sweetly, contradicting his harsh grip on her hair.
"You're all bark and no bite!" She chuckled.
Law grabbed her leg with his other hand, forcing it up around his waist and ground himself into her again, dragging another moan from her. "I'm gonna make you eat those words little girl!"
"Apportez-le au grand garçon!" She groaned lifting her hips to meat his.
Law tugged on her hair.
"Bring it on big boy!" She translated.
His smile turned wicked his golden eyes sparkling with pent up desire, sending a thrill through her.
Law's voice dropped to a deadly, sweet octave. "We have all night Athena. I'll make sure that you come to regret those words by morning!"

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